Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1689: Strategic means

It seems that only Xuan Gong can help.

But this punishment is really no one.

In other words, Ziyuan and Lin Yun must defeat the candidate dominated by the sun, and he has to accept the challenge of the four losers group and win all of them before they can enter the winner group and continue to compete.

This is a war of attrition for anyone.

Even if it wins completely, it can only be said that it may be a disastrous victory, not a winner group entered in the peak state, basically there is no hope of qualifying again.

Such a result is extremely unacceptable for anyone.

But Chu Qianye didn't worry about himself, instead he worried about Ziyuan and Lin Yun the most.

The strength of these two people can only be said to be average, and they are still a little weak against the Dominator of the previous day. If you really want to compare them, Chu Qianye realized that neither of them is necessarily the opponent of these people.

Therefore, you have to come up with a perfect plan, that is, let them win and ensure that they qualify, but also give him a chance to fight alone in the four losers group.

Ziyuan and Lin Yun were almost out of breath when they heard this punishment.

But both of them were desperate.

If the two of them competed against the candidate dominated by the sun, it would be fine. Now with this addition, Chu Qianye must accept the challenge of the four losers, and they can only qualify and enter the winners without losing.

Such punishment is too heavy!

Yingyue dominates with a speechless face. She did not expect that Chu Qianye would drop the chain at a critical moment, and this is not a normal chain drop, this is definitely an undercover agent sent by the enemy!

The candidate smiled heavily.

The masters' eyes flickered.

This is almost impossible. Yingyue Domination is bound to enter the loser group, and it is also possible that due to the attrition war, the ranking will be left behind.


After hearing the punishment on the viewing stage, everyone was in an uproar.

"Uh, this kind of punishment is too heavy, it's impossible!"

"It's hopeless to qualify for them."


Xiaoyao Daosheng and others were speechless.

Obviously I did not expect this to be the case.

The punishment for being late is so heavy.

And Chu Qianye would actually make such a low-level mistake.

Why did he go?

For a time, the Xiaoyao Sage and the others couldn't help but worry about Chu Qianye.

"This kid did it deliberately. With this kind of punishment, my master has no chance of qualifying."

"I thought there was hope, but now that we have such a show, it is estimated that we will be squeezed to the end again this time."


"Ah, how can this be? My brother is just a little late, how can they be like this?" Chu Nun said angrily.

Wang Yiling's face changed for a while, and her heart was very helpless.

It seems that this punishment is probably an ironclad fact.


"You two believe me?" Chu Qianye asked suddenly.

Ziyuan and Lin Yun looked startled, at this time, can they believe it or not?

The same is true for the letter, and the same for the unbelief. After all, you are being punished for being late, and only the two of us fight each other.

"I have a way to win." Chu Qianye covered the martial arts compartment on the three of them.

Upon hearing the sound, Ziyuan and Lin Yun both looked startled, and then revealed a touch of joy.

This is definitely good news for them.

"What is the winning method?" Ziyuan asked in confusion.

Lin Yun also cast doubts.

Chu Qianye showed a mysterious expression.

"You just need to trust me. Don't worry, you can be guaranteed to enter the winner group. You can leave it to me without worrying about the next battle," Chu Qianye said confidently.

The two looked at Chu Qianye suspiciously.

This is wrong, why is Chu Qianye so confident?

The two of them faced the three of them. The situation itself was unfavorable, and I couldn't guarantee it from another person. After all, these were all Dao Sages with unusual talents. Against these people, they were not opponents at all.

But now they can't tolerate any superfluous thoughts, they can only be dead horse doctors.

Immediately, after Chu Qianye finished talking about the winning method, both of them showed surprised expressions, even a little skeptical.

Seeing that the two of them didn't believe it, Chu Qianye didn't talk nonsense.

Now that the group competition has been determined, they will be the last group in the order, so there is no need to consider time at all. After all, the eight competitions only reached them.

"In this way, I create a dream, and you will all enter my dream. I will teach you the method, and I believe you will soon understand what I said." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

Ziyuan and Lin Yun were skeptical, but they couldn't tolerate other thoughts at this time.

The two immediately entered the dreamland created by Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye did not create the dream of an emperor, but a very ordinary dream.

"Prepare three sets of back roads for you. After preventing your opponents from detecting them, you can still have back roads, as long as you defeat the opponents." Chu Qianye said indifferently: "The first set of back roads. In the dream state, the remaining one can take the shot to eliminate the opponent. Lin Yun, you are responsible for creating the dream state, and Ziyuan is responsible for eliminating the opponent."

"The second set of back roads. If you fail to create a dream state, immediately use Profound Fire. Don't worry. Although Profound Fire is extremely hot, I believe it will not be a problem for you. Owning Profound Fire, plus With the Three Burning Technique, the combat power can be at least doubled, or even tripled. It is not difficult to eliminate opponents, but time must be controlled, after all, there is only 30 seconds."

"The third set of back roads. If the mysterious fire attack can't eliminate the opponent, then use the soul attack. When you give your soul source, you use the mysterious fire to burn and absorb, I believe you will soon be able to upgrade your soul."

After Chu Qianye finished speaking, only Ziyuan and Lin Yun remained dumbfounded.

This kind of back path seemed to be of great benefit to them. Chu Qianye gave Xuanhuo and divided his soul origin. Such benefits really made them feel a little happy too suddenly.

"Don't worry, you get the benefits, but I won't lose anything. At that time, you still have to return the Profound Fire to me. As for the Three Burning Technique, getting together is fate, so let's give it to you. Now, the most important thing is still You must defeat your opponents and enter the winner group.” Chu Qianye said lightly: “As long as you can defeat them, the next loser group will be handed over to me, there is no problem.”

Seeing Chu Qianye so confident and determined, the two could not help but sigh in their hearts.

"Yes, there should be no problem." Lin Yun nodded gently.

Then Chu Qianye solved the dream created.

Chu Qianye didn't hesitate after giving the pill to the two.

Xuanhuo suddenly surged out of his body, then split into two, and swept towards Lin Yun and Ziyuan.

The two of them swallowed the pill at the same time, and then swallowed them one after another in front of Xuanhuo in public, and their expressions changed slightly.

When the other masters saw this scene, they all frowned.

The rules do not restrict too much, except that the master cannot be shot.

The sun dominates his face changed.

Xuanhuo is a foreign object from heaven and earth. With the addition of Xuanhuo, the combat power of the two is bound to increase.

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