Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1512: Day of the week


Chu Qianye let out a sigh of relief, and immediately stopped talking nonsense. With a wave of his sleeves, the flames immediately covered the three puppets. Under the spray of this flame, a force of strength suddenly flourished. Between the heaven and the earth, the pupils of the people couldn't help but shrank suddenly, because this force was so violent that it was constantly roaring between the heaven and the earth.

Chu Qianye frowned.

Although he already knew that the Golden Spirit Emperor must have had a hand earlier, what he didn't expect was that the Golden Spirit Emperor was so fierce that he arranged defensive patterns on the three puppets, and he had to destroy this layer of defensive patterns. Only then can he erase the things in the heads of these three puppets, and only in this way can he control and drive these three puppets.

In this way, he needs to spend more than a little time and energy.

Chu Qianye frowned, and immediately continued to spur the profound fire, causing the profound fire to spread out, burning the puppets frantically.

However, these puppets are really powerful, and they are not so easy to burn off this layer of defense.

He shook his head gently. He doesn't have so much time to wait, so he must control these puppets as soon as possible. No matter what method, as long as he can control these three puppets, then his own task It's a little half done.

Chu Qianye's mind was circling rapidly, and the memory card of the previous life flashed in his mind, and at a certain moment, he suddenly had an inspiration.

It's not impossible, but you really need some skills.

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, he cut his finger, and the blood quickly flowed out and condensed on the puppets. After the blood was spilled on the puppets, it did not disappear directly. Instead, it shone with golden light. It looked very strange, and continued to infiltrate towards the puppet.

Now he wants to destroy the defensive patterns of these puppets on the one hand, and on the other hand he needs to refine and conquer the puppet.

Therefore, this method is not difficult for him. After all, his memory is still there, and so are his skills and methods.


The roar resounded frantically, the attack of the fierce beast was like a violent storm, swept away fiercely and violently, wherever it went, the void was twisted and shattered, and there was even a tendency to collapse. This feeling It was terrifying. Before Chu Qianye had awakened, the power between heaven and earth became even more terrifying.

"Boom! Boom!"

Around, there was a dull sound suddenly, and everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

Such an offensive is really terrifying.

However, Chu Qianye didn't become a clone, he was still dedicated to destroying the defensive **** pattern and refining these three puppets with blood.

If these three puppets were subdued by him, they would definitely be a big help for him, and they would have a considerable increase in his overall strength.

"Chiff chick."

The blood continued to spill on the puppets, the golden light formed a little spot, and something like gilt faintly appeared.

Continue to refine!

Chu Qianye didn't stay at all, he was still making two-handed preparations.

Obviously, his two-handed preparation seems to be quite effective. With the passage of time, the lines on the puppets' bodies become more and more obvious.

"Boom! Boom!"

The surrounding figures were hit by the beasts one after another. Fortunately, there was his clone. Otherwise, with the strength of the three of Zhou Ruolan, it would be impossible to stop the killing moves of these beasts.

The figures in the distance are also bursting out powerful killing moves with those beasts, violent power, constantly roaring in the world, that amazing power, extreme horror, wherever it goes, the void is abrupt. distortion.


A roar resounded.

Everyone was secretly surprised, and Chu Qianye's clone also raised his head. He looked at the void in the distance and suddenly frowned.

The Soul Hunting Palace headed by Zhulong finally showed its figure.

In this case, there are also the Hidden Fog, the Fallen Temple, and the Purgatory Clan who have not yet appeared. Most of them are waiting for the possibility. These insidious guys are not in a hurry to do it. Let these people consume them first. Reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Obviously Chu Qianye knew the methods of these guys very well.

However, if these guys don't show up, it will always be a huge potential crisis. After all, the enemy is in the dark. This is a very unfavorable situation.

It's time to speed up refining the puppet!

Chu Qianye immediately thought in his heart, the profound fire in his body continued to burst out mightily and began to burn those defensive **** patterns.

"Chiff chick."

With the passage of time, those defensive patterns have finally become loose, and there seem to be some undetectable cracks on the surface of the puppet, and with the passage of time, these cracks become larger and larger. Getting clearer...

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

The hard work pays off, and you are finally about to refine you.

Chu Qianye sighed in her heart.

Then, wait for the moment when the **** pattern breaks open.

As time goes by little by little, with the passage of time, there will be more and more cracks.


A sharp sound appeared, and before Chu Qianye woke up, a crack appeared in his palm for a while, and Chu Qianye's blood fell into the crack again.

Chu Qianye felt that the puppet had completely disappeared at this moment.

So, the next step will be the most critical step: erasing the spiritual mark...

Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

For an instant.

Xuan Huo flew toward the puppet's eyebrows.


A mysterious fire immediately turned into a fierce attack.

That layer of spiritual stigma seemed to be inferior to reaction and resistance, and it was instantly scattered between heaven and earth.

At this time, in a void space, a figure opened its eyes.

"Awesome. I didn’t expect that someone could break my puppet. Hey, I’m really looking forward to it. I don’t know if it matches my martial arts this time. If I can obtain a good martial arts, then I should be able to dominate the way. Step in."

Xu Ying smiled faintly, obviously not caring about the erasure of the spiritual brand.

At this time, Chu Qianye finally completed the puppet refining and completely controlled the three puppets.

Chu Qianye raised his head and looked at the position of the three fierce beasts.


The voice spit out softly, and the puppets roared and ransacked toward the beasts. In the blink of an eye, they appeared in front of the beasts. Raising their fists was a punch in the air.

This punch seems to have no power in the air, but it makes people feel like they are shocked. The overwhelming pressure makes everyone difficult to breathe.

"Boom! Boom!"

Those fierce beasts immediately smashed their skins and flesh, and blood instantly filled the world...

The blood coagulated quickly.


At this moment, a round of the sun was empty.


A white aperture formed.

The golden flame descended from that day and swept towards the white aperture.

At this moment, everyone felt a burning sensation in their skin.

"What a terrifying temperature..."

The change in space gave Chu Qianye the first feeling that he was out of the stove.

Others were also secretly surprised.


The sun is cracking, and a lingering energy surges out!

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