Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1839: Breathtaking


At the place where the flames merged, an ancient sword with a beautiful color actually appeared.

"Xuanhuoheng ancient sword!"

When seeing the dazzling flame ancient sword, the shadow of the ancient people below it shrank in vain, and the voice became sharp because of horror.

Those strong men in the mountain and sea world, after seeing the Xuanhuoheng ancient sword, everyone's face was filled with astonishment. They stared at the Xuanhuoheng ancient sword and took a deep breath. Take a breath.

But at this moment, those ancient people in the mountain and sea world who were preparing to kill Chu Qianye clone, couldn't help but flew out after seeing this, but they wanted to escape here.


"Those who are greedy for life and fear of death!"

Seeing this scene, Mei Changyun couldn't help taking a deep breath, flashing a touch of the lunar calendar in his eyes, and shaking his arm suddenly, a blood blade appeared in his hand. Those who wanted to escape were under a burst of blood. , All fall down.

Upon seeing this, the strong men in the mountain and sea world couldn't help showing fear. They raised their heads in surprise and looked at Mei Changyun, their faces pale.

When Chu Qianye saw this, he looked at him coldly.

Even his own people are killers, are they still human? I'm afraid it's a dog, not even a dog.

Chu Qianye showed a disdainful expression.

"Huh, success and failure, history is rewritten by the strong." Mei Changyun said lightly: "He is notorious in the future, naturally you will bear it!"

After Mei Changyun finished speaking, he looked mad. In his body, there was a monstrous surging wave suddenly, from his body, it swept out fiercely, and wherever he reached, the flames rose to the sky. , The power snarled frantically, fiercely and mightily between the sky and the sky, wherever he reached, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank.

"This is the power of the gods of mountains and seas!"

In the distance, some experts of the ancient race couldn't help but said in shock.

The power of the gods in the mountain and sea world?

The power of the **** of fart, is this also called god?

It's just using some means, borrowing some energy, and falling into the eyes of outsiders, is this the power of the gods?

Chu Qianye faintly looked at other strong men in the mountain and sea world, and at this time, the body was constantly roaring and surging with astonishing power.

And above the nine heavens, Chu Qianye's palm swept his hand, and the ancient Xuanhuoheng sword appeared in his palm, and when the war sword appeared in his hand, the breath of the whole person was completely clear. Tiancheng, like an eternal **** of war, invincible!

Chu Qianye raised his head faintly, and toward the world master of the mountain and sea world who was doubling up with him and fighting with him, a light smile appeared on his face.

"Dudu, rewind."

"嘤嘤!!" Dudu seemed to think that Chu Qianye disliked its combat power, and then drew up into the sky, and the spear in his hand flashed with strange fire.

Chu Qianye shook his head with a wry smile.

No way, at this time he can only shoot.

At this time, the landlord of the mountain and sea world seemed to feel a terrifying force, locking him down.

He raised his head in surprise, but saw that Chu Qianye was standing not far away. Holding the ancient Xuanhuo Heng sword in his hand, he slammed his foot across the void. Under everyone’s gaze, he burst into flames. Come!

At this moment, the realm master of the mountain and sea realm seemed to feel the power of this war sword, and he did not dare to reserve it. On his palm, the light flickered, and a cyan ancient ruler appeared in his hand. .

The gorgeous ancient ruler gleams with endless breath.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the ancient ruler. Many people seemed to see the difference in this ancient ruler, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

This ancient ruler has terrifying power and possesses amazing magical power.

Chu Qianye saw the difference of this ancient ruler at a glance, it was the lowest-class artifact.

However, even the lowest-level divine weapon has terrifying power. Only with this supernatural aura, Chu Qianye can clearly feel that the roar of this level of power has reached an astonishing level.

An artifact, possesses a breath of moving energy.

Obviously, this ancient ruler has already resonated, and it also has the breath of divine essence.

He knew very well that the great master would never have the aura of the gods, unless it was given by someone else, or the master of the mountain and sea world, at this time already possessed a godhead, only this can explain it!

It takes time to cultivate the godheads of others. After all, they are not the godheads condensed by oneself. After fusion, it takes time to adapt...

Obviously, the realm master of the mountain and sea does have a godhead in his body, but judging from the fluctuations in the breath of the gods, the realm master of the mountain and sea world still has not fully integrated the gods, and the gods should not condense so quickly. come out.

Therefore, this guy, the divine essence in him, is probably given to him by that person.

"Haha, this divine weapon shouldn't be your own." Chu Qianye said lightly: "You already have a breath of movement, and the divine weapon needs divine essence to be able to arouse and gain the power of a divine weapon. You, there is no **** at all. yuan!"

Facing Chu Qianye's dismantling, the realm master of the mountain and sea realm suddenly changed his face. He raised his head and looked towards Chu Qianye, with a look of surprise on his face.

He didn't expect that Chu Qianye would know so clearly after just a glance, and he had already guessed a little along with his details.

Who is this guy?

The realm master of the mountain and sea realm, his eyes flashed with a strange light, he stared at Chu Qianye steadily, and now he became more and more puzzled. The man behind him asked him to take action against Chu Qianye, but he didn't say yes. what reason.

It seems that he probably already understands some.

Chu Qianye has such eyesight, so naturally he is not an ordinary person, let alone the ancient tribe that has fallen, this young man, I am afraid that there is still an unknown secret behind him.

When he looked at Chu Qianye, he became serious for the first time.

I can see the divine weapon in his hand, know the divine aura, and say that he has no divine essence, which defines his current martial arts cultivation level, in fact, he still has not stepped into the divine human state...

He raised his head and looked at Chu Qianye.

A young man in black, a thin body, and the bright black eyes, the light is extremely flat, so flat without the slightest fluctuation...

Such a person is really terrifying.

"Hehe, I underestimated you before." The landlord of the mountain and sea world, staring at Chu Qianye, lowered his eyes and said lightly.

"I underestimated you too. I didn't expect that there was such a strong person behind you." Chu Qianye said lightly: "With so many masters, I know that you have no such ability at all."

In Chu Qianye's words, there was a hint of disdain.

The landlord of the mountain and sea realm, his face suddenly sank.

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