Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1615: Huangquanbiluo

The tyrannical force immediately slashed those figures out.

The weaker ones were cut to death in an instant, and some strong figures flickered, retreating quickly.

However, in the area where their figures receded a few feet, a blood-red sword aura rushed out of their bodies within their entire bodies.




In an instant, all the warriors bleeded red sword aura and dyed the sea red.

Seeing those figures, Chu Qianye quickly flew out, waved his palm, and put all the corpses into the Qiankun Ring.

As for those figures who survived by chance, their pupils shrank suddenly.

Looking at the scene before them, they suddenly felt a chill in their backs.

Chu Qianye's weird means of attack were too unpredictable.

From start to finish, they didn't know how Chu Qianye made the move.

Chu Qianye didn't stop at all, because there was still a place where there was a wooden crystal waiting for him to harvest.

Seeing Chu Qianye's leaving figure, punching his eyes and others couldn't help showing shocked eyes.

It took no more than a minute for Chu Qianye's appearance to leave, and those strong men who had not been able to survive before all fell in an instant, disappearing in this world, and even the body was swept away.

"Boss, that kid..." Guan Shu and the others changed their expressions slightly.

"Shut up, this is not a place to talk!" His face changed drastically, and he said in a deep voice.

If you let these sect forces know that they have a relationship with Chu Qianye, wouldn't it be seeking death?

With the means and strength of these sect forces, they must be shot at them, and with their strength, it is impossible to stop the thunder anger of these guys.

Guan Shu also realized that something was wrong, and quickly shut up.

"Go!" squinted and looked around, then said.

At this moment, Chu Qianye's figure appeared again in the fourth position.

There were not many wooden crystals in this fourth place, only the number of five wooden crystals. Chu Qianye barely stayed. After receiving the wooden crystals, he quickly swept towards the void in front of him. Away.

In order to prevent the fish from slipping through the net, Chu Qianye quickly began to perceive, and quickly moved towards the surrounding area. After sweeping a few times without noticing the fluctuation of the wooden crystal, Chu Qianye's figure flashed, fast as if The lightning left this area.

And just as he was about to leave, there were countless waves in the void directly in front of him, and Chu Qianye couldn't help being surprised.

Those powerhouses in this little thousand world are finally coming!

Chu Qianye felt the rage of these auras, and couldn't help being surprised secretly. It must be the power of these guys' blood and energy, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Chu Qianye did not dare to stay, his figure teleported and left the jihad sea area.

Several figures appeared.


"What's the situation, isn't there a breath fluctuation?"

After several figures appeared, they immediately looked around in confusion.

"Don't be suspicious, hurry up and find Mu Yajing, Xiaoyun's space jade slips are nearby. This time the number of Mu Yajing is limited. If you get one, you will be able to train a strong God of War, hurry up!"

After these people arrived, they didn't go into the fluctuations that Chu Qianye made immediately.

At this moment, after Chu Qianye obtained the wood bud crystal, his body continuously teleported and left this area.

He didn't expect that this time, Mu Yujing was so breathtaking, and it was thanks to Hetu Luoshu that he had predicted the location of Mu Yujing in advance.

However, with the number of these wooden crystals, Chu Qianye felt that there must be something he hadn't noticed.

However, it doesn’t matter. After all, he doesn’t lack this little crystal. He urgently needs to find a place to practice in retreat. It is best to be extremely concealed. Otherwise, he will be discovered by the powerhouse of this small world, and he is at a deep level. Cultivation is extremely easy to be attacked.

Chu Qianye unfolded his powerful perception and swept across the non-killing area. At the same time, a map appeared in his hand with many place names marked on it.

"With so many places for cultivation, this place should be the best place."

Chu Qianye looked at the "Huangquan Biluo" marked on the map, and then muttered.

In this place, the strength of the fierce beast is extremely tyrannical, so ordinary people will basically not come here to practice, let alone find it here in idleness.

However, just in case, Chu Qianye had better prepare more, anyway, take precautions.

Chu Qianye continued to unfold her own perception, spreading towards the void in the distance.

Huangquanbiluo, in fact, has a huge surprise with the Huangquan blood domain. The Huangquanbiluo in this small world is a natural dangerous place. There are no buildings and no palaces. The vast desert is full of tyrannical forces. The breath, the fearful roar of the fierce beast, is constantly coming from the depths of the yellow spring and blue sky. The breath of power from the ancient relics makes people feel fearful and fearful.

The vast mountains are bald, without a trace of vitality, and there is lifelessness all around, and occasionally some blue and green light overflows from the cracks in the stone.

Some trees with blood-red flowers occasionally appeared in the distance, and the bark was black lacquer like ink, emitting a faint light. The breath and fluctuation of that kind of power made people feel very strange.

In the distant void, weird red light appeared occasionally, and the cracks formed on the ground continued to extend forward, occasionally forming a huge space collapse, and the area below had the mouth of a hideous beast, continuously extending forward.

This kind of power fluctuation and weird aura filled all around, which made people shudder.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chu Qianye couldn't help but frown.

I don't know if his choice is correct, but now he can no longer control that much, he has to hurry up and improve his martial arts cultivation.

Fight for half a year to return to the Profound Qi Continent, so that you will have more time and space for yourself to make arrangements.

In the Great Wilderness, it is estimated that other people are not idle, after all, this is related to the dominance of the heaven.

Chu Qianye flickered and swept towards the area directly in front of him.

First find a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and then borrow the formation method. It is estimated that it will be almost the same. After all, it will take half a year, or even a year, to practice in a closed state, so this place of cultivation is particularly important.

"call out!"

Chu Qianye rushed towards the front, and after searching for a while, he finally found a decent place with an unusually cold and tearing feeling everywhere.

Fortunately, he has a mysterious fire body, otherwise the cold might really freeze him.

Begin to arrange the formations, the magic formation, the gathering spirit formation, the killing formation, the defensive formation, all the formations were laid by Chu Qianye, and each formation was superimposed on each other, prepared and prepared.

Chu Qianye flicked his fingers and released the two puppets again.

"Zhantian, help me protect the law."

Zhan Tian's figure flashed, and immediately appeared in front of Chu Qianye.

And in front of him, he began to clear out all the wooden scorpions.

Including the wooden crystals that those people competed for, they all add up to a total of twelve, excluding the emperor wooden crystals.

If such a number is known to outsiders, it is estimated to be crazy.

A sharp light flashed in Chu Qianye's eyes.

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