Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1538: Nothing more

Lin Xiuya's face changed suddenly.

Beast King Wankun, that is one of the four subordinates of the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons, this sentence is tantamount to being an enemy of the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons, and the other people's expressions are startled when they hear this sentence.

However, it immediately became a little exciting.

Yuan Mansion, the candidate selected by the Ten Thousand Demons Ruler, seems to be in Yuan Mansion, it seems that Bu Qianchen is in front of him?

This thing is really getting more and more exciting.

"Hmph, even if you don't tell me, I can investigate it." Chu Qianye looked at Bu Qianchen and said disdainfully: "You are a candidate like this. Step on top of my head and say that I am the weakest candidate. The one?"

Chu Qianye opened his arms, and there was a violent energy flow in his body for an instant. The breath of amazing power raged wildly between the world and the earth, and everyone's pupils suddenly shrank.

"So strong!"

No one dared to step forward from all forces.

"Hehe, you also want Jin Lingdi Yan? Are you worthy? Are you worthy?"

Chu Qianye held the sword in his hand tightly, looked around, and spit out lightly.

Faced with the excitement of Chu Qianye's words, finally someone couldn't bear it.

"Boy, let's die!" The person in the hidden door, with a cold light in his eyes, stepped out of his feet, and the battle axe in his palm burst out in vain.

In the next instant, his figure flew in front of Chu Qianye.


A powerful force rushed out of his body frantically.

The strong man in the misty hidden door held the void in his palm, and the huge blood shadow quickly condensed into his palm, and the huge battle axe in his hand suddenly covered a layer of blood, carrying bursts of blood. The super sonic boom slashed down towards Chu Qianye as fast as lightning.

This battle axe, the power can be said to be shocking!

However, Chu Qianye raised his head with a sneer in his eyes, and he showed a disdainful expression.

His mouth slammed, and a blood-covered war sword spurted out of his mouth quickly. Within the war sword, blood was overwhelming to the sky, and the endless sword power faintly spread, that amazing killing. The power, madly and mighty, makes people feel a sense of fear.

Spit breath is a kind of magical power.

However, what Chu Qianye breathed was not the sword aura, but the real sword aura. This sword seemed to have been raised for a long time. It was so lightly spit out, how violent the sword aura was. , The void is twisted and shattered.

The feeling of collapse is quite terrifying.

As if there are countless souls swallowing each other...

This sword is too abrupt. The strong man at the Wuyinmen has been paying attention to the war sword in Chu Qianye's hand, but he hasn't waited until the war sword in Chu Qianye's hand is displayed. See him vomiting blood with a sword.

In shock, he only came out to deal with this blood sword. The giant axe in his palm suddenly changed direction and whizzed towards the giant axe.


There was a violent sound, frantically, and everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

Under this collision, the strong man in the fog hidden door didn't even get the slightest benefit, and was stunned and flew out.


The strong man at the Wuyinmen immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, his expression wilted, his face was pale, and he quickly retreated. He raised his head and looked at Chu Qianye, with all his eyes in disbelief.

That sword just now was too fast and too abrupt. If it weren't for his rich experience, this hastily dealt with it would definitely be utterly vanished.

Chu Qianye's attack was too domineering and made people tremble.

"Haha, that's it?" Purgatory Clan Chen Daxi, staring at Chu Qianye, showing a touch of disdain, he spouted casually.

Chu Qianye glanced faintly, without saying a word.

That blood sword was already encircling his head. It was a Promise Divine Sword. It was hidden in the Martial Heart Palace by Chu Qianye and moisturized. Now the clone uses the Vajra Buddha Sword, and he holds the Shadow Divine Sword, which is obviously no longer in use. Other means.

Chu Qianye held the Divine Shadow Sword in his hand with a cold light in his eyes. He glanced at Chen Daxi lightly, without saying a word.


A dazzling sword light burst out suddenly from the Divine Shadow Sword.

"Absolute Heaven Sword Lotus!"

The war sword in Chu Qianye's hand suddenly slashed forward in vain, and the huge power shook the void for a while, and the energy between heaven and earth seemed to condense toward the war sword in his hand like lightning.

With the passage of time, the war sword gleamed, and headed towards Chu Qianye, without seeing any sword aura or strength.

Everyone was surprised.

Everyone looked at the strong man in the fog hidden door, without the slightest change.

"Haha, that's it? Boy, you're all in trouble, put..."

Bang bang!

What he just wanted to say was that he was amazed to realize that his own vitality seemed to be a bit unreliable and uncontrollable, as if Chu Qianye's sword had ignited the fuse.

"Bang! Bang!"

The strong man in the misty hidden gate, just finished speaking, in his body, a huge force was generated in an instant, rioting from his body, that amazing power, extremely violent and terrifying.

Moreover, the most surprising thing is that a series of blood swords rushed out of his body, and in the next instant, various blood holes were formed.

Human martial arts can be very strong, but the internal organs are not that strong. Chu Qianye's sword lotus skills are instantly attracted by the blood in his body and condense into a blood sword. Internal attacks, the internal organs are the most vulnerable place, how can he have time to resist?

Even if something is wrong, it still cannot be stopped.

After all, his defense had been broken by Chu Qianye's first sword, even if he was aware of it, he was powerless and could not stop it.

The scene that happened before his eyes caused everyone's pupils to shrink suddenly, and everyone stared at Chu Qianye, with a shocking expression on his face, and it took a long time to relax.


The strong man in the misty door, he clutched his cracked chest, his vitality quickly passed, with an incredible expression on his face, staring at Chu Qianye, his eyes widened, and finally he died unwillingly.

The other warriors looked at this scene, and their faces couldn't help showing shocked expressions.

None of them knew what happened.

"Haha, that's right, that's it, that's all." Chu Qianye looked around and vomited lightly.

"Bastard! Boy, dare you kill my elder in the misty gate, you..."

The other misty hidden gate was thunderous.

However, what responded to him was Chu Qianye's explosive sword.

Chu Qianye, who is capable of dual purposes, holds two war swords in his hand, and instantly becomes a double sword flow. The war sword bursts out with dazzling light in his palm. The light is extremely violent and crazily vast in the world...

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