Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1665: Immeasurable catastrophe

When everyone saw this scene, their pupils suddenly shrank.

The whole audience was silent!

Many people looked at this scene stupidly. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, looking at each other. Obviously they didn't expect that Chu Qianye's martial arts spirit would be so powerful.

Everyone was crazy when they saw this scene.

This is too terrifying, it turned out to be a martial arts spirit of supernatural rank. Before they thought Chu Qianye was arrogant, but now it seems that it is not the case.

It's really arrogant and has arrogant capital!

Seeing this scene, all the candidates became confused.

It took a long time for Ziyuan to wake up.

He looked at Chu Qianye, his eyes also changed.

Lin Yun was also quite surprised. He didn't expect Chu Qianye's martial arts to be so powerful. Ziweixing, this martial arts is so powerful, it hardly needs to say that it can be ranked first in the martial arts list. It is not unreasonable. of.

Master Yingyue was slightly stunned, and then he woke up. She gave a faint smile.

The Blood Moon Ruler was also slightly surprised.

As for the other masters, their expressions were very wonderful at this time. The most high-profile people such as Gouchen Master, Guan Sheng Master, and Yue Sheng Master, their faces were unnatural.

"Boss, who is forced to pretend, is really the essence." Xiaobao smiled: "The faces of these **** are hurt by slaps."

Facing Xiaobao, Wang Yiling was quite ashamed, and sure enough, what kind of master he has has what kind of battle pet.

Chu Nuan was also very excited at this time, and couldn't wait to cheer for joy.


At this time, Yue Chen and Lin Wanxue's complexion became quite ugly. Neither of them expected that Chu Qianye's martial spirit was not of a low rank, and they also knew about this Ziwei Star.

However, everyone is still on the same starting line, what is the final rank of its martial arts, it hasn't been finalized yet, so they are all martial arts of supernatural rank.

It depends on whose martial soul finally has more stars!

"Huh, how about even a superb martial soul? The talent is not necessarily very good. It is still uncertain whether we can quickly comprehend the scriptures. And our martial soul is not bad, a superb martial soul like you, So don't be too happy too early!" Lin Wanxue snorted coldly.

Seeing her arrogant appearance, Chu Qianye ignored her.

Because he didn't bother to pay attention to what kind of person Lin Wanxue was, he didn't know what kind of person Lin Wanxue was. The Master Guan, who seemed not very good at tutoring, spoiled his daughter.

If you don't have education, you can't teach well, right?

It doesn't matter, society will teach her to be a human being!

At this time, Yue Chen also looked ugly. He also gave Chu Qianye a glance, and then continued to release his martial soul. Obviously, he was about to grade his martial soul, and he quickly used this time period to open up peace. The gap between other opponents, and complete the insight of the scriptures.

Chu Qianye's martial soul gave Ziyuan and Lin Yun a lot of confidence.

The two of them continued to release their martial souls one after another, and they were also preparing to start grading and comprehend that scripture.

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile, and he didn't seem to be anxious at all.

Everything is under his control...

The beast king Wankun and Long Feili were just a little surprised, and then they continued to release their martial souls, began to prepare for grading, and then began to comprehend and comprehend the scriptures.


This void trembles violently, and everyone feels a monstrous divine light, shining crazily. At the same time, it is covering the sky and the earth.

A ray of light rose from the ground in vain, swept into the sky, surging across the sky and the earth...

Everyone raised their heads subconsciously and looked at the position of those rays.

Everyone looked at those lights, and their faces were full of shocks.

The spirits burst out with dazzling golden rays.

One, two, three, four,...

One star, two stars, three stars, four stars,...

The light of the martial soul erupted one after another, plundering violently as quickly as lightning, rising into the sky, and the powerful breath of martial soul power surged crazily between the heaven and the earth.

Everyone was dazzled looking at such a spectacular scene in front of them.

"Uh, Long Feili is a magical seven-star martial soul."

"It is currently the highest."


However, before that person finished speaking, a huge breath of power and martial spirit fluctuations swept away in vain.

Everyone's pupils suddenly shrank.

"this is……"

Eight golden beams of light suddenly burst out of the body of Beast King King Kun, and then rose into the sky, and the mighty spirit of martial arts surged between heaven and earth...

Everyone raised their heads in surprise and looked in the direction of Beast King Wankun.

After seeing the faces of those candidates, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

The first item, the rank competition of Wuhun, they have already lost to Beast King Wankun.

The only hope now is to comprehend the scriptures.

At this time, the eyes of the master of the ten thousand demons were as light as water, but the appearance was still visible, and it was full of spirits.

Both of his candidates have extremely high martial arts ranks.

Buqianchen, five-star **** product;

Long Fei Li, Seven Stars of Divine Product;

Wankun, the king of beasts, eight stars!

Therefore, the three people added up, this ranking must be extremely high, almost surely won.

Chu Qianye glanced lightly at Lin Yun and Ziyuan.

These two goods were great when they attacked him, but the rank of their martial souls is actually not high.

Ziyuan is a four-star supernatural product, and Lin Yun is a six-star supernatural product.

Therefore, the rank of the martial spirit rank of the two people is not known where it is.

He sighed secretly in his heart.

But this is not a big problem, because he just remembered now, whether it is a group or an individual, it seems that the strength of the Immeasurable Tribulation has not been mentioned, which has attracted his attention.

He didn't know why the Taoist Qingpao didn't mention it, or whether it was intentional or intentional.

Just as Chu Qianye was frightened and uncertain, the Daoist Qingpao snapped his fingers.

Everyone was horrified to find that time has stopped!

"By the way, the power of Immeasurable Tribulation is related to your rankings. The higher the ranking of the combination, the lower the power of Tribulation, and vice versa. The team draws a lottery. As long as the team is at the end, it will be judged. To be the winner, regardless of whether anyone is eliminated, the entire group must be eliminated. That is, it is not necessary for all members to win."

Taoist Qingpao said.

After the words were over, time flowed again, and all the masters and candidates were surprised to find that their souls seemed to have returned to their bodies.

Others didn't notice this abnormality at all.

The candidates continued to release their martial spirit aura.

After the burst of light, an aura of strength suddenly appeared, erupting from the stone pillar, and then rushing towards the spirits of those people one after another, covering the spirits of these people in the blink of an eye.

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