Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1485: Tsundere Daughter

"Hehe, it's rare to encounter such a good armor, I want this armor!"

A cold arrogant sound immediately spread into everyone's ears.

Upon hearing the sound, Chu Qianye couldn't help but frowned.

Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling were also secretly surprised, and they raised their heads and stared at the visitors, their faces obviously not pretty.

The woman's skin is like snow and jade, and it is unusually white, and the buds on her chest are like a jade bowl upside down.

Her black eyebrows were flying into her temples, her black hair spread out, dripping like morning dew, adding a touch of charm, a handful of bangs softly covering her forehead, her eyes facing upwards Tilt tall.

The most impressive is her straight nose, matching the slightly raised cheekbones impeccably, arrogant but elegant. Ruddy lips with a touch of moving air, like a sweet encounter in a dream.

It turned out to be a woman, and still a beautiful woman.

It's just that this woman is domineering, with a superior posture, and her eyes are full of coldness.

There are five powerhouses beside this woman, each of them converging to the extreme.

Chu Qianye frowned.

"Listen clearly, this girl in armor has taken a fancy to it, it's nothing for you!" the woman said coldly again.

The trio's brows deepened, and none of them expected that the woman in front of them was so unreasonable, and this posture was really domineering.

Chu Qianye stared at the other party without saying a word, because he understood that there was no need to talk nonsense to the other party at this time. Since people want this armor for export, it is naturally impossible for him to smile with others.

This armor was obtained by killing the energy body. This is indisputable, but the strong on the Profound Qi Continent is respected. Whoever has a hard fist is the boss. This is an iron law.

Chu Qianye is thinking about whether he can get rid of these people in the shortest possible time, and whether there is any other way out in the future.

Among the five people behind the woman, the aura of two of them made him very jealous. It was a sense of crisis that enveloped him. The flaming spear that just burst was probably thrown by one of the two.

Chu Qianye raised his head, eyes flickering.

"My lord, what shall we do now?" Zhou Ruolan said in a calm voice.

"Certainly watch the changes." Chu Qianye responded lightly.

He raised his head, stared at the two men, and shook his head slightly.

"Yes." Chu Qianye said lightly: "But you have to double repair with me."

The arrogant woman thought Chu Qianye had compromised when she heard the first half of Chu Qianye's sentence, but the latter sentence caused her eyes to shrink suddenly. She stared at Chu Qianye, her eyes flickered with coldness.

"Looking for death!" Her face suddenly became cold, and when she looked at Chu Qianye, her eyes flickered with coldness.

"Old Ye, kill this kid!"

She immediately ordered.

Hearing these words, one of the two old men behind him teleported in front of Chu Qianye suddenly, and slammed out at him with a punch. He didn't see how he could use his power, but that's it. There is no fancy punch, but the power is quite amazing. Roaring crazily between the heaven and the earth, the breath of amazing power makes the heart chilling.


A huge force surging fiercely from his body, the breath of amazing power, constantly roaring between heaven and earth...

Feeling this breath of power, everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

This punch looks very ordinary, but it is actually full of supreme supernatural powers. Moreover, because the martial arts are so violent, they smashed out with a punch, but it makes people feel that the blood is solidified, and the breath is infinite. be terrified.

"What a terrible power..."

A light flashed in Wang Yiling and Zhou Ruolan's mind.

Looking at the fist coming, Chu Qianye also punched out.

It turned out to be a fist against a fist!

Seeing this scene, those people suddenly showed a sneer.

The domineering woman sneered most.

"Hehe, this kid is so tired of life, he dared to fight with Ye Lao, Ye Lao's martial arts is infinitely close to the existence of the dominator, and this punch will make you immortal or disabled!"

"These days, many people feel that they are self-righteous and feel that they are invincible after being transformed into a holy.

"Ye Laona is a half-step dominator, he is already an eight-star saint. If this punch is blown down, this kid will definitely die!"


Everyone talked and looked at Chu Qianye with dead eyes.

Chu Qianye's eyes were indifferent.


Soon, the two fists collided fiercely, and the imaginary bone shattering and the screams did not come out, and they all looked at Chu Qianye uncertainly.

Chu Qianye actually only stepped back ten meters, and Ye Lao also stepped back ten meters.

However, the imaginative tyranny did not appear.

Ye Lao was smashed into the air by Chu Qianye's punch, and his eyes were also full of incredible expressions.

"how can that be?!"

At this moment, those figures in the distance also showed an incredible look on their faces. Looking at the figure of the black-clothed youth, they all felt that Chu Qianye's power was extremely fierce and terrifying.

Instead, it was them, let alone slamming their fists with Ye Lao, they didn't have the courage at all, otherwise they would die miserably.

But why does this kid have nothing to do?

The domineering woman was also very surprised. She looked at Chu Qianye and frowned, but she couldn't understand why.

what on earth is this kind of happenings?

When everyone looked at Chu Qianye, their pupils couldn't help but shrink suddenly.

The young man in front of him seemed a little wicked, what happened just now?

Everyone was surprised.

But at this moment, the old Ye who fisted Chu Qianye relentlessly, he raised his head, and there was also a trace of shock above that old face. He looked at Chu Qianye, and his pupils suddenly shrank.


He stared at Chu Qianye and said in surprise: "Your martial arts have broken the shackles of your physical body?!"

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, and then he understood.

What the old man said about breaking the shackles of the physical body should be talking about the divine body.

Chu Qianye didn't care.

"Elder Fang, please take action." The domineering woman said to the other old man.

The old man nodded lightly and walked towards Chu Qianye.

He walked very slowly, but every time he took a step, Chu Qianye felt that the speed of his blood qi slowed down once, and Chu Qianye couldn't help but frown.

"Ruolan, wait for me to use the clone to protect you. You can take the opportunity to grab the armor. The energy body is not needed, but the armor must be grabbed." Chu Qianye said in a voice.

Upon hearing the sound, Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling responded calmly.

But at this time, the old man walked faster and faster, and quickly took a step, rushing to Chu Qianye's front, his palm slammed into the air.


The breath of violent power surging from all directions immediately.

"It's now!"

Chu Qianye exclaimed.


A clone came out violently, Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling also dispatched together!

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