Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1601: Reproduce the past

If this magic weapon is so powerful, it is definitely a very good magic weapon.

"You can deduct now. Although there are not many things that can be deduced, it is faster for you than obtaining intelligence, and you can grasp the general direction." Zhan Tian said.

Hearing the sound, Chu Qianye couldn't help feeling a move in his heart, and then he held Hetu Luoshu in his hand, his eyes flickering.

Under his gaze, Hetu Luoshu suddenly showed some mysterious lines, which were like lines on a tortoise shell, vertical and horizontal. Although dense, there were still traces to follow when he stared. Next, he seemed to feel the strong lines.

"These lines are the lines you want to deduce. Remember these lines, and then enter the vast galaxy, and look at the vast starry sky at the same time. Then you will build a strange space. Entering that space, there is something you want to know. Things. But at most three things are deduced each time, otherwise the space will be unstable and the deduced things will be blurred. The more specific the deduction, the less the number, the clearer the results you will get." Zhan Tian Continue to say.

Hearing the sound, Chu Qianye had already remembered those lines, and immediately his soul perception spread rapidly, searching for the sky-cracking area, and heading straight to the vast galaxy.

His soul perception spread rapidly, leaping into the vast starry sky, and the energy between heaven and earth swept toward him as fast as lightning.

A huge oppression is formed, that comes from the invisible force of heaven.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised in her heart. He didn't expect this Hetu Luoshu to be so powerful. The oppression of this power was extremely powerful. Before the oppression of this vast power, he appeared as small as an ant.

"My lord, what you see is not the way of heaven, this is just something reflected by the way of heaven, you need to calm down, continue to stare, and build that space."

Zhan Tian's voice came in his ears.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised that the things reflected in the heavens were so terrible. He ruled the Gods’ Domain back then and saw a lot of powerful invisible forces, not necessarily the oppressive force in front of him. How terrible is that when facing heaven?

Chu Qianye felt extremely terrible thinking about it now.

Thinking about it now, he seemed to finally know why those masters were so afraid of the tribulations, because in the face of the power of heaven, all existence is ants, and they can't compete.

Because, once you try to contend with it, it will almost always be obliterated. The emptiness of energy is extremely violent and terrifying, without the slightest sign.

Therefore, now he finally wants to understand a truth. These masters did not make a move. It is not that they are unwilling, nor that they do not want to. After all, the heaven and earth are so vast in this world. Watching others fighting for it, he can only be reluctant. Seeing, this kind of taste is really mixed, but the oppression of the heavens above their heads, it is estimated that they can't catch their breath.

Chu Qianye stared at that area, and the lines in his mind also appeared.

Faintly, under Chu Qianye's gaze, within the vast star domain, lines of lines could not help but appear. The lines are as clear as **** lines, and his eyes are tungsten wire mysterious pens, which are outlines. Below, each pattern also condenses, as if there is an invisible force pulling it.

Chu Qianye was surprised secretly in her heart, this kind of power is indeed very powerful.

Taking a deep breath, he continued to stare, and the lines gradually became more solid and clear under his gaze, and the power around him was extremely tyrannical, surging crazily in the world.

The power of these stars was actually under his gaze, like a river, rushing towards his gazing position, and in the blink of an eye, it condensed into a mysterious pattern. The endless divine power, crazy Surging between heaven and earth.

The lines appeared step by step, and Chu Qianye looked at these lines and became clearer and clearer. In the area directly in front, there seemed to be a faint space gradually formed.

Sure enough, it was really effective. There are still a few lines left. If you continue to improve them, you should be able to enter this void.

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, and the power of the stars was constantly surging between the heaven and the earth, and the pressure of the breath became stronger and stronger, and he faintly felt this power whistling in his ears.

But Zhan Tian was by Chu Qianye's side, but he saw Hetu Luoshu in front of Chu Qianye, with mysterious lines forming, golden light shining, only the last two dim lines were not lit.

"Quite soon, savvy and talent are the strongest ones I have ever seen, none of them, they are almost catching up to the old master's speed." Zhan Tian secretly thought.

But he didn't say another word.

At this time, Chu Qianye should be the moment when he needs to calm down the most. If he speaks out, it will inevitably disturb Chu Qianye, so he shut up very wisely.

Those two dim lines, after about a minute, accompanied by a moment of void, were also lit up immediately.

And Hetu Luoshu suddenly burst out a dazzling light, shining from the area where Chu Qianye Jieyin entered the secret space, ravaged like the sky...


In the void, the light spread out.

And in the star space domain where Chu Qianye's soul perception was, a space was constructed by him, and Chu Qianye's soul perception swept towards the area where he was, and the surrounding light flashed.

At the moment Chu Qianye's soul perceives entering that area, countless rays of light diffuse and disappear into the world.

On the Hetu Luo book, those lines disappeared, and some were just a black hole, and Chu Qianye's shadow was in the black hole.

At this moment, after Chu Qianye entered that space, he felt the power of Dao Xuanqi, rushing toward his eyebrows. The power was very soft, giving him keen perception and making his thinking become. It became unusually clear, the vast power between the sky and the earth was constantly injecting into his body, and Chu Qianye's eyes, seeing mountains are not mountains, and clouds are not clouds, already possessing the power to understand everything.

"Reproduce what happened back then."

Chu Qianye said softly in his heart.

Along with his thoughts flashed out, in the galaxy space where Chu Qianye was, a gentle force soon covered him, but Chu Qianye only felt that the world was spinning and entering another strange time and space.

In the previous life, in the hall where Chu Qianye was killed by the Baguio Empress, Chu Qianye was sitting cross-legged, the position of his dantian, Hongmeng Purple Qi was covering the position of his dantian, and Chu Qianye was closing his eyes and concentrating on the good fortune. Prepare to break.

At this moment, a few figures entered the hall where he was, a beautiful woman, with a wave of her sleeves, all the formations that Chu Qianye had laid down were scattered, and a few figures surrounded Chu Qianye. .

The scene that once made his heartache the most, was staged again!

Chu Qianye kept admonishing herself in her heart that this was the past reproduced in Hetu Luoshu, not real.

However, even so, when he saw this woman again, a raging flame was still burning in his heart and chest!

He hates, he is angry, he burns!

Betrayed by a beloved one, trying to take the aura of humility as his own, can he feel good in his heart?

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