Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1627: It's time to ask Slash!

His palm couldn't stop shaking, this feeling was very subtle, he stared at the door of space right in front.

Chu Qianye looked at the door directly in front and took a deep breath.

What's behind the door in front of you? Where does it lead? What is waiting for yourself?

Chu Qianye couldn't help but be full of expectations.

He felt that the aura from the stele was really similar to the jade pendant his mother gave him. This feeling made him feel like a world away. After all, more than three years have passed.

I really did not expect that the last time I met with his mother in a photo, he just awakened his martial soul at that time, and his martial arts cultivation base was only a powerful person in the Profound Realm. Has it been so long?

I really didn't expect it, time flies.

His mother-in-law, when she met him last time, seemed to have said that if she met again next time, she would probably reach the state of the noble or saint herself.

Sure enough!

Unexpectedly, everything is under control of her own mother.

My mother did not expect to have such powerful means.

Thinking about the possibility of seeing his mother again, Chu Qianye couldn't help getting excited.

His palm trembled uncontrollably.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, tapped the sole of his foot, and immediately the figure had stepped into the door of the space, and then entered the space.

at last…

Chu Qianye entered that space and area.

As Chu Qianye stepped away, and then entered the space, and as Chu Qianye entered that area, Chu Qianye suddenly felt the void around him, and a huge fluctuation suddenly occurred.

This space is actually not big, about the size of a courtyard, but it is very stable, surrounded by violent energy, but it is impossible to approach this area.

And in the middle of the space, in that area, a stone pillar stood up, surrounded by mysterious lines.

When Chu Qianye appeared in this void, he suddenly felt that this space seemed to have some connection with another space.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised.

This kind of power is too weird.

Taking a deep breath, he continued to stare at the stone pillar.

This space is so big, there is no other place that has attracted his attention, only this stone pillar, which makes him have to stare at this piece of void.

A weird force rushed out frantically.

Chu Qianye's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

The power between the heavens and the earth rushed frantically, and the ferocity of the power was really shocking.

Chu Qianye stared at the stone pillar in front of him. He kept his gaze in his eyes, with a trace of surprise on his face. Under this breath fluctuation, Chu Qianye suddenly realized that the stone pillar was formed by strange waves, and Chu Qianye hadn't woken up yet. , A body formed by slowly condensing.

A beautiful woman immediately appeared in front of Chu Qianye.

Wearing a lavender silk shirt, he is about thirty-six or seventeen years old. She has a pointed face, slender eyebrows and a very beautiful appearance.

The one in front of me, isn't it the mother he met three years ago?

"Ye'er." The beautiful woman looked at Chu Qianye and said.

This sound made Chu Qianye very heartbroken.

There was a trace of tears flashing in the beautiful woman's bright eyes.

Tears of touch and relief.

"Mother!" Chu Qianye said, her voice full of excitement.

On this side, he looked forward to it for a long time.

In these years, he has actually not been doing very well. He has been spurring himself to grow up, and he has not been idle in cultivation. Even if he has talent, he has not let up.

Nowadays, he has finally achieved a certain degree of achievement, fulfilling the conditions his mother said earlier.

Finally, see you again!

"You have finally grown up." The beautiful woman smiled: "My mother is very pleased. My mother promised you that if she met you, she would not hide it from you. Now, it is time to tell you that year. Those things are."

When Chu Qianye heard these words, she couldn't help but feel shocked.

This was what he was waiting for.

Now, finally looking forward to it!

Chu Qianye was filled with excitement, he raised his head and looked at the beautiful woman.

He is now completely ready!

"Ye'er, my mother is actually an ancient clan in God's Domain. That ancient clan is called the Ye Clan. I guess you should also be inquiring with your father. If he didn't tell you, please don't blame him, because he has his own difficulties. . After all, the Ye Family is too strong, and your strength is not their opponent." Chu Mu said while looking at Chu Qianye.

Ye family?

Chu Qianye's heart moved, and an answer was ready to come out.

In God's Domain, there are really not many people called Ye Family, and even fewer belong to the Ancient Clan, so in this way, the answer seems to be very rare.

"Ye'er, in fact, your father used to be a talented genius. According to the world you are in now, it can be said that he is the master of the realm. Later, when he entered the realm of God, he met his mother and had you." With Chu Qianye, he continued to talk.

