Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1801: The experience begins

The two and Chu Qianye jumped onto the flying boat, and under the roar of the flying beast, the flying boat instantly turned into a stream of light and disappeared in this area, but in the next moment, they were already in the void thousands of miles away.

This is a super flying boat. The strength of its flying beasts is comparable to that of Martial Saint's peak state. The strength is very terrifying. It can reach hundreds of thousands of miles under a flap of wings, while the super flying boat has dozens of flying beasts, so the speed is very terrifying. The strong who dominate the realm may not be able to match it.

Now he was about to go to Pill Overlord Region, Chu Qianye spread out his palm and looked at the location on the map. He didn't expect that the Xizhou Region he was in now was only a corner of the Profound Qi Continent.

Soon he entered the five domains, and the five domains were the sphere of influence of the Dan Overlord Domain.

He only has at most one month to get acquainted with the intricate forces of various parties.

Especially the eldest son of the landlord who has to investigate the mountain and sea world, this is the most important.

The Li family has been tossing for so long, and it is not unreasonable to try to marry Li Ling with him. Firstly, it is because of the master of the mountain and sea world. Secondly, it must be related to his strength. It is impossible to find a waste. Marriage is not good for the Li family.

Chu Qianye listened to the advice of the Blood Moon Ruler and the Yingyue Ruler, and knew that he could not be too impulsive at this juncture, because he clearly understood in his heart that these four realms were not as simple as they seemed on the surface. He first asked Emperor Mu Chen to find out about the situation, and also to see if he could have a good chance, his soul realm.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye didn't say much, he closed his eyes and began to practice.

After stepping into the dominance realm, holding the void in your hand, you will have the power of a million cauldrons. If it really breaks out, there will be at least two million cauldrons.

Of course, if it could draw on the power of heaven, it would be quite terrifying, not just the divine power of two million tripods.

He doesn't have much thoughts about this kind of force now, he cares more about the world within the gate of good fortune.

After Chu Qianye closed his eyes, he immediately entered into his world of good fortune. In his world of good fortune, the bronze sacred tree that is ten thousand meters tall still emits a faint light, and a faint purple light spreads out and envelopes this tree. Above the sacred tree, the power of terrifying stars exudes.

This sacred tree was the most terrifying. He didn't even want to understand that the source of the power of the pupil of the Hades he had obtained earlier seemed to come from this bronze sacred tree.

How could the origin power of the market world be in this sacred tree?

Chu Qianye hadn't figured out what was going on right now.

Looking at the sacred bronze tree in front of him, Chu Qianye couldn't help taking a breath.

Now this sacred bronze tree is becoming more and more weird, full of mystery, and he is very knowledgeable, but also a little bit unable to understand what it is.

Chu Qianye sighed secretly in her heart and gave up helplessly.

Now he still doesn't know much about this bronze sacred tree, no matter what, even if he struggles all his mind, he may not be able to know much information.

Instead of wasting so much time, it is better to refine all the essence and blood in the body first. In that case, his martial arts cultivation and strength may be able to be improved.

Chu Qianye quickly withdrew from the world of good fortune.

After returning to his body, Chu Qianye began to close his eyes and sink his mind, continuing to refine the blood of the beast in his body.

Previously, because this part of the essence of the beast was absorbed, and after two drops of the emperor's blood were fused, Chu Qianye stepped into the dominance realm. He wondered if continuing to refine and absorb the essence of these beasts would make his martial arts cultivation level. He continued to advance by leaps and bounds, but he knew very clearly in his heart that some things would not have superimposed effects. They might have a very general effect in the early stage, but in the later stage, the effect would be weakened and greatly reduced, just like a wooden maiden.

Chu Qianye didn't put all his thoughts on this.

Now he refining and absorbing the blood of this sacred beast, on the one hand, he made his body calm down. After all, his body was not the blood of a savage beast, but a sacred beast.

Maybe, you might backfire yourself at any time.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye ignored it. He took a deep breath, then closed his eyes and began to cultivate.

The blood of the sacred beast in the body must be absorbed as soon as possible, and it is best to be refined and absorbed in advance, so that I am more worried than using it.

Begin refining and absorbing.

After two days, he finally entered the depths of the Danba realm.

At this moment, Chu Qianye's cultivation eyes also opened at this time, shooting a sharp glow.

After a while, Zi Yan's figure appeared.

"Are you here?"

Chu Qianye had already been surprised by the appearance of Zi Yan. The way this girl appeared was indeed very weird. If she changed to someone else, she would have been scared.

Does Zi Yan's identity really have only some talents that his previous soul said?

Chu Qianye disagrees, he feels that the identity of the words may not be as simple as it seems on the surface. As for how it is not simple, Chu Qianye can't say it now.

In short, it will definitely surface sooner or later, and there is no need to pursue it.

The only thing he can know now is that Zi Yan is not malicious to him, and he still came to help him, which he firmly believes.

"Well, here it is."

Chu Qianye nodded slightly. If he guessed correctly, this place should be very close to the most central area of ​​the Danba Realm. Start with the experience here to improve the strength of Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan.

At this moment, Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan seemed to have realized something, and they came to wake up from the state of cultivation, and they opened their eyes one after another.

"Here, let's start here. In two days, we should be able to reach the most central area of ​​the Danba Realm." Chu Qianye said.

The two nodded slightly, and then both left the flying boat.

Chu Qianye waved his palm and put the super flying boat into the Naling Ring.

Obviously, when Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan saw Ziyan, they were obviously surprised.

"Zi Yan. These are Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan, my sword attendants." Chu Qianye introduced.

Zi Yan nodded without understanding.

Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan greeted Ziyan one after another.

Soon, a group of four people descended and appeared in the endless sea of ​​forests. Ancient trees exuded the breath of time. The old trees that were thousands or even thousands of years old not only did not fall, but appeared more and more lush. , Full of life.

"These ancient trees have a long lifespan because they have absorbed the essence of heaven and earth throughout the year. They can live for at least ten thousand years. If there is no accident, if you are lucky, you may still meet a tree spirit." Chu Qianye said.

He naturally has an understanding of the four realms.

Mo Xuan's eyes widened, showing curious eyes.

Zhou Ruolan was not so surprised, she seemed to know this too.

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