Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1548: Fight alone the four Taoists

These four people are very strong.

The strongest one has already slashed two corpses and six worms, and is already extremely powerful in terms of strength. With such a distance, Chu Qianye can still clearly feel this powerful force, abnormal violent, wild and mighty force. In this world.

The weakest one, who had slashed half of the corpse and two insects, was almost close to the complete Dao Sage of a corpse. In terms of strength, he was naturally extremely tyrannical. Across a long distance, Chu Qianye could still feel this huge sense of oppression. Beyond Fangtong.

Chu Qianye stared at the four figures in front of him, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"Bastard, looking for death!" Qing Lan Daosheng stared at Chu Qianye, his soles stepped out suddenly, the powerful aura of power immediately thundered, surging out frantically, vast and mighty!

Chu Qianye felt the pressure of this powerful breath, and couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

Sure enough, mastering Heaven's Dao is the most powerful existence, and with his current strength, he is not the opponent of these four people at all.

According to the sacred way of slaying the corpse in God's Domain and the way of saints in the Profound Qi Continent, saints can be divided into two types in general:

First, master martial arts, pursue martial arts training, and there is still no saint who slays corpses. This group of people is called Wu Sheng.

Second, to master the Dao of Heaven, to draw on the power of the Dao of Heaven, to continuously behead the corpse, and to pursue a higher holy position. This is the Dao Sage.

In terms of strength, Dao Sages are stronger than Wu Sages, because they kill three corpses and nine insects, their strength will skyrocket, and even reach a terrible situation, so this is a very powerful existence.

Dao Sage, Chu Qianye took a deep breath. Unexpectedly, someone on the Profound Qi Continent would use these methods. What Chu Qianye can guarantee is that this method is not owned by the Profound Qi Continent. I haven't heard of such methods, and other people also don't know.

They only vaguely felt that the strength of the four people in front of them was above Fang Tong, but they did not understand that the strength of these four people increased so rapidly because of their corpses. And because of this, their combat power was only It will appear fierce and fierce, this is a kind of supreme divine existence.

It seems that between the nine-star saint and the ruler, there is still a vacant strength level in this area, which is the Dao saint.

In other words, most people only know that martial arts cultivation is divided into four majors and nine minors, namely the "Huang, Xuan, Earth, and Heaven" extreme realms. It was only after the 16th Great Desolation that they discovered that after the 9th order of the Heaven Realm, There is the existence of the saint, and above the saint, there are the saints. People who know this level can say that they know very little. As for the saints, there are Dao saints, and Dao saints know that this level exists It's one of the few!


The palm of the Blue Light Dao Sage stepped out, rushing to the front of Chu Qianye, his palm suddenly shook the lower part of Chu Qianye, and the entire void instantly collapsed and shattered.

Everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

This is not an ordinary space fragmentation, but a fierce collapse, it is an instant collapse, without the slightest sign, just so abrupt.

If I were an ordinary person, I would not be able to react to the collapse of such an entire space.

The next moment, the energy of nothingness swept out fiercely, and the aura of power collapsed and shattered, surging crazily in the world, there was a sense of nothingness that destroyed everything.

Feeling the violent power of this breath, everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrink suddenly.

And as early as the moment when the Blue Light Dao Sage swept Chu Qianye, the power of the stars in his body was like a violent storm, sweeping away.


At the moment the space collapsed, the war sword in Chu Qianye's palm burst out with dazzling light, and the extremely powerful force swept away fiercely, and the void collapsed instantly everywhere .

That amazing breath of power makes people extremely frightened.


Between that piece of emptiness, the tendency of that kind of space collapse suddenly stopped, the feeling was very weird, as if the energy between heaven and earth stopped flowing at this moment.


Chu Qianye stepped out on the palm of his feet, and when he left that area, the war sword in Chu Qianye's palm immediately slashed towards the Blue Light Dao Sage. The powerful force trembled suddenly, stimulating the energy between heaven and earth.

As for the Blue Light Daosheng, his pupils shrank suddenly.

With Chu Qianye's sword, there was a feeling of returning to basics.

"Is this going back to basics?"

The other three people, looking at the sword that Chu Qianye slashed out, suddenly showed expressions of astonishment on their faces. They stared at Chu Qianye, but saw that there was something around Chu Qianye’s body. The rich gas is surging.

"No, this is close to returning to the basics!" said another person.

Even so, when everyone looked at Chu Qianye, their faces clearly showed surprise.

"It's a pity, only the strength of the five-star sage. If you give you some more time, when you step into the six or seven-star sage, the old man really can't do anything about you." The strongest Taoist sage stared at you. Chu Qianye said in a cold voice.


Holding a blue lantern in his hand, the sage of the Green Lantern Dao burst out a bright and dazzling light, which was extremely powerful and surged out frantically.


Chu Qianye said softly, and then looked towards the blue lamp.

This blue light actually fluctuated a little bit of aura, Chu Qianye was too clear about the fluctuation of this kind of aura.

So the question is, why does this sage of the blue light road have this blue light? Who gave it to him? Will it be the Empress of Baguio? Or is it another possibility? For example, someone in God's Domain descended to Profound Qi Continent?

As doubtful thoughts surfaced in his mind, Chu Qianye couldn't help but frown.

Too many possibilities.

"Big brother, what are you doing standing there? Hurry up and kill this kid." Seeing that the others did not respond, Qing Deng Daosheng immediately said.

The other three Taoist sages nodded slightly when they heard the sound.

Immediately, the three of them shot at Chu Qianye at the same time.

Chu Qianye frowned.

"call out!"

Chu Qianye's avatar immediately stepped out, and the whole figure suddenly burst out with a dazzling light, which rose on the ground.

When this light reached a certain level, it all disappeared in the next instant.

What followed was--

Strong anxiety and lingering palpitations in my heart!

The three of them looked towards Chu Qianye's clone. At this moment, Chu Qianye's clone seemed to be accumulating energy. What happened to the dazzling light that burst out earlier?

The three of them looked at the sword, their pupils suddenly shrank!

There is no sound from the sword, no breath fluctuation!

"this is……"

The three of them seemed to have thought of a certain possibility, and their expressions changed drastically!

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