Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1499: Abandoned boy

He wanted to know what the limit of this young man was, and whether he could escape from such a dangerous situation?

Chu Qianye was looking forward to it.

The young man in front of him was obviously not weak. Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, and he admired the young man's five powers.

His determination, skill, cause, confession, and desire are all stronger than Zhou Ruolan. This young man, perhaps if he cultivates the "Sword of Absolute Heaven" and becomes his sword attendant, his strength will be very high. Strong, will become one of his commanders at that time, invincible, and behead the enemy for him.

That’s why he stayed on purpose to see if the young man’s sword cultivation limit could reach the standard of becoming his sword servant. After all, if he wanted to practice his "Unbelievable Sword Tome", he didn’t have the ability to do it. Less than.

Chu Qianye stared at the boy.

At this time, the young man with a war sword in his hand, his body as light as a swallow, swiftly shuttled back and forth among those energy bodies. Every time he shot, the sword light appeared, and those energy bodies were severely slashed. , It's a pity that the power is too weak and not fatal. Instead, it caused the energy body to anger and roar. All the energy bodies turned their eyes and roared at the young man, revealing extremely strong hostility in their eyes.

Chu Qianye felt his strength carefully, and was suddenly surprised secretly.

It was actually the Seven Star Venerable, and he had not yet entered the Holy Spirit.

This young man, Duoban is also because of his strong sword cultivation, so these talents allow him to follow into the Lingxu space. After all, the martial arts cultivation level is indeed too low, especially in this powerful soul-like space. Any saint shot, basically crushes the existence of the sage.


Those energy bodies, eyes glowing with fierce light and hostility, rushed towards the young man, huge fists, smashed towards the young man, the young man dodged lightly, seemingly thrilling, but in fact possessed a super With a high level of comprehension, he slid out of the dangerous area and avoided the fists and killer moves thrown by the beasts.


Suddenly, the war sword in his palm burst out with dazzling sword light, and then went straight to those energy bodies whizzing away. The crazy power continued to grow in the sky and the earth, and the pupils of everyone suddenly solidified at this moment. Now, what a domineering sword spirit is.


An energy body was killed immediately, the spirit body was completely cut off, and there was no hostility in his eyes, and some were just at a loss.

The light flickered on the boy's palm, and Na Ling Ring formed a huge suction force to collect that energy body.


The energy body in the distance instantly roared and rushed toward the area where the young man was. The speed was so fast that it flashed in front of him in the blink of an eye, raised his fist, and exploded fiercely at him. Smashed past.


It flew out with a punch.

The young man raised the crossbar of the war sword in his hand.

Even so, the punch from this energy body smashed him into the air a few times, and when he landed, his face changed drastically. He was clutching his chest and his breath was disordered.


The terrifying energy body suddenly raised its head, and the eyes were filled with hostility and fierce light, roaring again and again. It was obvious that the sword of the previous boy gave them a trace of fear.

However, after feeling the martial arts aura on the young man, those energy bodies seemed to know that the young man had no threatening power, and the soles of his feet suddenly slammed into the young man.

The speed of the super sonic boom makes people fearful.

"My lord?" Zhou Ruolan turned her head and looked at Chu Qianye.

However, Chu Qianye was indifferent at this time.

"Wait." Chu Qianye shook his head lightly, and said, "He should still have a killer move. I'll talk about it when his killer move is displayed."

Upon hearing the sound, Zhou Ruolan immediately understood Chu Qianye's decision.

Wang Yiling also looked at the boy.

This young man has quite a bit of Chu Qianye’s posture back then. He must also be a genius of sword repair. Although he is a little worse than Chu Qianye, this young man is obviously a plastic talent. If Chu Qianye If you spend a little more time training, this murderous sword will definitely be sharpened and become Chu Qianye's magic weapon!

Wang Yiling was very surprised. Now Chu Qianye seems to have changed his strategy, instead of fighting alone in the past, and then learned to take advantage of the situation and use all the factors and manpower that are beneficial to him, as long as he can use it for him.

Such a change of identity is actually the most suitable for Chu Qianye, and he can understand why it is so. After all, Chu Qianye is the sect master of the Dragon Gate. Naturally, the problems and ways of thinking cannot be based on his personal perspective. We have to start from the big group.

She couldn't see through Chu Qianye now.

Looking at the boy again, it seemed that he felt at a critical moment. If he hides his own privates again, then he is very likely to die in the hands of these energy bodies.

Suddenly he folded his palms together and put the sword in the middle, and the power of the stars in his body surged out frantically, and the power surged out of his body, madly surging across the sky and the earth.

Everyone knows that this young man is likely to exert his strength, and to use his best sword skills, he is bound to fight to the death with these energy bodies!

This boy seems to be meditating?

"He is meditating?" Wang Yiling said in surprise. She had seen Chu Qianye's meditating state before and knew it.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

And around the young man’s body, breath and power are soaring, and the power of the stars in the body and between the sky and the earth is constantly vast in the sky and the earth. The feeling is very weird. They all swept into the war sword and blinked. The speed in the space has already condensed, forming a terrible roar...

This young man is very interesting. I didn't expect to use meditation to restore his state. Although there is a certain gap from the peak period, he has seen the secret sword repair skills that can restore the state, but this young man is doing well.

The young man opened his eyes suddenly, and the sword in his palm burst out with dazzling light. When those energy bodies were about to approach him, the young man glared at King Kong, and the sword in his palm instantly chopped out, the sword aura was thunderous. , Shook the surroundings, and the terrible sound of swords roared and surged between heaven and earth...



Those energy bodies were suddenly beheaded to death by the young man, and the nearby energy bodies were slashed by spirits one after another, turning them into a group of light, a mighty square with pure energy.

It's a pity that the young man seems to be exhausted too, exhausting his last trace of strength...

At this moment, the surrounding energy conjoined was attracted by the youth, and they rushed towards him.

The faces of the others changed slightly.

"Brother, please help Xiaoxuan," a woman said, with a slight expectation on her face.

"Brother, we have to leave here as soon as possible, the energy bodies are getting more and more, and we will all die here if we don't leave!" another woman said.

And the brother in the mouth of the two girls changed a little, and finally let out a faint sigh.

"No, Xiaomu, we must evacuate here, it is too dangerous here!" the man said lightly.

The woman's face was ugly.

She wanted to say something, but the man waved his hand and quickly evacuated with the others.

The woman was desperate. She looked at the teenager surrounded by the energy body, her face suddenly turned ugly, she gritted her teeth and retreated.

The boy frowned, his heart was full of sadness, now he is dead...

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