Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1569: flexible

Chu Qianye's face was indifferent, and she glanced at the others lightly.

Everyone who was caught by Chu Qianye's gaze was terrified and frightened. What kind of combat power was Chu Qianye. One person would die with the palm of his hand. This kind of oppression was too terrifying.


When everyone raised their heads and looked at Chu Qianye, there was a deep sense of fear in their eyes.

Chu Qianye's current strength completely subverted their definition of the Saint Realm.

In the Seven-Star Saint Realm, how strong is the strength?

They really haven't seen it, at least before Chu Qianye, they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, but occasionally heard that some super martial artists did possess such supernatural powers.

However, they were supernatural powers, Chu Qianye was not supernatural powers, his palm was a very pure grip, and then the opponent completely died without a chance to fight back.

Have they ever seen a force like this?

Therefore, for an instant, everyone felt a deep sense of fear towards Chu Qianye.

The man in front of him seemed to have a sense of incompetence.

Chu Qianye raised his head and looked at the other figure.

He then held his palm to someone.

This grip shocked the hearts of others.


For an instant, the person turned into a cloud of blood without warning, and it was scattered in the air. The smell of blood made people feel terrified. They looked at Chu Qianye in surprise and the man in front of them.

At this moment, they really had a huge fear in their hearts.

The man in front of him is simply a demon, killing people without blinking, how long has it been since the two super saints have completely disappeared and died in his hands, this kind of combat power is indeed quite terrifying!

The rest of the people suddenly had great fear.

"You!" The Devil Dragon watched another person die on Chu Qianye's hands, and a trace of panic flashed across his eyes.

When they came, they were very determined, because at that time he believed very much that Chu Qianye was dead, and Longmen was now a group of dragons without a leader, so there was no need to be afraid.

Their lineup is completely enough to sweep the entire dragon gate, there is no possibility, but now he is afraid, especially in the face of Chu Qianye possessing such a supernatural power, he has a deep sense of fear for the first time.

"Go, withdraw quickly!"

At this moment, after the two people died inexplicably, the others were a little flustered for a while, rushing in all directions, trying to escape, but Chu Qianye gently raised his head and looked in the direction of those who had escaped. .

He shook his head indifferently.


After the words were over, he stepped out with the palm of his foot, holding a war sword tightly in his hand, the war sword burst out with dazzling sword light, and rushed in different directions.

The figures in the distance who flee in a hurry, their bodies hung in the air, but they were hit hard, and the whole person quickly fell towards the bottom. The speed was extremely fast, and they fell in the blink of an eye.

But at this moment, a stream of light rushed in quickly, and the four auras were wilted, completely unable to fight back, and they were carried back by Chu Qianye's clone.


For an instant.

The four figures were thrown down by Chu Qianye's clone.

"The rest are dead." The clone said towards Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

The clone evacuated quickly and left here.

At this moment, there were two other people standing on the left and right hands of the Devil Dragon. At this moment, they both had deep fear in their hearts. Chu Qianye's current strength was not at the same level as them.

They didn't even have a chance to die. Those figures who wanted to explode didn't have time to explode. They were immediately crushed by Chu Qianye, completely dead, and perished in this space of heaven and earth.

"The condition I told you earlier is still valid." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

The Devil Dragon frowned, and it was clear that Chu Qianye's strength also exceeded his expectations.

However, the Devil Dragon shook his head slightly. He knew very well in his heart that Chu Qianye was nothing compared to that person, and that person's strength was even stronger.

It is so strong that he has no luck. He has the soul of that person on him, which has been planted in his soul domain. Once he resists, it is completely annihilated. The other party only needs a thought and nothing more.

"I have to say, they underestimated your strength." The Devil Dragon said while looking at Chu Qianye.


Chu Qianye seemed to have some clues.

However, without waiting for him to ask carefully, the devil dragon slammed its soles and rushed in front of Chu Qianye. The power of the stars in his body immediately surged out frantically, and then gathered towards his fists, blinking The time is condensed in his fist.


In an instant, his fist slammed towards Chu Qianye.

As far as the fist reaches, the void is cracked and twisted.

This punch was so powerful that the void was torn and collapsed. Wherever the fist touched, there was a tyrannical killing force, surging out wildly, so fierce that it could not be matched.

Looking at this punch, the Longmen Shouzhong all felt terrified in their hearts.

If they were to block this punch, they would definitely be unable to stop it. The shock caused by this punch was too great. Under the blast of this punch, they could not resist at all. unstoppable!

This kind of combat power is completely beyond everyone's imagination!

The crushing power shatters the void!

Invincible, unstoppable!

The other two saints who followed the magic dragon looked at the punch that the magic dragon blasted, and their faces couldn't help showing a touch of dignity. They couldn't stop the punch of the magic dragon.

Chu Qianye is only a seven-star sage. Even though his combat power is strong, the magic dragon is a nine-star sage. Such a power gap is not just two stars in numbers. The gap can only be said to be Yunni The difference!

The eyes of the two were excited.

They all looked forward to it in their hearts, expecting that the punch of the Devil Dragon could destroy Chu Qianye.

However, at this moment, Chu Qianye had his hands on his back, looking at the violent shadow, he shook his head gently.

Chu Qianye raised his palm and patted it lightly.

This palm also did not have the slightest fluctuation in power, as if it was a very ordinary palm, but the magic dragon's heart jumped wildly, Chu Qianye's palm was full of endless killing, and he felt that he could not breathe.

He was shocked.

He didn't expect that Chu Qianye had actually been tyrannical to the point where his aura could be released freely.

This level of strength is completely indistinguishable from Dao Sage Slayer!


The fists collided fiercely.

Immediately, the whole body of the Devil Dragon was shot and flew out of the void hundreds of meters away. His face was pale and his aura was wilted. When he raised his head and looked towards Chu Qianye, his eyes finally showed deep fear and horror.

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