Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1528: Space cage

"Hehe, want Xuan Huo? Then you have to see if you have this ability!" Jin Lingdi coldly snorted, and Huo Lian rushed towards him instantly.


The intense energy fluctuations formed huge fluctuations for a while.

Everyone's eyes are staring at Jin Lingdi.

One after another, they looked at Jin Lingdi greedily and fiercely.

With the eyesight of the people present, it is natural to see the shape of the Jin Lingdi at a glance, which is actually the soul body!

As long as this soul body is beheaded, then they can obtain the Golden Spirit Emperor Flame.

This kind of ability, for the Soul Hunting Palace, is naturally nothing to say.

The corner of Zhulong's mouth rose slightly, revealing a faint arc.

At this moment, no one can compete with them for the Golden Spirit Emperor Flame. After all, to say what their Soul Hunting Hall is best at, soul hunting is undoubtedly the strongest method among them, and together with the Golden Spirit Emperor Flame. Take away.

As long as this soul body is taken away, its Golden Spirit Emperor Flame will also fall into their hands.

Looking at the man in the golden shirt, everyone's thoughts are like electricity, and countless thoughts passed by.

"Haha, Emperor Jin Ling, I really didn't expect it, many years after your death, you have been cultivating your soul, which is unexpected." Zhulong faintly smiled and said: "You hand over the Jin Ling Emperor Yan."

"Emperor Jin Ling, you didn't expect you to be able to cultivate your soul until now. It's really amazing. However, you can't break through without martial arts. You still dominate the realm for half a step. What a pity." Wuyin An old man in a black robe at the door, he slowly raised his head to look at the Jin Lingdi, and said lightly.

In fact, they seem to have been expecting the next battle for a long time, knowing that a fierce battle is inevitable, so everyone is talking and behaving, and seems to be cautiously guarding the Jin Lingdi to perform other things. means.

"The Golden Spirit Emperor, with the existence of half-step dominance, he hasn't stepped into the dominance state after he has cultivated his body for so long. One can imagine how difficult the so-called dominance state is. In addition to the foundation of cultivation, he needs to respond accordingly. If the chance is not there, everything is no good." Chu Qianye stared at the Jin Lingdi with extremely fiery eyes, and the greed continued to spread from the bottom of his heart.

The Golden Spirit Emperor, if he kills his soul, I don’t know how powerful his soul body is. The Soul Hunting Temple and the Fallen Temple are bound to covet it. They will definitely try their best to obtain the soul body or gold spirit. Emperor Yan, but with so many people competing for anything, it takes a huge price to get anything. With his current strength, it is not enough to seize one of them, unless he has to spend a huge price.

Therefore, we must give up one thing and compete for the same.

You can't have both fish and bear's paws, unless he has enough strength.

Obviously, compared with many people present, his own strength is still limited, so he must give up one of them, and fight wholeheartedly.

The soul is not of much use to him now, so the priority is to compete for the Golden Spirit Emperor Flame, and the soul is second.

Chu Qianye looked at the scene in front of him, and then made a decision.

Moreover, the increase in the effect produced by the Jin Ling Emperor Yan made him clearly feel the horror of the Jin Ling Emperor Yan, and because of this, the greed in his heart also exploded.

The Jin Lingdi on the altar faintly glanced at Zhulong and the others, and ignored it, but looked towards Chu Qianye.

"Haha, your martial art is the most perfect among people I have ever seen. I have waited for thousands of years to finally look forward to you!" Jin Lingdi looked at Chu Qianye and said slowly:

"You don't have to fight for Jinling Emperor Yan. After I seize your body, Xuanhuo will become a part of you."

Chu Qianye's eyes shrank.

This guy really wants to seize the body.

Haha, you still have that kind of thought.

But want to seize my body?

Obviously it does not exist!

"Hehe, it seems that you are unwilling to cooperate. No problem, after I kill you, I will leave you with a small life. When the time comes, I will seize your martial arts and keep your soul. You still cannot escape this ending and destiny. It will still be the same." Jin Lingdi spit out lightly, then waved his hand.


A violent spatial fluctuation formed, and at this moment, the space behind them was suddenly sealed up, completely hidden in the void, disappeared completely, without the slightest trace and fluctuation, just like that Directly disappeared.

Looking at this scene, everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

What a hegemonic force this is, I feel terrible even thinking about it.

This Golden Spirit Emperor already possesses such supernatural powers and powers?

The space was completely sealed, which caused many people's pupils to shrink suddenly, which almost cut their back. They could not call for help, and could not escape this void, unless the Jinling Emperor fell. At that time, this space Naturally, it will disappear.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Obviously, the Emperor Jin Ling covered up the space channel, and he wanted to kill him!

"Golden Spirit Emperor Qi!"

When the space channel disappeared, a turbulent golden fire wave suddenly formed in the body of the Jinling Emperor. The golden flames that swept out quickly covered the entire underground palace in the blink of an eye. They were all detained.

Four golden flame pillars formed, arranged in east-west, north-south directions, and with the formation of the flame pillars, everyone felt a terrible temperature and was thinking about it.

"This old dog wants to refine us all!"

Feeling this terrible temperature, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank.

Obviously, they are not stupid.

With the strength of the Golden Spirit Emperor and the terrifying flames of the Golden Spirit Emperor, it won’t take long. I’m afraid the eight or nine-star saints will also be refined. At that time, if you want to resist, you can’t resist, right? Became its hono.

It feels terrible to think about it.

Therefore, it must be prevented, and many people understand this truth.

Now, it is obviously not suitable for infighting.

If you want to kill the Golden Spirit Emperor, it is only possible to join forces.

This underground palace, I don't know how many years it has been run by the Jin Ling Emperor, he knows everything here, and these people are just foreign guests and don't know it at all.

The people gathered together for a while, looking at the surrounding with solemn expressions.

"I said everyone, this guy's strength is half-step control. Do you think that internal fighting is meaningful? Are you all thinking about how to fight for the Golden Spirit Emperor Flame? Obviously, we must kill this old dog. It's possible, otherwise we will all become his hono!" The purgatory said.

Everyone was also slightly surprised, knowing that what he said was not false. Understand that the situation is critical.

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