Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1826: Unable to move

What kind of strength is this?

Everyone looked at Chu Qianye, with a look of horror on his face.

Chu Qianye's cultivation base is imaginative.

At this moment, those figures seemed to feel abnormal.

This is just dominance?

Isn't it right, when did the martial artist who dominate the realm become so powerful? Everyone raised their heads and looked towards the area where Chu Qianye was, with a touch of surprise on their faces.

At this time, the other warrior, this old man, suddenly woke up.

Looking at the elder Taishang beside him falling in a pool of blood, his expression could not help but change.

When she looked at Chu Qianye, her expression became a little frightened.

"I wanted to let you go, but now it seems that I think too much." Chu Qianye vomited lightly: "The Li Family, what is needed is not a lesson, but a deep introspection."

When the words finished, Chu Qianye stepped out on the soles of his feet.

The old man with silver hair suddenly felt the fear in his heart, and it grew endlessly. When he looked at Chu Qianye, he seemed to see the **** of death.

"You can't kill me," he said.


Chu Qianye showed a sneer.

He didn't care.

"Boss, come on!" The silver-haired old man, a piece of blood jade shattered and formed a whirlpool as soon as he held his palm.

Everyone looked startled, and there are people, who is it?

Chu Qianye didn't care, his face was calm and calm, as if he didn't care about any help from the other party.


The void trembled, and a figure appeared immediately.

Everyone was shocked, and quickly looked at the figure.

It was a figure wearing a blood robe. He was very young and very strange, especially those eyes, with golden light flashing.

"This is Li Yao, one of the ancestors of the Li family."

"Uh, the breath of a strong master in the dominance world!"

After the blood-robed figure appeared, the powerful oppression made people feel terrified in an instant, and they said in surprise.

Chu Qianye sighed inwardly.

If he guessed correctly, the blood-robed martial artist in front of him should be a master of the dominance state that the Li family cultivated, willing to sacrifice Li Ling’s happiness, or forced to sacrifice Li Ling’s happiness in exchange for a master. The strongest person.

Chu Qianye's eyes were indifferent, and he looked at the blood-robed man in front of him lightly.

At this moment, after the blood-robed man appeared, he stared at Chu Qianye, and he showed a smirk.

"It's really looking for death, this seat is cultivating, and it disturbs me. When I kill you, I will refine you into my blood slave!" Li Yao stared at Chu Qianye and said coldly.

Chu Qianye didn't have the slightest emotional fluctuation.

"That's you?" Chu Qianye said.

This sentence was very confusing, because everyone didn't understand what Chu Qianye meant.

Including Li Yao, he also didn't know what Chu Qianye was going to say, he stared at Chu Qianye, showing a sneer expression.

"Haha. As one of the eight ancient tribes, the Li family has always had its own position. Even if it is facing a strong person in the dominating realm, it will not bow its head. It is a pity that the original Li family has fallen to this point. Those who are strong in the realm, do not hesitate to sacrifice their own people in exchange for an increase in strength. It is really sad. The way of cultivation depends on the charity and giving of others? Your Li family is nothing more than that." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

Hearing the sound, everyone's expressions were shocked.

what happened? There seems to be something.

When everyone recalled what Chu Qianye said, they seemed to understand something.

But Li Yao showed a trace of disdain.

"Only you are worthy of teaching me the principles of being a human being? You are not qualified enough!" Li Yao stared at Chu Qianye, and said in a cold voice, "I heard people say that you have stepped into the dominance state, but unfortunately, you don't have any. The power of blood, there is no clan pattern, your strength is not as strong as mine!"

With that, Li Yao seemed to verify that what he said was correct. Between his brows, a group of golden flames suddenly appeared, and the flames were burning violently, and the power of the tyrannical bloodline kept roaring and boiling.

As soon as the Li family's clan pattern appeared, the power of its bloodline burned in an instant, while Li Yao's body was filled with supreme divine power, that kind of shocking power, madly roaring from his body, Wherever it goes, the void collapses and splits instantly...

Everyone looked at this scene, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

"What a tyrannical method!"

"Is this the power of the ancient bloodline?"

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help taking a breath.

The power of this bloodline is really too strong, it's just the momentum, it's so violent, the momentum swept out of the burning crack, and it felt terrible to think about it.

Chu Qianye smiled noncommittal.

If he is not even qualified, ask, who else is qualified on this profound energy continent?

Chu Qianye carried his hands on her back and shook her head gently.

Upon seeing this, Li Yao's face was pale with anger. Chu Qianye's swaying head fell in his eyes and it was an insult to him.

"Die to me!"

Li Yaodun was furious at the time, and immediately rushed to Chu Qianye in front of him.

If Li Yao had seen Chu Qianye's methods before, he would naturally not dare to be so rash.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that his people crushed the blood jade and summoned him, and he woke up from a closed state.

Originally, as soon as he stepped into the dominance state, he wanted to participate in good fortune and continue to consolidate his strength, but the call of the space jade slip made him a little uneasy, so he immediately left the cultivation space.

When he saw Chu Qianye, on the one hand, he was eager to test his ability to step into the dominance state, and on the other hand, he was furious. He was originally in retreat, but he did not expect Chu Qianye to leave halfway. .

Therefore, he didn't think too much at all.

In an instant, he stepped forward and swept towards Chu Qianye.

I don't know why, he always feels something is wrong, but he can't remember anything wrong.

He looked towards Chu Qianye, at this moment he just wanted to get rid of Chu Qianye as soon as possible.

He shook his palm violently, the family pattern and bloodline surging open in an instant, while the martial arts aura of his dominance realm surging crazily at the same time, accompanied by his feet stepping out, a punch immediately Chu Qianye smashed away.

A fist slammed straight out, and the void instantly collapsed and shattered!

All looked at this scene in surprise.

Dominating the realm, plus the bloodlines and clan patterns of the eight ancient tribes, these strengths are really invincible.

Everyone stared at Chu Qianye.

However, Chu Qianye at this time still looked calm and calm.

This makes everyone show a touch of surprise.

This guy, his heart is a bit too big, isn't he going to fight back after all this?

Just as Li Yao's fist was about to hit Chu Qianye's face, it suddenly solidified and he could no longer move forward!

Everyone looked at this scene without knowing what happened.

Chu Qianye stretched out a finger and jabbed it forward.

That is Huang Quanzhi, endless power, straight to Li Yao's eyebrows.

Surprisingly, Li Yao didn't know how to dodge.

There was only fear in Li Yao's eyes. He wanted to dodge, but his body was completely out of control, completely fixed in place.


Chu Qianye stabbed it with a finger, and Li Yao was stabbed fiercely out of a hundred meters away, then hit the ground and fell on the spot!

The strong man who dominated the realm, just died like this?

Everyone was silent, staring at this scene blankly.

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