Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1841: Cohesion

Just snatched out of the huge crack in the void.

Chu Qianye immediately snorted.

After the words were over, he saw his figure violently rushing out, with a stroke of his palm, a phantom suddenly appeared in his hand.

Nine Profound Wild Tower!

This Nine Profound Desolate Pagoda was rarely used again after Chu Qianye obtained it last time, and now it can finally be used.


An astonishing tremor immediately swept out from the Nine Profound Wild Towers, and the terrifying power swept out fiercely.

The Nine Profound Wild Pagoda, a magic weapon of the ancient human race's rainbow martial level, has been missing for tens of thousands of years. After endless years, it is impossible to verify the time when it was passed down. It is just that there are rumors that it is in this vastness. When the Profound Qi Continent was first conceived, this magical artifact already existed, possessing vast and unpredictable power, immortal forever, and capable of suppressing all powerful people!

However, only Chu Qianye knew the true origin of the Nine Profound Wild Pagodas.

Chu Qianye had already entered the first floor of the Nine Profound Wild Pagoda. He had already picked up the stone tablet in it. The stone tablet flew into his martial arts heart palace, and it is still floating today, full of immortality. The vicissitudes of time...

In the position of his heart, the light of Shenxuan formed.

After the stone tablet disappeared, there was only one golden book in his martial arts heart palace, and the stone tablet was included in the golden book.

It is the "Tao Jing"...

And he has completed the training of "Shenzhen Volume".

The Nine Profound Wild Pagoda just appeared, and the golden book in Chu Qianye’s martial arts heart palace immediately burst out with dazzling light. Before Chu Qianye fully awakened, the "Dao Jing" was golden. , Flashing from his body.

"Shen Yuan Volume"! ! !

Chu Qianye's body trembled abruptly, and his breathing became a little heavy. He took out the Nine Profound Wild Pagoda, but he felt that the pagoda was a divine tool, and it was extremely powerful. He could use it with one mind and combine with the profound fire. Heng Gu Sword, should be able to kill the opponent together.

Unexpectedly, after the appearance of the Nine Profound Desolate Tower, such a shocking change occurred, which was beyond his expectation.

Previously, he wanted to participate in the creation of the Nine Profound Wild Pagoda, but he was still unable to do it at all. Later, Chu Qianye gradually lost interest. He did not expect that after stepping into the Great Sovereign this time, he was just offering this magic weapon casually. But I didn't expect such a huge change.

The undead tactic he cultivated, after the first "Divine Body" had been fully cultivated, the "Shen Yuan" chapter was published.

If he could cultivate at this time, he would have completely stronger power in his body.

Chu Qianye couldn't help taking a deep breath, it was really effortless to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere to go.

Unexpectedly, this Shenyuan chapter came at the right time.

With a move of Chu Qianye's mind, he quickly understood this Shenyuan Chapter thoroughly.

"Nine Profound Wild Tower!"

At this time, everyone seemed to have seen the magic weapon that Chu Qianye was holding, and they couldn't help showing a look of surprise, especially the realm master of the mountain and sea world. When he saw the magic weapon that Chu Qianye was holding, his eyes flashed for a while. Flashing.

Isn't the person behind him just looking for this thing?

Now that Chu Qianye had sacrificed this thing, if he could **** this thing off, then the past between him and that person should be considered as a write-off.

He stared at Chu Qianye, and his eyes flickered.

Gradually, his breathing became heavier, which was definitely a great opportunity for him.

He didn't know why that person wanted this Nine Profound Wild Tower, but now the Nine Profound Wild Tower is in the hands of Chu Qianye, as long as he can kill Chu Qianye, then this magic weapon will not fall into his hand. Yet?

Even if Chu Qianye could not be killed, it shouldn't be difficult to **** this magic weapon from him, especially since Chu Qianye seemed to have entered a certain state at this time, and he should still be in a state of distraction, right. It is a great opportunity for him! !

Thinking of this, the landlord of the mountain and sea world did not want to let go of such a rare opportunity.

The palm of his foot stepped out, and his figure swept in front of Chu Qianye. The ancient ruler in his palm burst out with a dazzling light, and then bombarded Chu Qianye.


Chu Qianye raised his head faintly, glanced at the world master of the mountain and sea world, then did not say much, just retreated to the rear, and at the same time, the other side of mind began to try to condense the gods! ! !

The cohesion of the divine essence is very important, because whether or not the divine personality can be condensed, one must first feel the existence of the divine spirit, and then condense the divine essence, which is very important.

Chu Qianye's perception is naturally very strong. His perception spread to the boundless mountains and seas, looking for the place where the aura exists, and he quickly felt the fluctuations of Ruoyouruowu.

Chu Qianye couldn't help but look startled. He just wanted to try it. He didn't expect that there was a real air, so he immediately raised his hand and used his magical powers.


In the distance, the place where the air was present, was immediately caught by Chu Qianye's magical powers.

The realm master of the mountain and sea realm obviously didn’t understand Chu Qianye’s actions. He couldn’t see any thoughts of Chu Qianye. It was just that Chu Qianye used his magical power in front of him, which made him quite confused, but I think this is a very good opportunity for him.

Therefore, this matter has not been taken to heart.

"Die to me!"

The landlord of the mountain and sea world, holding the ancient ruler in his hand, rushed towards Chu Qianye, and the heavy ruler violently beat Chu Qianye.

In the eyes of outsiders, Chu Qianye has been on the run, while the landlord of the mountain and sea world is taking advantage of the victory. The two of them seem to be polarized in terms of strength.

Chu Qianye was out of weakness, and the landlord of the mountain and sea world had a huge advantage at this moment. The two were madly attacking each other. It seemed that Chu Qianye was retreating steadily, and outsiders could not see it at all, Chu Qian What are you doing at this time of night?

"What is he doing?"

The people looked at Chu Qianye with a look of doubt.

The people on the mountain and sea realm had an expression of excitement on everyone's face, which meant that the realm master of the mountain and sea realm had the greatest chance of defeating, and their inner restlessness had calmed down a little.

Catch the supernatural power to catch that spirit.

At this time, the realm master of the mountain and sea world suddenly showed a look of astonishment on his face.

He looked at Chu Qianye with a look of fear on his face.

Now, he finally knew what Chu Qianye was doing.

Condense the gods! !

Suddenly, his face changed slightly.

If Chu Qianye was able to successfully condense the divine essence, it would definitely be the biggest mistake, because the divine essence can make the divine tool produce divine movement, and then be able to exert its power.

The ancient ruler in his hand is because of the gods, so he can display its power! !

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