Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1577: Open up chakras

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

It came just right, I didn't expect this power of faith to come so quickly.

Decapitation requires a lot of preparation to complete decapitation, and the power of faith is the most indispensable part.

"There are also two earthshak halls."

Chu Qianye thought to himself.

This bloodbath operation must be completed as soon as possible. Before the opponent wakes up, the bloodbath must be completed as soon as possible. There are also the Mist Hidden Gate and the Purgatory Clan. These two forces should also not be left alone. The world must know his attitude. , Understand that his dragon gate is not so easy to provoke.


Chu Qianye hit the sole of his foot, and then rushed forward, continuing to wash the second earth evil hall with blood.

The strength of this evil hall was extremely tyrannical. Fortunately, Chu Qianye's martial arts cultivation level had been improved, otherwise he would not dare to wash the evil hall by himself if he changed to the previous five-star saint.

Soon, the news about the Bloodbath of the Hunting Soul Palace spread wildly throughout the Sixteenth Great Wilderness, and everyone showed horrified expressions. They did not expect that someone would dare to do such things.

And when they heard that it was Chu Qianye, everyone couldn't help but become more and more impressed with Chu Qianye.

At this time, in a side hall of the Hunting Soul Palace, a few elders gathered together, their faces were not very good.

"This kid, so presumptuous, dare to wash my soul hunting hall in blood!"

"Old Fox, the strength of this kid has improved very quickly. Even Wang Zhan is not his opponent. He is a corpse saint. Although he has just completed the beheading of the corpse, his strength is there after all."

"We can't do anything for the time being. When the hall master exits, everything will become clear."


At this moment, after Chu Qianye swept through the two Disha Palaces in succession, the information he had in his hands was completely cleared.

But it’s okay, because the Hunting Soul Palace was swept by him this time, and he was bound to suffer heavy losses, just like a tyrannical crab. This time he was punished by him. A few feet have been cut off, only the main claw is left. It is very difficult for a while Restored.

In the next period of time, he can free up his hand to deal with the Purgatory Race and the Wuyinmen.

However, before that, he had to understand Xiawuyinmen first. Although he was angry now, he wouldn't lose control. He still had this self-control.

Therefore, Chu Qianye has not yet lost his mind.

Knowing the enemy and confidant will never end in a hundred battles.

This sentence is not empty talk.

Long Jin and others soon followed out.

"Sect Master, Soul Hunting Palace..." Third Brother Zhao asked tentatively.

"It has been cleared, six human halls and three earth evil halls." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

When everyone heard these words, they couldn't help but take a deep breath.

How many people have to be killed? Thinking about it, it feels terrible, but how many strong people has the Hunting Soul Palace lost?

Everyone's pupils suddenly contracted.

However, thinking of the Hunting Soul Palace's participation in this hunt, it made their dragon gates lose their spirits and their vitality was greatly injured. Everyone just felt relieved.

"Now, let some people continue to acquire the rest of the sub-temples, remember, there are only two or three hours, and the Soul Hunting Palace will definitely attract attention at that time. If you miss this time period, you will have to wait ten and a half months. It's coming later." Chu Qianye said, "At no cost!"

"In addition, some people will be sent to investigate the Wuyinmen and the Purgatory Clan. I will give you two days. I need specific information. After two days, I will begin to bloodbath these two clansmen."

"Okay!" Long Jin nodded, then took out a few soul jade, and immediately crushed his soul jade, and Long Jin disappeared into the world like lightning.

"Everyone, hurry up and practice." Chu Qianye said, "Everyone enters the secret space."

Chu Qianye said.

Immediately, several figures nodded lightly, sealed one after another, and entered the secret space.

Chu Qianye's eyes flicked over everyone, and she sighed inwardly.

Now, Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling are the ones who can take the shots. Liu Baqing still does not have a saint. The same is true for Zhao Sange. Although he has half-footed into the Saint Realm, there is no breakthrough without a breakthrough.

Whether it is the Wuyinmen or the Purgatory Clan, these people are unlikely to attack Longmen for no reason. They are bound to be behind the scenes. He has not investigated yet, but based on the information he has obtained now, Molong said Being unable to fight against "them" means that this black hand is most likely not one, but multiple.

It's really a leak in the house that happened to rain overnight.

Now, the black hand who killed his master has not been solved yet, and the crisis of the Dragon Gate is ushered in. Now he really has to re-awaken the second martial spirit, only in this way can he truly cultivate the clone.

Moreover, awakening the second martial soul and cultivating the second soul and clone will have a lot of benefits for him. Even if he fights hard to the end with those people, he will at least have a way out.

But now, it really doesn't work. If you are too desperate, and your clone does not have a soul, as long as his soul is broken, then it will completely disappear in this world.

Even if his soul is not destroyed, if the martial arts soul is broken, the martial arts cultivation will be abolished, and then he will still be a dead end.

Therefore, awakening the second soul and clone is indeed very important, at least for him now.

Chu Qianye closed his eyes, and the light flickered.

So, let’s completely open up all the veins this time. Last time, there were still chakras that were not fully developed. Now you don’t need to worry about this problem, and you have also continuously improved the two-star saint state. Worried about this problem.

However, the opening of this chakra is very crucial, because it is not an ordinary vein, which can be opened with a random impact with force, which is why he has delayed it until now.

Because, to open up this chakra, he needs to attack with his martial arts, that is, his killing and cutting techniques.

After this slaughter, his killing power has obviously increased a lot, and he has been different from before.

It's just that this chakra is so important, so even so, he is still cautious for himself.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, and then closed his eyes.

The power between heaven and earth rushed towards him.

Closing his eyes and deepening his mind, all the veins in the body also appeared.

The training context of "The Immortal Jue" was clearly displayed in front of him.

This chakra, called the Shenwu Tianmai, is the most important chakra. It needs the power of condensing blood, the power of martial arts, and some necessary pills to develop it.

Chu Qianye flipped his palm and took out three pills.

These three medicines are very round, red, green and black, emitting a strong pill energy.

"Develop it, I hope to succeed in one go!"

Chu Qianye held three pills in his hand and swallowed them immediately.


Inside the body, power is boiling, roaring and roaring away...

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