Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1562: I am Xianjun?

"Wait, no matter which force takes the shot, you all come forward to stop it." The white-clothed woman said.

The people around them all secretly murmured in their hearts. Obviously, they all wanted to be quite helpless in this situation. After all, this situation was not something they could meet.

But thinking about the identity of the woman in white, they all feel a bit bitter in their hearts.

There is no other way but to bite the bullet and stand firm. These guys will definitely make a move. Then they will have no choice but to follow along.


Several figures slammed out of the air, rushing toward the youth surrounded by golden flames, a touch of greed flashed in their eyes.

"Luo Feng accepts this flame. Any blocker, die!"

One of the men in black had a loud voice like a bell, resounding in everyone's ears.

The voice was very domineering.

The people were secretly horrified, and quickly raised their heads and looked at the figure. When they saw the figure, their faces showed a touch of surprise and dread.

Obviously, this person's identity and status, and even strength, are extremely terrifying, so everyone is afraid.

It may even be the forces behind it, so that others can only stay away.

"Kunlun Immortal Palace, when did you become interested in this kind of thing?"

Another body's influence came through, and several figures also stepped out of the sky, with a feeling of stubbornness. When everyone looked at this scene, they all knew very well that something big might happen!

The black-clothed man who claimed to be Luo Feng quickly raised his head and looked at the figures that were falling down. He couldn't help but frown, obviously also surprised and surprised by the visitors.

"Hmph, the people from the Sword Immortal Palace are also here." The white-clothed woman stared at the landing of these figures and couldn't help wrinkling her nose.

And the arrival of these people obviously made the atmosphere here become tense.

"Haha, let your skills be yours!" Luo Feng looked around and said coldly:

"This flame, you Kunlun Immortal Palace don't even want it!"

The atmosphere became a little anxious, and everyone looked at the scene in front of them, and their faces showed the attitude of watching the theater. Anyway, there is no hope for them to compete for this golden flame. Then look at the competition between the two major forces. Maybe it is not. A kind of fun lost.

Those people showed a look of disdain.

The forces of both sides came and landed in the sky above this area, seeming to be a little ready to move.

"Stop talking nonsense, do it!"

For an instant.

Several figures rushed to each other like lightning, and the powerful power on the body immediately surged out frantically. The power between the heavens and the earth, roaring and roaring indifferently, turned into a heaven-shaking divine power, surging frantically in all directions .

The power between heaven and earth roared constantly.

The strength is rising!



All kinds of fairy family spells broke out fiercely.

For a time, the war started.

Seeing such a scene in front of them, everyone was secretly surprised. Obviously everyone present knew that this might be the best time to seize the golden flame. After all, the young man is now fighting against the golden flame because of the consumption of both forces. Circumstances, they only need to take action at this time, and they can all become the existence of helping one power, and if they have the help of one power, the other can reverse the situation.

But it's not a situation. Golden Flame and this young man are both in a state of consumption. If they take action, the possibility of winning the Golden Flame will be maximized.

Therefore, everyone was restless and hurriedly shot.

In an instant, various fighting methods.

With the battle between the two forces, the magma rock below the sea roared frantically, surging between the sky and the earth.

However, a monk accidentally fell, and after being contaminated with the lava rock liquid, he let out a scream, his face pale and his breath wilted.

Obviously, the previous magma rock was so terrible that it almost killed this person.

Everyone was not surprised and rejoiced.

This means that this golden flame is powerful!

The more so, the more they aggravate their desire and greed.

So this kind of strong demand makes them crazy.

Another force joined.

"You all do it, don't let them approach him." The white-clothed woman said: "Don't have reservations, otherwise these guys will definitely want you to suffer."

Everyone looked at each other, and they felt quite helpless in their hearts.

Crazy fights, crazy combat power, crazy sweeps,...

Here, it becomes crazy and abnormal.

Various fairy spells landed.

Luo Feng saw an opportunity and rushed towards the young man covered in golden flames. The weapon in his palm burst out with a dazzling light and strong murderous intent, and went straight to the young man. The terrifying power, frantically Roar in the world.

The woman in white snorted coldly, holding the war sword in her hand, swiping away like lightning, and appeared in front of the young man covered in golden flames.

"Luo Feng, I advise you to give up, I am here today, Fairy Egret, you don't want to succeed in trickery!" The white-clothed woman said coldly.

Luo Feng raised his head and looked at the woman in white, with a surprised expression on his face.

"Fairy Egret, although you are the genius of your sect, Luo Feng is also the genius of our sect. Therefore, don't say such threatening words, because it is useless!" Luo Feng said coldly, and then in his palm. The weapon burst out with dazzling light, and went straight to Fairy Egret.


The two immediately played against each other quickly.

After tens of seconds.

There have been dozens of rounds in the battle, but neither side has the slightest flaw.

"Uncle Wang, it's time to come out and help." Luo Feng said.

Immediately, the void shook, and an old man appeared.

Looking at the old man in front of him, Fairy Egret couldn't help but frown.

The person in front of him is very strong.

She looked at the golden flame youth, showing a worried expression.

"Young Master, go get it, this junior, I will help you hold it." The old man said.

Immediately, Luo Feng didn't talk nonsense, and flew towards the young figure with golden flames.

The golden light flashes on the hand.

"This is the Dajin Lihuo Fairy Art!" Fairy Egret said in surprise.

She knew very well the power of this kind of magic.

This fairy technique can forcibly separate the flame, no matter where the flame is, it can be separated, reducing its power.

Therefore, her tone fluctuated greatly in an instant.

Luo Feng showed a bright smile, golden palms, rushed towards the young man, and went straight to his head.

It seemed that he wanted to kill the young man in front of him with a punch.

At this moment, Chu Qianye, who was refining Jin Ling Emperor Yan, suddenly opened his eyes.


Budo cultivation base breaks again!

Seven Sages!

The violent power surging out fiercely!

"This breath..."

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly.

He looked towards the area where Chu Qianye was.

"You are Xianjun!" Luo Feng was surprised and shocked.

The same is true for others.

It should be noted that in their Shenwu Continent, the realm of immortals is divided into Fanxian, Tianxian, Jinxian, Daluojinxian, Xuanxian, Xianjun, Xianzun, and Xiandi.

They are harmonious people, and the highest strength is nothing but Da Luo Jinxian!

It is conceivable how terrifying the existence of such strength is!

Chu Qianye was shocked.

I am Xianjun?

He couldn't help being a little surprised.

But he quickly woke up.

He immediately took out Yijian's clothes and put it on his body. He looked at the black-clothed youth in front of him and vomited softly: "I heard you want Jinling Emperor Yan?"

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