Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1583: You are not my opponent

This is also weird, they didn't see anything at all. There are no signs.

Those figures didn't even have a chance to react.

If the people who just stood in the void are them...

It was horrible, they all felt a chill in their backs when they thought of this.

After all, this kind of power is too weird, far more powerful than that kind of shocking power. It has been silently, and the interface is really flat and makes people feel scalp numb. After all, the power is invisible and intangible.

Thinking of the previous shock that was burned into nothingness, everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

This kind of strength is too strong, they think it is terrible now.

"My lord, do you need to go down?" Zhou Ruolan asked.

Chu Qianye shook his head gently.

"No, let's just stand here and wait, they will take the initiative." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

Just as Chu Qianye had just finished saying these words, when I waited for the next moment, the void suddenly shook, and then everyone saw the void in front of Heng, but after the violent shaking, several figures appeared. .

"Who dare..."

Chu Qianye didn't even look at it.


When those figures were about to speak cruelly, there was also a pinch of cold blue flames in their bodies, and before they woke up, their bodies were burned to ashes and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The group of Longmen looked at this scene, and their hearts were also very shocked.

How terrible it is, this layer of power, they just vaguely felt that for a moment, the temperature was terrifying, and then before they woke up, those figures were annihilated and disappeared between the sky and the earth, and the temperature followed Disappeared.

Such things really shocked them.

Many people don't know what happened.

The figure below finally understood the trickyness of Chu Qianye and others.


This time, the formation of an entire team appeared.

The warrior headed by him is an eight-star saint state, and there are six or seven-star saints next to him. All in all, there are ten saints and dozens of peak venerables. These figures are extremely powerful. It was terrible, they could feel the roar and roar through the distant void.

If you don’t say too much, if they meet this group of people, they may not be able to overcome it, at least these people in front of them give them this feeling, that kind of powerful and unmatched power breath, so surging, madly Swept by, the breath of amazing power makes the heart scared.

However, Chu Qianye still only slightly raised his head.

"Who is your Excellency, why did you shoot at my Wuyinmen?" The warrior headed by, stared at Chu Qianye coldly.

Chu Qianye raised his head, a sneer flashed across his eyes.

Why did you shoot at the misty door?

This is a very interesting topic.

Chu Qianye didn't speak, but shook the palm of the figure who spoke.

"Boom! Boom!"

Almost without warning, those figures all turned into masses of blood mist. Those peak veterans couldn't react at all, and then they died completely, dying in the world.

As for those sage states, only seven and eight stars remain.

Even though the survivor struck, everyone's face was pale, their aura was languid, and they obviously suffered a huge blow, but their faces showed a touch of shock and fear.

"how can that be?!"

Looking at the subordinate who was annihilated in an instant, the eight-star saint headed by him couldn't help but change his expression, his face full of shock.

This kind of strength is terrible. It was just a palm of his hand, and none of his subordinates were able to survive. Even the three proud subordinates around him were also under the grip of Chu Qianye. Completely lost their combat effectiveness, the three of them were severely injured, their faces pale, and they retreated like lightning.


Chu Qianye raised his head, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Hey, it's a bit interesting. I didn't expect to have such a powerful defensive armor." Chu Qianye spit out lightly: "It's a pity, it's useless."

Chu Qianye sneered looking at the surviving warriors.

After the words were over, his palm was held again, and the figures that had been hit hard had not fully awakened, and they were hit hard by Chu Qianye's grip again, and they instantly turned into masses. Of blood mist.

As for the warrior headed, his face paled, and his eyes were filled with deep fear. At this moment, his powerful self-confidence was gone, and he turned his head and was about to escape from the void.

The person in front of him was too powerful. With his current strength, he was not his opponent at all, so he did not dare to stay again, but slammed the soles of his feet, retreated rapidly, and swept back.

Chu Qianye watched him want to escape, but shook his head lightly. He was about to squeeze his palm against the void again, trying to take the opportunity to erase the figure.

However, the void in front of him was formed with a tyrannical force, which forced his power away. At the same time, several figures appeared, revealing their true colors.

The one headed, wearing a blue shirt, had extremely deep eyes, and he stared at Chu Qianye intently.

The other figures looked at Chu Qianye as if facing an enemy.

Obviously, they all know that the black-clothed youth in front of them is quite powerful and not an ordinary warrior.

"You are Chu Qianye."

After a while, the figure in the blue shirt headed by him spit out softly.

"Hehe, it's a bit different from what you imagined. Sure enough, your strength is still very strong. Compared to ordinary warriors, you are a lot more tyrannical." He stared at Chu Qianye and said lightly: "Some time ago, Several sub-halls of the Hunting Soul Palace have been squandered. That person should be you."

Chu Qianye was indifferent and had no words.

When other people heard these words, their pupils suddenly shrank, and their hearts were secretly surprised, full of great shock and fear.

Some time ago, the hunting of the soul palace was a mess, but it caused a great shock. What they didn't expect was that the person who was the culprit stood in front of them. How could they not be surprised?

"You are not my opponent."

Without waiting for the person to continue speaking, Chu Qianye said indifferently: "You are not my opponent."

This sentence is very calm, as if saying a very common thing.

However, when this sentence fell in the ears of these people, it felt different.

Although they think that Chu Qianye is different, it doesn't mean that they feel that they are inferior to Chu Qianye, and what Chu Qianye said obviously doesn't take them seriously.

So, for a moment everyone became angry.

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