Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1795: Ziyan's talent

Chu Qianye, as soon as he stepped into the realm of dominance, did he kill the master of ten thousand demons?

What happened in the middle.

Everyone makes up your own brain.

After a while, everyone was deeply shocked.

Lord of the Ten Thousand Demons, as the head of the 16 Lords, with the strongest strength, actually died in the hands of Chu Qianye?

Think carefully!

When everyone looked at Chu Qianye, their eyes were obviously full of deep jealousy.

This level of strength is really terrifying, and it feels terrifying to think about it, Chu Qianye's strength has soared to this level, and it feels extremely scary to think about it.

"Haha, in the past two days, Tyrant followed me to the Three Heavens Divine Wilderness. The Divine Wilderness ruled by the Ten Thousand Demons has changed hands, and your old demonic tribe can regroup." Chu Qianye said lightly.

"Sect Master, this can't be done." Ba Tian looked surprised.

"Why not?" Chu Qianye waved his hand gently, and said lightly: "I said it was OK, and I am not interested in the Sixteenth Great Famine."

Ba Yu and the others were startled, and their hearts were filled with extreme shock.

Although Chu Qianye's words were very casual, they fell in the ears of Ba Yu and the others, but it was like a thunder, swept away fiercely, which made people feel terrified.

Chu Qianye's words actually refer to the Profound Qi Continent, the four realms, and his next step is to move toward the Great Ruler.

Great dominate! ! !

Thinking about it, it feels very heavy. For them, it is impossible. It is estimated that they will never be able to step into the Great Domination Realm in this life. Now the Blue Domination Realm is very difficult. They have practiced for thousands of years, but they still have no Can break through the shackles and step into the dominance realm, and the blood source will definitely be exhausted. If the strength cannot be improved, then the blood will be exhausted after hundreds of years. At that time, the talent will also decline. For people like them , It should have come to an end.

But Chu Qianye is different. When Chu Qianye didn't step into the dominance state, he was already very unusual. In just over four years since the awakening of the martial soul, Chu Qianye has actually stepped into the dominance state. , Such martial arts talent, such potential, for them, can only be the existence of pitching.

Therefore, it is not impossible for Chu Qianye to step into the Great Sovereign, and now that he has stepped into the Sovereign Realm, it will not be long before Chu Qianye may break through again, step into the Great Sovereign, and become the Profound Qi Continent. The fifth overlord!

Thinking about this possibility, everyone couldn't help but burst into enthusiasm.

They could not become a legend, but they were fortunate to witness the rise of a legend with their own eyes. This was a great fortune for them. Even if they died thousands of years later, they would die without regret.

"Make your own arrangements. In the next period of time, try to take over the Great Wilderness where the Ten Thousand Demons dominate and rule." Chu Qianye said, "I will be away for a while, so there is no need for them to disturb them. Let them Continue to submerge."

Ba Yu nodded slightly.

Chu Qianye said: "I will set up a defensive formation around here. Unless the master comes over, no one will be able to break my formation. You can leave the island now."

Several people could not help being ecstatic when they heard these words.

They wanted to leave this secret realm by chance, but because of safety reasons, they stayed in this place and stayed there.

Chu Qianye, it was rain in time.

"Okay, I'm leaving." Chu Qianye said: "The formation in the secret realm can lead to other places. You only need to inject the spirit stone or the star stone, and there is energy to make it run. The formation transfers , One hour can be rushed to three days of the gods."

Everyone showed joy again.

For them, this is simply a bridge to communicate with the three heavens. In the past, they had to go out, and it took at least two days to go. Now it only takes an hour to go to these places, which is really convenient.

"Let's go." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

Ba Yu nodded slightly.

Chu Qianye looked towards a certain area, but saw Qiu Yu and the three of them, at this time still refining blood, bones and tendons.

He looked at Qiu Yu's slightly bulging belly, and a touch of pain passed in his eyes.

For the child to get a good blood, it is really hard for her.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, then waved his palm, cutting through the sky, stepping in and leaving quickly.

Outside the secret, Zi Yan looked around boredly.

After the void trembled, she looked at Chu Qianye.

"It's done?" she asked.

Chu Qianye nodded slightly, then waved his palm, and countless spirit stones flashed out.

"You want to set up an array?" Zi Yan asked.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"Actually, it’s better to use a **** array for this formation. The ordinary formation is actually not a good choice. After all, the energy in this place is very violent. If I guess right, under this mountain range, It’s the best star veins. After a period of time, the stellar energy here will become more and more violent. The ordinary formation can’t stop the spill of these energy, and someone will definitely be aware of the energy here. , Magic Array is useless." Zi Yan said.

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, he looked at each other in surprise.

I really didn't expect that Zi Yan could actually see this secret realm?

Not enough, how did she see that there are star mineral veins under the ground?

He didn't even notice it.

It's just that the secret realm here is very different, and the energy seems to be stronger, but as to whether there is a star mineral vein below, he doesn't know.

How can this girl feel that there is a mineral vein of stars below?

Chu Qianye couldn't help but wonder.

He felt very strange when he was in the tomb of the Nine Layers of Gods. After all, he was able to control the energy body, which was really incredible. If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, he would really not believe it.

Now, she felt that there was a mineral vein of stars below, which to him was simply too amazing.

Unless the talent is exceptional! !

Could it be...

Chu Qianye looked astonished.

"Zi Yan, can you feel the energy fluctuations?"

He asked casually, but Zi Yan nodded seriously.

"Not only can I feel the energy fluctuations, if the energy is wise, I can also control them." Zi Yan said.

really! !

Chu Qianye looked surprised.

Obediently, this kind of talent is really terrifying. Are you afraid of not having energy in cultivation?

"The mineral veins here are actually good. They are inexhaustible. It's best not to dig them out." Ziyan explained: "The deployment of the sacred formation can not only prevent outsiders from detecting it, but also make full use of it."

"Shenzhen, it shouldn't be difficult for you." Zi Yan asked.

Chu Qianye nodded lightly. This is naturally not difficult, but the difficulty lies in the need for a resonant artifact. He only has a spiritual weapon in his hand.

Zi Yan seemed to see Chu Qianye's embarrassment.

"This is the artifact I found in the tomb of the gods. It already resonates." Zi Yan took out three artifacts of different shapes and handed them to Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye took the divine weapon, but it didn't take a long time.

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