"Back then, my mother left the Ye family in order to give birth to you. She thought it was enough to escape from the Ye family, but she never thought that the Emperor Beixuan suffered an accident. When he died, it was you who came to this world. At that time, you caused a change in the world, the dragon and the phoenix coiled around, the thunderclouds of the Nine Tribulations were surging, and the beasts of thousands of miles were crawling, and they were shocked for a while. Your father knew that something was wrong, so he brought his mother to the Profound Qi Continent. , He himself fought against those people, and was ultimately lost."

Chu Qianye didn't interrupt, he just listened carefully throughout the whole process, listening to his mother's words.

Mother Chu continued: "Later those people chased down and tried to intercept us, but the old part of the Emperor Beixuan appeared and intercepted those people, and your father then kept them anonymously. I thought it would be all right this way, but it was unexpected. The thing is, the people of the Ye family came. I went back with the people of the Ye family to save, and was forced to swear by martial arts to sever the relationship with your father. Although we can't be together now, your father and I are in love. , I hope you will understand that Ye'er, we love you very much, but in the face of cruel facts, sometimes we need to make concessions and sacrifices."

Hearing these words, Chu Qianye couldn't help but feel a little pain.

Unexpectedly, the Ye family was so excessive back then!

And those who chase it over should be the subordinates of the Baguio Empress!

Very good, really good! ! !

Chu Qianye's heart was murderous.

No matter what the reason, and no matter what the purpose and reason, this enmity will never end in this life and this world!

"Ye'er, now that you have stepped into the Saint Realm, the next step is the Domination Realm. You first go to the Domination Realm, and then attack the Great Domination. After reaching the Great Domination Realm, I believe you will find a way to break through. Yes." Mother Chu said.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"Ye'er, you should have a lot of questions right now, and you might as well say something." Chu Mu said.

"Mother, one thing I don't understand is that you gave me the jade pendant. What kind of exercises are inside? It seems to be very profound," Chu Qianye said.

"Silly boy, the exercises are not given to you by your mother, but the jade in your mouth when you were born. We originally wanted to give you the exercises, but the exercises of Jade Peili are more advanced, and because of you Born from jade, your father and I think this is something destined in the sky, so they didn’t give you any other exercises. They just killed a giant dragon and merged its blood into the jade.” Chu Mu said .

Chu Qianye's heart was shaken by the sound.

Hearing what his mother said, Chu Qianye couldn't help being surprised secretly.

It seems that that piece of jade, to be honest, he didn't have it in his previous life, and he didn't quite understand the techniques contained in the jade pendant.

This is too evil, isn't it, is this also destined?

It's strange, this thing is really wicked.

However, if he didn't understand Chu Qianye, he stopped thinking about it. The only thing he can be sure about now is that his mother is the Ye Family, and they are forced to disperse. In fact, the culprit is the Ye Family!

The indirect hands are those who chased and killed his mother's relatives, most likely those of the Baguio Empress Sect!

It is also very likely to have something to do with that shadow!

But, who is that shadow? Why is he unaware when the other person approaches?

This matter has reached a dead end.

So, why did the Hunting Soul Palace attack his father?

Immediately, Chu Qianye threw this question to his mother.

However, Chu Qianye's answer was greatly puzzled by his mother, because at that time her mother had already followed the Ye family back to God's Domain.

In other words, his father's clone was actually harmed by the Soul Hunting Palace, this doubt has not been solved yet, and it is still hanging in his heart.

This made Chu Qianye very depressed.

How could this be the case?

He took a deep breath, the doubts in his heart really got more and more, and he didn't understand it.

Just as he was about to open his mouth and continue to ask, his mother's face suddenly changed.

"No, Ye'er, my mother has to wander back to the realm of God, those people are here!"

Immediately, before Chu Qianye woke up, the phantom shattered away, and the space fell into dead silence again.

Chu Qianye couldn't help feeling a little heartache when thinking of his mother's reluctance and fear before leaving.

"Ye family, what a Ye family!!!"

Chu Qianye's eyes were dark.

Soul Hunting Palace, next time you catch the Candle Dragon, this matter will definitely come to light!

"My lord."

Just as Chu Qianye ran away and his heart was full of killing, a voice resounded in his heart, not from Zhan Tian, ​​but from Ling Xi who had not spoken.

"Actually, is there such a possibility that the person who harmed your father? In fact, the Ye family did not completely withdraw, but left one or two people? Or maybe the Ye family bought someone and let others deal with your father. "Ling Xi said.

Chu Qianye couldn't help but glance over with awe.

It's also possible, and it's great!

"Soul Hunting Palace, Purgatory Clan, it's time to ask Slash!" Chu Qianye said coldly.

After finishing the words, he left the space.

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