Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1483: Super energy body

"Why are you still in a daze, quickly reduce your energy body." Chu Qianye said.

Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling awakened one after another, and they put the remaining soul bodies into the ring.

Obviously, the two of them didn't expect this wave of welfare, and they didn't have to act at all.

"It's a pity, these energy bodies are relatively low-level." Zhou Ruolan said: "It's just that most of them are Earth Eight-Star energy bodies."

The energy body is divided into four levels of heaven, earth, black and yellow, and each level is divided into one to nine stars, which also correspond to the strength of the martial artist.

For example, the eight-star energy body is equivalent to a warrior of the eighth-order of the extreme earth.

For another example, the four-star energy body is equivalent to a fighter of the fourth-order celestial realm.

Help the division in this way.

These energy bodies, at the peak of their strength in the previous life, may be the noble ones or even the saints, but they have to re-cultivation after death, so the energy bodies that reach the eight-star level are actually quite good, but for people like them Said that it is naturally difficult to meet their requirements.

But even the smallest mosquito legs are meat.

If you can encounter a noble or saint-level energy body, the effect will be even better, but it is obviously not that easy to obtain such an energy body.

"Let's go, the energy body is just a casual solution. Our goal is Jinling Emperor Yan." Chu Qianye's palm swept sixteen flying knives towards him, and finally returned to the slot with a crisp sound. …

Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling nodded lightly, and quickly put the remaining energy body into the Naling Ring.


Seeing the two of them put in their energy bodies, the soles of Chu Qianye's feet flickered with silver light, and he rushed forward, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Wang Yiling and Zhou Ruolan followed closely behind.

In this way, the group of three people quickly rushed towards the deeper space of the Lingxu, disappearing in the blink of an eye, and when they appeared the next moment, it was the area where the black mist surged.


Chu Qianye frowned, looked at the dirt on the ground, put it on his nose and smelled it.

"My lord, it seems to be a saint-level energy body, I guess it might be a five-star." Zhou Ruolan looked at the signs on the ground, she said thoughtfully.

"To be exact, it is the five-star saint energy body that is preparing to break through." Chu Qianye said.

The faces of the two changed slightly.

The energy body is different from the martial artist. They are not easy to practice, very difficult, and because of the energy body, if the spirit is added, then the energy body can be completely absorbed by refining, and it is very refined like the soul source. The pure energy body can be directly refined and absorbed.

"My lord, this energy body is good. If it can be absorbed and refined, the martial arts cultivation level can be improved by at least one star." Zhou Ruolan said: "I think Miss Wang has just entered the saint now, and she really needs to stabilize her martial arts cultivation. If the energy body can get..."

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

He doesn't need these energy bodies very much. His purpose this time is obvious, to go straight to the Jinling Emperor Yan, there is nothing else to ask for. These energy bodies are just icing on the cake for him, so they are basically optional. of.

Zhou Ruolan is right. Now Wang Yiling's martial arts cultivation level has indeed just achieved a breakthrough. In this respect, it really needs to be consolidated, and more importantly, if Wang Yiling's martial arts cultivation level can be stabilized, it will also have a huge impact on the battle for the Golden Spirit Emperor Flame. His help can be regarded as a helping hand for him.

"Okay, I think it will do." Chu Qianye said, "This sign, this energy body shouldn't escape too far."

"Well, my lord, don't you have soul perception? You can perceive it a little bit to see if there is any fluctuation in the energy body nearby. It should be easy to perceive it." Zhou Ruolan said.

Chu Qianye nodded lightly, and immediately unfolded the fluctuation of his soul perception.

He soon sensed the fluctuation of that energy body.

"Towards north."

Chu Qianye opened his eyes and vomited softly.

A group of three people then swept north.

"Here," Chu Qianye said.

As far as the three of them looked, it turned out to be a place full of strange rocks.

In the area directly in front, on the largest boulder, a figure in black iron armor was sitting cross-legged, and a thick and steady breath spread from his body.

This kind of power aura converged to the extreme, coupled with the black mist of energy, his body was well protected, and his position and existence would not be noticed if he did not observe carefully.

But, how can this escape Chu Qianye's eight-star soul realm?

Chu Qianye had already sensed the other party's location.

Under the black armor, there is no fluctuation in the breath, but if you feel it carefully, you can definitely feel it.

This energy body is really witty. I didn't expect to be able to find such an environment to conceal his body, and it seems that the cultivation didn't use the surrounding energy.

"Sure enough, it is the energy body that is about to step into the six-star." Zhou Ruolan looked at the energy body in front of her, and suddenly a trace of surprise passed through her eyes.


"He Fang Xiaoxiao, get out!"

When Chu Qianye and the three of them were looking at this energy body, the latter clearly felt it, and then a dazzling light burst out from under the black armor, and the palm of his hand was slammed forward, and a battle axe was immediately tightened. Hold it in its palm.


The giant axe slashed down angrily, and a huge unparalleled wind was tearing the space apart.


They came straight to them with an unusually violent.

The power of this battle axe is so violent, if it is hit, it will lose a layer of skin even if it is not dead!

"What a keen perception!" Seeing this, Wang Yiling suddenly exclaimed.

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

These energy bodies can exist in this world for so long, without keen perception, how can they avoid the enemy's hunting? Obviously, these guys can survive for so long, relying on the ability to predict the crisis.

Feeling the approach of Chu Qianye and the three of them was obviously a potential sense of crisis, so this energy body did not dare to continue practicing, and gave up continuing to attack the martial arts cultivation.

Compared to his own life, the breakthrough seemed insignificant.

The three quickly retreated and dodged.


When they dodge quickly, the terrible power of the battle axe slashed the mountain directly in front of them. The mountain instantly collapsed and broke apart. A deep ravine with a length of meters.

You are really welcome!

But think about it, they are trying to take its life after all, it is strange that it can be polite.

"Do it!" Chu Qianye said.

After the words finished, the Promise Divine Sword in his palm burst out with a dazzling light, the sword aura was thunderous, and it continued to chop forward...

Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling stepped forward one after another.


The black shadow was knocked out fiercely, but the dark armor was so strong that it could withstand most of his attacks, but his figure was only shaken back by two steps.

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