Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1804: Sparring person

A sword burst out. When the sword came out, I never felt the existence of the sword's breath. Only when the sword's light passed by, a breath of madness swept out from the tip of the sword!


A sword swept straight ahead, and the Scorpio Dragon was stabbed fiercely.

The man held his palms, his face was surprised.

"You actually hurt me?"

Chu Qianye laughed secretly in his heart, this Scorpio dragon beast thought he was invincible, but in front of his Absolute Heaven Sword Canon, his defense was obviously nothing, and he could soon be broken through by his sword skills.

At this time, Zhou Ruolan didn't hesitate at all, her defense had been broken, and she naturally wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

"Absolute Heaven Sword Lotus!"

Zhou Ruolan yelled abruptly, the sword in his palm burst out with a dazzling light, and the body of the Scorpio dragon beast burst open, and several sword qi burst out from its body.


The body of the Scorpio dragon beast smashed to the ground fiercely, making a loud noise. That day, the Scorpio dragon beast did not understand how he died.

Especially the way he died, even he thought it was weird. It was too weird to die in this way. He never thought of how the sword energy erupted from his body, as the most vulnerable position. But it is fatal.

No matter how powerful his appearance, but the fragile places in his body, especially places like Martial Soul, Soul, and Martial Dao Heart Palace, he couldn't prevent it at all. If he was really attacked, he would die after nine deaths.

"Yes, the back combo is fine, but it can also be faster. At the moment when the opponent's defense is broken, Absolute Sword Lotus is bound to keep up. Otherwise, if you encounter a powerful warrior, it is estimated that your Sword Lotus has not yet used it. Coming out, I have counterattacked the convenience." Chu Qianye said lightly.

Zhou Ruolan nodded gently.

"This Scorpio dragon beast is a wild beast, and its strength is very powerful. It is about to become a Taoist saint. It is full of treasures all over its body. Its essence and blood can quench its body, and its core contains good energy that can be drawn." Chu Qianye Said: "Come on."

Mo Xuan and Zhou Ruolan nodded one after another, and when they were about to close, a sneer resounded, extremely sharp.

"Hey, Scorpio Dragon Beast? Haha, I can't find any place to break through the iron shoes. A few, I am sorry, thank you for your help and help us kill the Scorpio Dragon Beast. Don't worry, it will give you a little benefit."

Several figures descended one after another.

Mo Xuan and Zhou Ruolan's faces changed slightly, feeling the powerful murderous intent, and they quickly retreated. As soon as the figure retreated, a spear slammed into it fiercely. If they were a little hesitant, the spear would definitely be fierce. Pierced their heads.

Thinking of this, several people couldn't help being surprised secretly, and quickly raised their heads and looked at the figure.

There were a total of eight people who came, and each of them exuded an aura of Ling Ran, four white robes and four black robes. On their chests, there was a pattern of a pill cauldron. The pattern looked very mysterious and contained The supreme mysterious texture.

Naturally, Chu Qianye recognized this pattern.

The forces of the black and white double emperors, and these people, who should be the black and white double emperors, did not expect to join forces to sweep this wild forest area.

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

Someone brought pillows when he was really tired. He wanted to say that he would continue to look for Brutal Beasts and let Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan continue to practice sword skills, but he always felt that something was missing. Now that he saw these figures, he finally understood.

Without agility!

No matter how powerful a savage beast is, after all, it is not as cunning as a human being. Obviously, it cannot be used to pay more to humans. After all, humans know how to advance and retreat, understand strategies, and have the advantages of exercises and martial arts. The savage beast may not have these things. .

But if you encounter humans, it is definitely a good practice opportunity.

"Haha, indeed, there is nowhere to look for it through the iron shoes." Chu Qianye smiled faintly.

The eight people in front of them couldn't help but look startled.

They didn't know what Chu Qianye meant, and they were all stunned.

They raised their heads and looked towards Chu Qianye, with a curious look in their eyes. They didn't understand what Chu Qianye meant.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean?" The headed man stared at Chu Qianye, a cold light flashing and a grinning smile.

Chu Qianye shook his head lightly and ignored it.

He turned his head to look at Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan.

"Do you know the fastest way to improve sword skills? It is not to fight against wild beasts, but to fight to the death. Only after experiencing the baptism of life and death, can you understand the true meaning of kendo, and only after experiencing life and death can you let You get stronger kendo power." Chu Qianye spit out lightly.

At this moment, those people woke up and understood what Chu Qianye meant.

"court death!"

"Fuck! Do you know what we are from?"

"Boss, don't talk nonsense with him, let's kill these two men, but these two girls look good, maybe we can have a good time."


Zhou Ruolan frowned.

She stared at these people directly in front, a cold light flashed in her eyes.

"My lord?" The two of them turned towards Chu Qianye one after another.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"Make good use of this rare opportunity."

After the words were over, Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan immediately took action, and a terrifying aura of power was madly produced in their bodies. That amazing martial arts aura continued to roar and roar, and the void instantly collapsed and cracked wherever they were. .

Under the black and white twin emperors, their pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

The power erupted by Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan was terrifying, and the sense of oppression formed by this was really astonishing, they roared wildly, forming a breath of astonishing strength.

Everyone felt the power of these two people, and their expressions changed slightly, revealing a solemn expression.

The strength of these two men is actually not terrifying, but they hold the sword in their hands, and the sword breath is very terrifying.

These are two sword repairers, and they are also extremely talented sword repairers, not half a bucket of water.

The horror of sword repairers lies in their sword aura, which is born out of nothing and nothingness...

And the most terrifying thing is that their swordsmanship has completely erupted, and their combat power will be greatly improved, even reaching a state of explosion.

For an instant, when several people looked at Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan, their faces finally showed a solemn look.

"Quick, take action to solve these two people first, and after killing these two people, we will solve other problems later." The warrior in the lead quickly ordered.

The eyes of the other seven people flickered, and then the soles of their feet stepped out. The terrifying power in their bodies roared and roared out frantically, turning into heaven-shaking power...

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