Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1609: Soul Hunter

It is not a problem to be a rich man, after all, the money is paid.

Chu Qianye naturally didn't care about the expressions of these people.

There were seven people, five men and two women. It was obvious that the yang and the Yin were declining. Chu Qianye didn't care about it either. He didn't intend to interact with these people anyway.

After all, he just wants to use these people, so he does not intend to interact with these people, otherwise he will increase his psychological guilt. The more familiar people are, this guilt will increase with the degree of utilization.

Chu Qianye didn't want to have such a burden, so he looked very calm.

Regarding Chu Qianye's reaction, everyone thought it was his cold arrogance.

"Boss, many sects will also participate this time. At that time, even if we don't fight for it, we only collect the bodies of these people and send them out. With these guys' collections, there must be a lot." , He said with a wicked smile, his eyes narrowed into a gap, and he looked very wretched.

This person, named Guan Shu, feels like a thief just hearing the name, and it is estimated that all the way is a show operation.

Anyway, this kind of person is estimated to want to be yin people all day long, play with caution, pursue temporary excitement, and easy to betray teammates, so this kind of person must be careful.

And the other two women, because there are few people, it is impossible not to pay attention.

One of them has a lively and cheerful personality, talks a lot, and looks average.

Another person has a quiet personality and few words, but looks very beautiful.

These two women can be said to be polarized.

"Anyway, anyway, we go to the canyon first. Don't trespass into the canyon without permission. You have to listen carefully to my instructions." He said coldly with his eyes.

When the mouse heard it, he couldn't help but shrink his head, obviously still afraid of punching, which shows that punching still has a high prestige in this adventure team.

This is the best way to reduce a lot of trouble. Chu Qianye doesn't want to follow an unorganized and undisciplined adventurous team. That's too showy, and it's obviously incompatible with his low-key behavior.

Therefore, it seems pretty good so far.

"Okay, okay, everything depends on the boss's arrangement." Guan Shu nodded and said.

"Master Chu, don't you know what else you have to prepare?" He turned his head and looked towards Chu Qianye and asked.

Chu Qianye shook his head lightly.

He still maintains a taciturn style, and can not speak as much as possible.

"Then, let's set off." He nodded after slamming his eyes, then waved his big hand, and rushed towards the front, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Everyone followed closely behind.

The speed of these people is quite fast, but they are obviously not as powerful as teleporting, but Chu Qianye didn't use teleporting either. After all, those words were too conspicuous.

Chu Qianye switched to Lingtian Shenbu.

The soles of the feet were covered with silver sparkles, and in the next moment, his figure easily appeared behind these people, his breath was converged to the extreme, and with the power of the soul, no one could know his martial arts cultivation. .

This place belongs to the Little Thousand World. The strongest one here is probably the strength of the Saint. Chu Qianye doesn’t worry about being crushed by a powerful master. After all, this is just a Little Thousand World, unless they really encounter it. The situation Zhan Tian said.

However, that kind of situation is probably rare.

Chu Qianye didn't care, his figure continued to flicker, and as he swept forward, the blink of an eye disappeared in front of him. When he appeared the next moment, others were already behind him, always keeping with the figure in front of him. A certain distance.

However, those figures looked at Chu Qianye with a trace of surprise in their eyes, because Chu Qianye's air was calm and relaxed, with his hands on his back, it was very relaxed.

In this small thousand world, the power of the stars is too barren, and the heavenly materials and earth treasures that can be absorbed are also very scarce. This is why the expressions of those people are immediately when they are splitting out those pills and other heavenly materials and earth treasures. Reasons for mitigation.

In this world, the rich is the boss, and the cultivation resources are the bosses. These adventurous teams, but when they are adventurous, they take on the task of the gold master to help find relevant things and gain strength in the process of adventure. It's just a treasure of heaven and earth for cultivation.

However, the improvement of the strength of these people is not so easy. After all, the cultivation resources of this little thousand world are too scarce, and the increase in strength is obviously not as fast as the Profound Qi Continent. Even if there is time to accelerate, it is still difficult. Ascension so rapid.

Everyone looked at Chu Qianye, the light in his eyes flickered. Obviously they didn't expect Chu Qianye's body skills to be so profound. Everyone looked at it and seemed to feel the difference in body skills, and was full of Chu Qianye's identity. Guessed.

Chu Qianye didn't care, he continued to follow behind several people.

This time, after two hours, the punching finally stopped. He looked at the area directly in front of him and said: "We are about to enter the canyon area. Everyone should be careful. The road ahead is not easy. Fortunately, there are human ambushes. Even if there are no human ambushes, there may be tyrannical beasts, so please cheer up!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the sound.

He glanced at Chu Qianye and said, "Master Chu, our destination is right in front of you. This Qianjue Grand Canyon is not as simple as it seems on the surface, so you have to deal with it carefully."

Chu Qianye didn't think there was anything, what kind of risk did he not experience?

He has a keen sense of soul, and he should be the strongest of these people when it comes to dealing with dangers, so he just nodded politely, which was regarded as an agreement.

Immediately, the group of people continued to move forward, but the speed was obviously reduced a lot, and they all listened upright, obviously feeling the troubles carefully and anticipating the crisis.

Naturally, Chu Qianye didn't need to be like this, his soul perception spread, and where there was aura fluctuations, he couldn't escape his perception.

"There are fierce beasts thousands of meters to the left." Chu Qianye said lightly.

Almost at the same time, Chu Qianye had just finished speaking, and there was a roar on the left side, as well as violent aura fluctuations.


With a loud noise, a fierce beast of hundreds of feet appeared in front of the people. Its towering body was astonishing. The kind of hostility is still sweeping across the sky from a long distance, and it is as powerful as a storm Power, mighty...

Everyone's expressions couldn't help changing slightly, and they quickly looked towards the area where the fierce beast was.

"Hunting souls and animals!"

Seeing this fierce beast, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they exclaimed.

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