Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1508: General waste!

Looking at the mighty waves swept across with the rumbling loud noise, Chu Qianye shook his head gently.

The indifferent expression on his face was also completely restrained.

Immediately, under the gaze of many gazes, he slowly raised his palm, and then lightly held the void.


In this grip, there was no trace of violent and oppression.

However, the majestic and violent waves came to an abrupt end, and under the eyes of a staggering series of eyes, the mighty waves collapsed instantly!

"Hehe, the sage of the seven stars, dare to say to teach me for the tower master? I really don't know what to do!"

Chu Qianye stared at Chen Daxi blankly, spitting out in a cold voice, shattering the mighty and mighty wave with one punch.

A sorrowful smile appeared on his face, and immediately stepped out with the palms of his feet. I sang my fists with the palms, and slammed towards Chen Daxi in the air.


For an instant.

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A hundred feet of huge soul power immediately condensed into a huge fist mark.

Looking carefully, there is a strange crystal layer in that soul fist, and that crystal layer is like the essence!

Chu Qianye smashed a punch, and there was an extremely powerful soul pressure in an instant.

With him as the center, spread out in all directions!

Wherever you go, there is an overwhelming surge!

"Eight Star Soul Realm!"

At this moment, everyone felt Chu Qianye's soul realm, and in an instant, the pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

Such a punch is full of powerful soul power.

Now Chu Qianye, because the soul realm has already broken through, he doesn't need to release his soul at all, condense into a soul body to perform soul skills. After all, such a time interval is too long and it takes a process.

Now, he doesn't need it anymore. His soul power can be released through the body completely. This way, the substantive attack and the soul attack are mixed, and it is impossible to prevent it. It is not so easy to resist.

Everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

"how can that be?!"

At this time, the other members of the Purgatory Clan suddenly heard a sound of shock, and once again looked at the thin black youth in their eyes, there was no longer any contempt or ridicule.

At this age, he has stepped into the Eight-Star Soul Realm?

The previous rumors are untrue, Seven Star Consummation?

What a shit!

Not to mention the Seven-Star Consummation, even the Seven-Star Great Perfection cannot be compared with the Eight-Star Soul Realm. It seems that there is only a small step difference, but the gap is so different. This is why the King Dan and the King Dan are so strictly divided. s reason.

The quasi-pill king is just a preparation stage, but the pill king is a veritable pill king, thanks to his soul realm!

This is the biggest difference between the Eight-Star Soul Realm and the Seven-Star Soul Realm!

It seems that the gap is not big, but it is actually the difference between clouds and mud!

At this moment, Chen Daxi felt the soul fluctuation of Chu Qianye's punch, and his face changed drastically. What he said before was also exaggerated. In fact, if Bai Zizai is really here, he will deal with him with the soul state of the other party’s Jiuxing. It's too simple.

The Soul Realm of Nine Stars, which is close to the Domination Realm, has become a half-step dominator.

The soul fist imprint, at a storm-like speed, swept forward and went straight to Chen Daxi.

"Hey, I still need to act..."

At this moment, a helpless sigh resounded.

And when Chu Qianye's invisible soul fist mark whizzed away, a faint sigh resounded suddenly, and Chu Qianye was surprised to perceive that his soul fist mark was shocked at this time. invisible.


The energy shook, and then dissipated in the world...

A figure appeared.


However, there was a muffled sound that followed, and under the muffled sound, the figure quickly backed up two steps, and Chu Qianye also backed up two steps.

After carefully feeling the opponent's martial arts breath, Chu Qianye suddenly narrowed his eyes.

"The Eight-Star Saint."

Chu Qianye looked at each other and smiled noncommittal.

"Brother Xiong, kill this kid!"

Chen Daxi's face was blue and white, that was humiliation, that was anger, that was humiliation...

He didn't expect that his seven-star saint martial arts cultivation base would not even be able to stop Chu Qianye's move, and he was still in full view, his heart was like a knife, and it was very uncomfortable, so his eyes were red. A little bit of cold star glowed.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Void was shocked.


Then, a black figure appeared, followed by invisible powerful soul fluctuations, and in the blink of an eye the figure was close like a phantom.

Chen Daxi was shocked and raised her head quickly.

This is not Chu Qianye and who is he?


When that figure looked at Chu Qianye's figure, her eyes suddenly shrank.

The clone of Chu Qianye is completely different from the clones of other people, and the strength of this clone is not inferior to Chu Qianye's body!

He was almost a conditioned reflex, wanting to take action to block the soul attack for Chen Daxi.

"Hehe, you still worry about yourself."

After he finished speaking, Chu Qianye’s body carried the palm of his hand, and the sole of his foot slammed out, and the power of the soul between his brows came out like thunder, and under the control of his mind, a line was formed. The huge soul fist imprints, slamming towards the figure fiercely.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

All this happened so fast!

At this time, everyone understood that it seemed that they could only be enemies. There was no way to be separated at this time, whether Chen Daxi, or the one who blocked Chu Qianye's previous soul fist for him, there is no way. thing.

There is no time to rescue!

This is not only understood by other people, even Chen Daxi also understood.

Therefore, this time I can only rely on myself.

He raised his palm and wanted to fight Chu Qianye.

However, Chu Qianye's speed was so fast, before he had time to fight back, Chu Qianye's clone had already raised his palm with a sneer and slapped it down.


A resounding sound resounded in vain under many stunned eyes.

Chen Daxi couldn't react and was slapped severely.

Although it was only a soul attack, it was very loud, and this blow was a heavy blow to both the martial body and the soul body, so the loud noise was very sharp.

"Dan will not enter the stream? Is it useless to have a high soul? A punch? Really trash the soul?" Chu Qianye vomited lightly:

"You dare to scream in front of me for something like rubbish? Remember, this slap is just a small lesson."

The figure not far away was stunned.

The seven-star sage, can't even stop the soul attack of a four-star sage?

Zhou Ruolan and the three were also shocked.

At this moment, Chen Daxi also reacted.

"Chu Qianye, I am going to kill you!" The roaring voice suddenly burst out from his mouth.

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