Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1684: Enter Tianhe Temple

Feeling Yue Chen's killing intent, Chu Qianye's eyes flashed with chill.

He naturally felt this guy's killing intent before, and the other party's killing intent was really provocative to him.

But he doesn't care about these.

After dawn, we can see each other soon.

But here is the Jiuzhong Tianhe, even if Yue Chen is bold, he dare not openly attack him.

"Tomorrow, I hope you can make it to the end." Wan Kun's voice came abruptly, and Chu Qianye raised his head and looked at the other party.

His eyes flickered with coldness.

It was this guy who killed Old Man Jian.

It was this guy, the candidate whom Ten Thousand Demons ruled the old thing.

In this Great Wilderness Contest, it is not to say that it was the Beast King Wankun who came, even if the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons came personally, he was not afraid. He had already gone to a different Little Thousand World at this time. This Profound Qi Continent was just a Middle Thousand World. That's it.

Soon he was able to stand on this profound energy continent and declare his dominance.

Seeing Chu Qianye's posture, Beast King Wankun couldn't help showing a sneer.


He smiled faintly, then raised his head to look at the void, and then a little on the sole of the foot, and the figure swept forward. The merit point on the merit stone was shining with brilliance, and a force covered his body in it, and immediately formed a force of stars. Wrap it, then a little on the sole of your foot, and step into the nine-layered Tianhe.

Long Feili also glanced at Chu Qianye, and then disappeared, stepping towards the first heaven river, disappearing before his eyes in the blink of an eye.

Outside Tianhe, many people looked at these candidates, as if seeing a hundred flowers blooming in a hundred schools of thought, they were extremely concerned.

These people, at this time tomorrow, will determine the strength of their strength, and the strength of their strength will be known by then.

Whether it is Yue Chen, or beast king Wankun or Long Feili, these are recognized as the strongest Taoist saints in the Sixteenth Wilderness. Naturally, the strength of these people will not be much worse, and this time the Great Wilderness Obviously because of these people, the hegemony will become more shining and more ornamental.

Many people also turned to Chu Qianye’s attention. It was not the same as Yue Chen and Wan Kun, but the sensation caused by Chu Qianye this time, which also made him the object of great attention. Now Ziyuan and Lin Yun also looked at Chu Qianye differently.

With the power of blood, he rushed to the eighth-tier ladder. Who could do this ability? The vast majority of warriors dare not try easily, and it is impossible to do it.

Although the power of blood is not directly equated with strength, it is also a part of strength after all, so it is still very important.

Not only in the Tianhe Temple, but also the people outside the Tianhe Temple.

The arrival of Chu Qianye and others obviously caused a lot of shock here.

These people came to the Tianhe Temple today, not knowing which floor they can go to.

However, these people are candidates, and their strength is naturally much stronger than ordinary people, so their strength must be far above them.

At this moment, outside the Tianhe Hall, everyone watched as those figures entered the first floor of the Tianhe Hall, and couldn't help showing their look of expectation.

In a moment, the first floor of the Tianhe Temple was finally lit, and the lit starry sky was shining at this time, so that the people on the outside could also see clearly.

The scene inside became extremely transparent and bright.

"Uh, it seems to be Yue Chen and Lin Wanxue. These people are so fast, they have already lit up the first and second floors."

"That is, Yue Chen needless to say, the father is the master, and Lin Wanxue is also the same, his master is Yue Chen's father, this kind of background, ordinary people simply cannot match."

For a time, everyone saw that the Tianhe Temple was lit up, and they couldn't help but talk.

Everyone raised their heads and looked excited towards the illuminated palaces.


While they were talking about it, the third and fourth floors were also lit up.

Everyone looked stunned, and they couldn't help showing an expression of error.

Soon they saw the illuminated Tianhe, and the figures revealed in it were the beast king Wankun and Long Feili.

"Uh, it is Beast King Wankun and the others."

"What a terrible talent and strength, it rushed to the third and fourth level of Tianhe Palace so quickly."

The crowd outside stared at the scene in the Tianhe Temple.

Whenever someone stepped into the Tianhe Temple, a small part of the Tianhe River would emerge, lighting up the surroundings, and the people outside could see clearly.

Chu Qianye raised his head and looked at those Tianhe Rivers. The stars were intertwined with each other. The gorgeous picture was like a dream.

"Those people who enter the space corresponding to the Tianhe Temple will light up those galaxies." Ziyuan said: "The lit galaxy, the warrior can understand some unique magical powers or other abilities."

"Under normal circumstances, there are different oppressive attacks on each floor, just like our Kuawu Dao ladder, but the attacks here are more powerful."

Chu Qianye raised his head, looked at the lit galaxy, and nodded gently.

Looking at the flowing stars, as well as the invisible oppressive attacks, Chu Qianye's inner spiritual will became stronger and stronger.

"Let's go, it's time to go in." Chu Qianye said.

Ziyuan and Lin Yun smiled at each other.

They knew that Chu Qianye would definitely go in.

So they stopped talking nonsense.

The two followed closely behind Chu Qianye and swept towards the upper area. In the blink of an eye, they appeared on the corresponding floors of the Xitianhe Hall.

Chu Qianye handed in 100 billion merit points and entered the first floor.

In the past few years, he has killed a lot of experts in the Saint realm, not to mention having a wealth of money, but he still has hundreds of billions of merits.

Feeling the invisible oppression, Ziyuan said: "You can enter the second floor by breaking through this layer of Tianhe, but there is only one chance each time. Entering the second floor requires 200 billion merit points. After failure, merit points are It's going to be ridiculous."

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, he turned his head, looked at the hesitation of those people, and finally understood.

It seems that although these guys have already entered the Tianhe Temple here, they are not about to rush up because they have consumed too many merit points. If they fail, the merit points will not be returned.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"Master Chu, if you look at these galaxies carefully, what do you see?" Ziyuan said, "I saw countless fists roaring towards me."

Lin Yun said: "I have seen thousands of troops."

Chu Qianye raised his head and looked at the galaxies with an expression of error.

What he saw was the **** pattern, intertwined, beautifully. This Tianhe seems to be flowing, converging into lines, and the oppressive force is diffused from it.

The two looked startled, and shook their heads with a wry smile.

"Hey, Lord Chu is indeed a god-patterned genius. Those who can see god-patterned patterns in this Tianhe Temple have extremely high comprehension capabilities. Ordinary people cannot see the mystery contained in this Tianhe Temple, and many people cannot. Ziyuan sighed, "Seeing the **** pattern is already quite powerful."

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