Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1845: Betrothal

He doesn't need to worry about this problem.

Now, the problem he needs to solve is very simple. Leave a clone to prevent accidents. However, judging from the current situation, the landlord of the mountain and sea realm should not make any more moves in a short time. He is a little scared now. The person behind.

Does the realm master of the mountain and sea realm belong to the same person as the strong one behind the star picker? Or two different people?

Moreover, will God's Domain still come? This question is what he is most worried about right now, because he has not yet condensed a godhead, so in a strict sense, he can't even be regarded as a semi-god.

Now he can condense the gods, but he can't condense the gods to be a demigod. He needs to have the gods to be a demigod in the true sense. The process of condensing the gods is actually not so easy.

If in this process, the strong man makes a move, does he have the power to protect himself? If not, what should we do now? How can the future be?

His vision is now no longer on the Profound Qi Continent, because he understands that for the Profound Qi Continent, the Great Master may be the strongest martial artist, but for the God Realm, the Great Master is nothing at all. Can be killed.

If it weren't for the rules, they would definitely shoot.

If these people enter the ruins world, the martial arts cultivation level will definitely be suppressed, but he is completely uncertain about the level of suppression.

The division of realms of martial artists in God's Domain is as follows:

God-man state, divine king state, divine emperor state, divine emperor state, as well as quasi-sage, six-sages and eternal life.

Now, Chu Qianye must condense the divine essence and form his own divine personality, and only with the divine personality can he step into the realm of god-man.

There are not many roads before him. The simple one is to step into the realm of gods and humans. Only in this way can you face the coming storm.

Empress Zhenyao! !

Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

In the previous life, you killed me, and I reincarnated in reincarnation. This time, you will go to the Yellow Spring! !

In Chu Qianye's eyes, the light flickered. He raised his head and looked towards the area directly in front, his eyes full of determination.


"My lord!"

At this time, Li Ling and others came forward, their expressions were obviously very excited.

Unlike the others, they are close to Chu Qianye, so the stronger Chu Qianye's strength is, the happier they will be.

At this time, Li Ling was obviously very excited.

"You did it!" She was so excited.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly, held his slender hand, and nodded gently, still remembering that the boy back then seemed to have promised to each other, no matter how big the storm in the future, I will stand in front of you, You block and become your warmest haven.

Now he did it.

He has a clear conscience!

When Chu Qianye held his small hand, Li Ling couldn't help but blush.

Chu Qianye naturally didn't mind the gazes of others. After practicing to his level, the secular vision was no longer so important to him.

In this world where the strong are respected, with super strength, everything they do is right and right.

Just like the words said by the master of the mountain and sea world. Success and failure, history is rewritten by the strong.

At this time, Li Yuexing and Li Hai also came forward. When they looked at Chu Qianye, their gazes obviously changed. Although they had believed in Chu Qianye before, when the strong from the mountain and sea world came to pick up the relatives. In fact, they were still impatient inside, and they even doubted whether Chu Qianye could step into the realm of great domination.

Now, when they saw Chu Qianye again, the doubts in their hearts had long ceased to exist.

Chu Qianye's super strength gave them a long-term expectation, and finally got their wish...

As for the Li family, those who were not optimistic about Chu Qianye before, were ashamed at this time. They didn't support it before and strongly opposed it.

Chu Qianye wiped out all the loudest voices that opposed him. Li Yao and Jing Zhu were all shot to death by Chu Qianye. These shocking methods were too powerful for them. After all, possessing such supernatural power is really terrifying.

The powerhouses in the dominating realm are not his opponents, and they have ancient blood and clan patterns, but they can't stop Chu Qianye's killing power.

Before, they still doubted, but now they don’t dare to doubt. Even the masters of the mountain and sea realms have escaped for their lives, and those masters of the mountain and sea realms have also been killed into dogs. There are only a few people who can escape. Think about it. Chu Qianye did it alone, and they couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Such strength cultivation bases and methods are really terrifying.

"Haha, the hero was born a teenager." Li Hai admired: "When I saw you back then, you had just awakened your martial soul. Unexpectedly, it has only been more than four years. You have stood in the four realms. The pinnacle."

Chu Qianye gently shook his head, revealing a faint smile.

In fact, it is estimated that only Li Hai would dare to talk to him like this. After all, Li Ling is his daughter, and he is the other party's son-in-law, so there is no problem with it.

"Senior...This is because you trust me." Chu Qianye said politely.

"Hey, let's just say that. You abducted my baby girl, and now you call me senior?" Li Hai smiled.

"I saw my father-in-law." Chu Qianye quickly changed her words.

Li Ling's face flushed, and he lowered his head to not look at Chu Qianye.

"I haven't agreed to this marriage yet." She whispered.

"Hmph, the parents' order, the matchmaker's words, the father has agreed to this marriage." Li Hai said.

I don’t know how many people in the Profound Qi Continent are looking forward to this kind of great opportunity. He has taken a big advantage. The Li family may be awakened again because of Li Ling’s blood. , And at that time, the Li family is bound to have more powerhouses.

Therefore, this kind of thing he can't wait to let Li Ling and Chu Qianye go to court now, so as not to have any moths.

Chu Qianye couldn't help but smile wryly when she heard the sound.

Chu Qianye opened his palm, and a drop of crystal clear blood crystals immediately appeared in his hand. Under the shining light, it appeared crystal clear and abnormal, flashing a touch of blood that made his face slightly changed.

Under the sunlight, the blood drop looked extremely bright and dazzling.

Everyone stared at the blood drop in front of them and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The blood of the master! ! !

Everyone couldn't help showing a greedy look. If this essence and blood can be absorbed and refined, the blood will become extremely pure, and the talent will also be greatly improved.

"Xiao Ling, pick up your blood." Chu Qianye said.

Li Ling looked startled, and then seemed to understand what Chu Qianye was going to do. Tears could not help flashing in her eyes. The Li family had treated Chu Qianye that way, but at this time, he still did not forget to give back.

Immediately, she opened her palm, and a drop of blood slid out and swept toward Chu Qianye's blood. Chu Qianye's blood was sealed, and the two drops of blood and essence merged together quickly like lightning, forming an inexplicable connection. , And everyone in the Li family present seemed to feel this inexplicable connection.

This scene aroused the envy of all the strong men of the ancient race. They have also waited for this day for a long time, but it is a pity that they have no such luck.

The Li family, after all, completed the union of blood.

In this way, the Li family's blood will become more and more pure in the future. As long as Chu Qianye is still on the Profound Qi Continent, their Li family can benefit from it.

"Father-in-law, this is my betrothal gift." Chu Qianye said, and then flicked his finger, and the fused blood rushed towards Li Hai.

Li Hai looked at the blood in front of him, suddenly overjoyed.

This betrothal gift is too expensive!

"Okay, I'll accept this offer! You choose a day to go to church and get married, remember to let me know in advance." Li Hai smiled.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

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