Those people didn't even notice the deep meaning in this sentence.

"Roar! Roar!"

"Chong, Jin Lingdi Yan!"

At this time, those young and arrogant figures, especially the newly arrived Mengxin, rushed the fastest, rushing forward violently, forgetting the existence of the battlefield.

Chu Qianye frowned. Although he said that he was very close, he still had to deal with these honouring slaves. Therefore, the separation of the battle formation suddenly weakened the power of the battle formation.


Suddenly, the space trembled suddenly. Before everyone woke up, a golden hoon appeared near the passage and slammed at them with a punch. The golden hoon seemed to be slightly on his body. Embarrassed, obviously going through battle.

Even so, its strength is still very violent. After a punch, the figures reacted quickly in mid-air and quickly retreated.

It's a pity that they used too much force and rushed the most fiercely and fastest, so they stopped their figure at this moment and had to retreat. They were not allowed to do this in the obvious time gap.

Therefore, the golden-yellow fire slave hit them and knocked them out immediately. The whole person stumbled into the air, pale, vomiting blood and retreated, and there was the one that rushed forward. The figure immediately turned into a cloud of blood mist, and fell on the spot before even the screams could be heard!

Seeing this scene, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank and looked at the golden hono.

This Huo Nu was actually very different. In its pupils, there was a fire-like pattern, which was a terrible whirlpool.

"Warlord Ake."

Seeing this figure, everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they obviously knew the warrior in front of them very well, so when everyone looked at this figure, their eyes were clearly full of deep fear and lingering fear.

King of War Ake?

Chu Qianye stared at the Huo Nu carefully.

Ake, the warlord, was rumored to have never awakened a martial arts soul, but he constantly pursued physical breakthroughs, and eventually cultivated without awakening the martial arts soul. Moreover, the power of the martial arts was so powerful that ordinary people were not his opponents at all.

Because he has gone through countless battles and defeated many strong men. He has gone through hundreds of battles and has never lost a single defeat. He was a sensation in the year. Later, he followed the Jinling Emperor, and he did not expect to become his fire. slave.

What is the relationship between this Jinling Emperor and his profound fire?

The warlord Akko next to him has actually become Huo Nu, can it also be understood that, in fact, the Jin Lingdi is now completely integrated with the Jin Lingdi flame?

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

In any case, the warlord Ake in front of him is very powerful. Although he has become a Huo now, he is obviously not an ordinary Huo, but a Huo with three souls and seven souls. This is quite terrifying. Up.

It should be noted that the reason why ordinary Huo Nu is called Huo Nu is mainly because they lack three souls and seven souls, and people who lack three souls and seven souls have incomplete intelligence and memory.

But this is obviously not the case for the current warlord A Ke.

"He Fang Xiaoxiao, dare to come to invade my lord's mausoleum, retreat quickly, Rao Er wait for his life, otherwise he will be killed!" Warlord Akke stared at the people and said coldly.

This rage was like a Buddha's anger, extremely raging, and the faces of everyone changed drastically, obviously becoming unsightly.

As for the five people who rushed the most, now one has fallen, and all four of them are seriously injured. It seems that the injuries are very serious.

These warriors are basically five-star sages. I didn't expect that even the fighting king Ake could not stop a punch. This was a blow to defeat the four sages, and the martial arts cultivation base was not weak.

Such a scene caused everyone's pupils to shrink suddenly.

Everyone's psychology became active, and Chu Qianye seemed to know what these people thought.

"These people probably don't have any self-confidence anymore. Let's wait and see what happens, wait for the people like Wangchuan to take action, and be careful to deal with the surrounding Huns." Chu Qianye said to Zhou Ruolan.

"Hehe, warlord Ake." Wang Chuan looked at the golden fire slave in front of him, shook his head lightly, and vomited: "It's not that I look down on you. You were really good before, and you can cultivate the martial arts to the extreme. , Really few people can do it. But you have to know that it was you in the past, and you are now dead, even if the three souls and seven souls can be put together back, but what about it? You still haven't fully integrated. So you don't need to If I take action, the juniors around me will be able to get you off. If you don’t believe me, just pick a junior to try and you will know what I mean."



Everyone's face is silent.

Obviously, for Wang Chuan's despicable means, mischievous scheming, they did not expect the old guy in front of them to be so cunning.

Now Chu Qianye finally knows why Zhou Ruolan would say that sentence, because the guy in front of him was obviously shameless, and this calculation was just an understatement of the past. People who didn’t know thought his words were praise or something. Yes, but everyone understands that this old thing didn't mean to praise, but wanted to kill people with a knife and get rid of them who were in the way.

A word, an understatement.

This old thing was really good at talking, and a few simple words made War King A Ke suddenly divert his attention.

The warlord A Ke stepped forward, and the martial arts aura on his body was oppressed, surging away in an instant, everyone felt an invincible feeling.

"So, who is it? Who will enlighten me?" Warlord Akko asked coldly.

Looking around, the pupils of the eyes constricted instantly.

Everyone's face is full of jealousy.

When the warlord Ake saw the faces of these figures, he suddenly showed a sneer and disdain.

"That's also called being able to defeat?" War King Ake looked around and said disdainfully.

The others blushed, but in front of the warlord Akko, they really couldn't compete with it.

A trace of cunning passed through Wang Chuan's eyes.

"I know that someone can defeat you, that's..." Wang Chuan looked around, and finally stopped on Chu Qianye's body, the meaning was very obvious.


Seeing the forgotten old dog calculating, Chu Qianye sank immediately.

Before he could refute, the warlord Ake roared, and a huge suction force suddenly formed in his palm, attracting Chu Qianye away.

The faces of the other people around changed one after another, and they all swept towards other positions.

Chu Qianye's pupils suddenly shrank at this moment.

This old dog is indeed an old man!

Chu Qianye waved his robe and bounced away the huge suction.

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