Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1554: Unremitting faith

Seeing this scene in front of him, Chu Qianye was surprised.

The power of these beliefs is too abrupt.

Although there is a gap between the power of faith provided by true believers, this unexpected gain is obviously still very good.

Suddenly he had a bold idea, to build his own statue in this world and gather the power of faith, and there will be no small help in the later period.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye's mind suddenly became active.

Since those lofty gods are not interested in these, it's cheaper for him.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

Soon the leader of the ethnic group arranged for the young child.

Looking at the children standing in front of him, Chu Qianye nodded gently.

It seems that I need to stay here for two or three days.

"Wait a moment," Chu Qianye said.

Immediately after the voice was over, he disappeared in place.

Chu Qianye flickered and flew to the outer area of ​​the tribe.

In the boundless wilderness, powerful beasts roared continuously, and their voices roared for nine days, causing great shock.

Chu Qianye held the war sword in his hand, and immediately did not wait for the fierce beasts to react before taking the lead. A sword glow rose into the sky, followed by the fierce beast's unwilling roar, and then fell to the ground.

Soon after, Chu Qianye's figure appeared in the tribe again.

"Prepare several large wooden barrels. Every teenager needs one." Chu Qianye said, "By the way, find someone who knows herbal medicine."

The old man with white beard nodded lightly, and then ordered to go down.

Every household, almost every household, took out their own wooden barrels, large and small, looking from afar, the length varies.

Chu Qianye took out the tungsten wire profound pen and quickly inscribed defensive patterns on these wooden barrels.

After finishing this, it was already half an hour later.

Chu Qianye also took out the good exercises and asked every child to copy and recite them.

Tell them the context of the exercise.

After getting busy for a while, another half hour passed.

Seeing that they were almost ready, Chu Qianye immediately took out the body of the fierce beast he killed and appeared on the large square with a move with the palm of his hand. Everyone's expressions changed in shock, and their faces were shocked.

Chu Qianye took out the war sword and immediately bleed the fierce beast. The big and small wooden barrels began to collect the blood, like the blood of a waterfall, flowing down into the wooden barrel.

The splashing blood is unusually bright.

With the stroke of Chu Qianye's palm, countless elixirs appeared in the wooden barrels, and various spiritual grass and exotic fruits also appeared in the wooden barrels, and the rich spiritual energy immediately diffused.

"Youth girl, turn around, take off your clothes, sit like in a wooden barrel, and other idlers and others back up." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

The youngsters turned around, took off their clothes, and then looked at the **** water nervously. Although they were afraid, because the patriarch had already done a good job of thinking, and because they were convinced by Chu Qianye's methods and strength, these children were full of eyes. The blazing light.

They usually don’t dare to go too far in the village. The only way is to join the hunting team. There is a hunting opportunity once a month. At that time, the villagers will take the stones and follow them out to hunt and bring back the abundant hunting. Meat, but after all, only physically fit people can participate. Naturally, very few of them, young people, have this qualification.

And this time, they got this opportunity.

As long as they sit in this wooden barrel and accept the blessings of this god, they will get this opportunity and become the god!

As long as they become an immortal, everyone can leave the village and go wherever they want. As long as they have this kind of strength and there is no loss, what's the point for them?

Looking at these young people sitting in wooden barrels, covered in blood and water, Chu Qianye suddenly showed a faint smile, his palms were printed, and he quickly activated the entire formation.

The powerful breath of power came immediately.

The terrifying breath of power constantly roared and roared, and the energy was injected into the formation, instantly shining brightly.

Along with the operation of the spirit gathering array, countless energies rushed towards the young people in a flash, and then gathered in the wooden barrel, causing a violent tremor in the void, and then everyone's body was surrounded by a burst of water. The breath, that breath surrounds the surroundings, causing violent fluctuations.

Chu Qianye looked at these teenagers sitting cross-legged, and couldn't help showing a faint smile.

The power of these stars madly injected into the bodies of these young people.

Chu Qianye was able to feel that these young people were receiving the body tempering of blood qi, and as they performed the exercises, the blood and energy were quickly gathering into their bodies.

Some people are fast and some are slow. This is the difference in talent. People with excellent talents will soon be able to find a way and use it.

Every teenager has a faint blood lingering in his body, and people with excellent talents will have very rich blood energy. On the contrary, people with low talents will have relatively weak blood energy, or even no breath at all.

It's just a little strange that people in this world seem to be a bit different in their fate, so there is no need to awaken the spirit of martial arts at all, which surprised him.

He couldn't figure it out.

The next day, the blood in some people's wooden barrels has gradually faded, while some people are still full of blood and have not been absorbed at all.

A group of teenagers, a total of fifty people, were only nine people who were able to temper their bodies successfully and could absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

However, such a probability is already very high. You must know that when you are on the Profound Qi Continent, this probability does not exist at all. You must awaken your martial spirit before you can practice, and it is a non-existent existence.

Here, the probability of success is 9/50, which is already relatively high.

Those teenagers who had not succeeded in tempering and could not cultivate could not help showing disappointed expressions. They looked at the successful teenagers with envy and envy.

"I have a set of martial arts here. For those of you who have participated in body tempering, your lifespan and strength will be several times higher than ordinary people. With martial arts, if you can cultivate to the peak, you can also be like a god. Same, possesses great strength." Chu Qianye said lightly.

In fact, he is not lying or comforting, because he does believe that there are forces in this world that can break the shackles of the flesh, such as belief!

If a person has strong beliefs and perseveres in the right direction, sooner or later, he will have a successful day.

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