Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1462: Than speed

He squeezed the palm of his hand suddenly, and the measuring ruler was shocked, and then the dense shadows of the ruler formed a strong defensive net, covering his body.

"Chiff chick."

At the same time, mysterious fire surged out.

A group of profound fire suddenly appeared in the shadow of the ruler in his hand.


Under this fierce impact, the terrible profound fire burned into the void for a while and collapsed.

The tyrannical power surging madly in the world.


Countless collisions formed.

Xuan Huo roared between heaven and earth.

However, due to the mysterious fire, the candle dragon had to retreat quickly.

He frowned.


Zhulong still didn't give up, he teleported to Chu Qianye's front.

Countless chains burst out again with dazzling light.

The measuring ruler in Chu Qianye's palm violently danced under the cover of profound fire.

Biting the wave ruler suddenly burst out tyrannical power.

Countless fierce chains, like rainstorms pouring onto Chu Qianye's shadow, suddenly formed bursts of sparks.

The surrounding space burst into a dark crack.


The two forces collided fiercely, but Chu Qianye's defense was too strong, and with the profound fire blessing, such a defense was obviously very strong, and the candle dragon could not get close to him.


Chu Qianye gathered his mind to build a defense.

For an instant.

The crisis swept away suddenly.

Feeling a crisis in his heart, Chu Qianye immediately turned his head to one side.


At the moment when Chu Qianye's head was deflected, the shadow of the feet was broken and plump, and the black and gold chains were torn apart forcibly. The dazzling light whizzed past Chu Qianye's ears, a sharp cold. Mans, wiped out a hot spark.

The second chain, unceremoniously, went straight to Chu Qianye's chest...

At the moment of touching the robe on the surface of Chu Qianye's body...


Dazzling light, tyrannical power...

When the gas from the chains whizzed towards Chu Qianye's chest fiercely.


However, the chain pierced Chu Qianye's chest fiercely, without the slightest blood.

Immediately,'Chu Qianye' was annihilated and dispersed in the world.

Seeing this scene, Zhulong immediately woke up.

If he hadn't come to his senses yet, it would only show that he was too stupid.

"Fake clone!"

False clone is a kind of name for clone in Profound Qi Continent.

In fact, it was almost the same as Chu Qianye's practice of the Immortal Family Spell of the Great Luo Jinxian.

The candle dragon reacted swiftly immediately, not retreating but advancing.


At this time, a violent wave suddenly formed.

Zhulong's heart was beating.

Chu Qianye held the heavy ruler in his hand and suddenly appeared.

It's not good, it won!

Zhu Long's face was a bit ugly. He didn't expect that Chu Qianye had already considered the direction he might go, and had already been waiting here.

Damn, this kid's combat experience is really terrifying, if it takes time, it will definitely rise to a terrible situation.

Zhulong's expression changed.

Looking faintly at the rushing candle dragon, Chu Qianye waved a heavy ruler.

Hit the body of the dragon.

Zhulong's expression changed for a while, and his expression became extremely ugly. His body was already unable to retreat at this time, he could only grit his teeth, lift his palm, and cover it with all the chains.


However, Chu Qianye's heaviest ruler slammed out fiercely.


Zhulong's body was smashed into the rear suddenly, and he tilted his head to look at a faint blood stain on his shoulder, but his complexion was slightly gloomy.

So many years have passed.

Not many people can cause him harm.

Chu Qianye is one of them.

He didn't expect that he broke through Chu Qianye's defenses. He had a chance to win, but he didn't expect that Chu Qianye would become a clone, and his attack was completely defeated.

What surprised him most was that this guy seemed to have guessed the direction in which he might retreat, and lay in ambush where he might retreat, waiting for him to be trapped.

As a normal person, he would know that if his body disappeared, he would usually attack from the rear, but he didn't expect that Chu Qianye was so weird that he would lie in ambush right in front of him.

He didn't retreat but moved forward, and was caught by Chu Qianye's trap.

But Chu Qianye was not happy either.

His shadow of the ruler has been used to the present, not to mention very proficient, but it is not so easy to avoid, but after the combination of the candle dragon and the soldiers, the speed and reaction ability have been improved a lot.

This guy said that he used his soul and blood to raise his chains.

Can you think of it this way:

The Hunting Soul Palace has been walking strangely over the years. Have the soul bodies they hunted been used by this candle dragon to raise weapons?

Chu Qianye thought about it, but still found it impractical.

After all, no matter how powerful a weapon is, it is always a weapon.

Therefore, it is not the weapon that is really powerful, but the main body is powerful.

"What a cunning boy." After Zhu Qianye's heavy ruler smashed and flew out of Zhu Qianye, he smiled slyly: "Your attack speed has to be said to be fast, but it's a pity that you can't hurt me. Let you see. Let’s look at the real methods after our soldiers merge."


The candle dragon fiercely pressed against the collapsed temple below.

"Clang clang!"

Suddenly, countless chains appeared below, and the appearance of those chains suddenly formed a sharp breaking sound, and the sound was extremely terrifying, and it continued to be heard.

Those chains flew towards the candle dragon one after another.

"Puff!", "Puff!"

The chain slid into Chu Qianye's body fiercely.

Before they woke up, those chains were connected to Chu Qianye's body.

At first glance, it looks like a tree, the candle dragon is the tree body, and the chains are the branches and leaves...


A long breath slowly spit out from Chu Qianye's mouth.

The candle dragon in front of him is very powerful.

He could clearly feel that the appearance of these chains made his body breath continue to improve.

Seeing this, Chu Qianye's expression gradually became solemn, and her hands were folded together, and then they quickly changed into a series of complicated and complicated handprints.


The change of his handprint caused the power of the soul at the center of his brow to burst out, and finally turned into a phantom, covering him.

Obviously, he didn't want to wait.

The surrounding qi, the earth's suffocation, frantically screamed in this direction.

While roaring and roaring, the momentum shook the sky...

"Hehe, faster than speed? I'm faster than you!"

The handprint solidified suddenly and was swallowed by Chu Qianye.


Around Chu Qianye’s body, the golden light was immense...

"Quickly retreat!" Chu Qianye's clone said.

When the candle dragon began to gather those chains, everyone was notified by the divine sound in time.

Zhou Ruolan and the others awakened one after another and quickly teleported.

At this time, the candle dragon was preparing to give Chu Qianye a fatal blow.

His eyes suddenly shrank.

Looking at Chu Qianye, who suddenly became a nine-zhang-nine figure, Zhulong suddenly woke up.

damn it!

Zhulong's face was gloomy.

He retreated quickly and wanted to leave.

There was also a sneer on Chu Qianye's face: "Huang Quan Tian is angry!"


With a mouth open, a terrifying soul impact, like a storm, swept away fiercely!

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