Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1820: Great presidency!


The void above the head suddenly shattered and opened, and countless channels of energy stopped in an instant.

That is a kind of stillness! !

It didn't just stop, all the void around Chu Qianye's body was solidified at this moment, and there was no change at all.

Chu Qianye's body was surrounded by glazed light.

Chu Qianye has completed the seventh change and cultivated into a colored glaze body!

No, to be precise, Chu Qianye has completely completed the seventh change!

He is now in the stage of preparing to enter the eighth change.

And the rules of Shinto he understood are: the rules of kendo, the rules of a hundred zhang time frame, the rules of reincarnation, the rules of killing,...

Chu Qianye's current martial arts cultivation base has completely stepped into the half-step divine realm!

Chu Qianye held the palm of his hand, and the energy vortex on the top of his head whizzed towards his body, disappeared in front of his eyes in an instant, and all entered his body.

"Great Domination!"

The purple smoke in the distance felt the martial arts breath from Chu Qianye, and her pupils suddenly shrank. At that moment, she had any creatures in this world, all under the control of Chu Qianye .

Clamping is disillusionment, loosening is survival.

Chu Qianye can now hold the firmament in his hand and kill all souls!

Feeling the aura of martial arts power emanating from Chu Qianye's body, the figure in the distance could not help showing a touch of horror. When they looked at Chu Qianye, their pupils could not feel any existence except the breath of death. .

Chu Qianye closed his eyes and felt the changes in his body.

In his good fortune space, changes have taken place again, the space has been expanded, and the bronze sacred wood has a brighter light around it.

Chu Qianye looked at the bronze sacred tree with surprise in his heart.

Among his other martial arts rules, there are also the blood rules of the Shura realm, and this rule comes from the bronze sacred tree. The more he looks at this sacred tree, the less he understands it. There is something in his body. It is clear that no one believes this matter.

In any case, the current sacred tree is indeed of great help to him, and so far, he has not seen any hostility. I don't know if it will change in the future, and he cannot control this.

After stepping into the Great Sovereign Realm, Chu Qianye finally understood what the surprises existed between the Sovereign Realm and the Great Sovereign Realm. The Sovereign Realm still needs the help of divine weapons, martial arts and supernatural powers, but the Great Sovereign does not. , Its power is mainly derived from the rules of martial arts, and the power to master the rules of martial arts is a kind of nihilistic power, which can destroy the world and destroy the earth in every gesture.

Sure enough, the strength of the Great Domination Realm is very strong. If he hadn't stepped into this realm, he would never have been able to feel the strength gap between the two, but this Great Domination Realm helped him a lot.

Chu Qianye's heart moved. Today, it's the tenth day, the people in the mountain and sea circles should have already arrived at the Li family mansion.

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

With a palm of his hand, the void in front of him suddenly formed a space wormhole. This space wormhole is very unusual, surrounded by vast stars with gleaming light, and it can hardly feel the existence of space.

"Let's go, what are you doing in a daze?"

Chu Qianye raised his head and looked at Ziyan and Dudu.

Only then did Zi Yan wake up.

She immediately touched the sole of her foot, and flew towards Chu Qianye, and the two of them were alive, and their figures quickly disappeared into the space wormhole.

At this time, in the residence of Emperor Mu Chen Dan, countless figures appeared.

"Mu Chen, hand over the people, unless you want to start a full-scale war, and your life will be overwhelmed by the time, and your people will be killed or injured by the time. Then you can no longer blame us for being impolite." Baidi said lightly: "Why do you bother for nothing? Related people?"

"I'm telling you, the landlord of the mountain and sea world will definitely settle accounts with you when the time comes. You should know this."

Emperor Mu Chen shook his head slightly.

"Hehe, two lackeys, relying on the Lord of the Mountain and Sea Realm to become the masters, are you worthy?" Mu Chen Dandi said: "Smuggler, you want to kill Chu Qianye, so you can receive rewards? I have to say, You are really dogs."

The face of the black and white double emperors changed slightly, but they soon eased.

"Mu Chen, don't say that you are noble. This Profound Qi Continent is a world where the strong respects. You and I know this. The fittest survive, and the weak are too many waste resources." Baidi vomited lightly. .

Pill Emperor Mu Chen shook his head slightly, a flash of lunar calendar flashed in his eyes.

"No need to say more, let's do it." Pill Emperor Mu Chen vomited lightly.

At this moment, the black and white emperors, as well as their subordinates, appeared in the air, forcibly suppressed...

In the void, countless flying boats flashed continuously, and figures floated out.

The crowd is crushed.

Pill Emperor Mu Chen's subordinates changed their complexion slightly, staring at the scene in front of them, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

"How to do?"

Emperor Mu Chen took a deep breath.

"Hold well, no matter what happens!" Mu Chen Dandi said.

The people around could not help showing a surprised expression.

It was the first time they saw Emperor Mu Chen pill so resolute.

Just to save two people?

Is it worth it?

There was a flash of surprise in their hearts, but they were actually very puzzled. They didn't know why the anger Shen Dandi spent so much effort to protect Chu Qianye's two men.

"Do it!" Seeing that Emperor Mu Chen refused to give in, the black and white double emperors immediately said coldly.

The subordinates quickly shot.

The overwhelming power drove wildly and mightily, and in the blink of an eye there was a banging sound collision, and several phantoms fell from the void.

For a time, the blood mist dispersed...

At this moment, a spatial wormhole appeared.

Everyone raised their heads in surprise and looked at the space wormhole.

Two figures flashed out.

The black and white twin emperors raised their heads, their expressions were startled, isn't this exactly what they were looking for, Chu Qianye?

"Brother, this kid is finally here!" Baidi said excitedly.

The Black Emperor looked at Chu Qianye warily.

I don't know why, he always feels that there are some changes in Chu Qianye's body. Such changes are very indifferent. If they are not carefully perceived, they will not be able to understand.

"Brother, do it?" Baidi smiled.

"It's better to be careful," Black Emperor said.

The Baidi was puzzled. It was clear that Chu Qianye was already in front of him, so why should he be careful? Didn't they wait for Chu Qianye? Now that Chu Qianye appeared, and they possessed the treasures capable of slaying Chu Qianye, wouldn't it be possible to wait for a chance if they didn't make a move?

Chu Qianye was also taken aback when looking at the battle in front of him, but when he saw the black and white emperors, he seemed to understand.

The black and white emperors seemed to express their determination to behead him and present them to the master of the mountain and sea world.

Chu Qianye's eyes were neither sad nor happy.

Today, he was already ready to kill, but these two people actually got together, he naturally didn't mind killing two more!

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