Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1850: Shenyuexu

The next day, Chu Qianye asked Qin Hu to continue arranging the dojo, while he led the powerhouse of Longmen to quietly leave Heaven Splitting God Wilderness.

This time, Wang Yiling, Wen Ren Muyue, Liu Baqing, Mo Xuan, Zhou Ruolan, Ziyan, and Batian followed. The others stayed at the base camp or continued to perform the dojo affairs.

"The place I went to this time is extremely dangerous. I hope that everyone will not be too impulsive. The most important thing is to save your life. Especially when you encounter a big master, you must not take it lightly. Try to avoid fighting with the master. With your current strength, it is still not theirs. Opponent." Chu Qianye said lightly, and then waved his palm, and a jade slip appeared in front of everyone.

"This is a defensive jade slip, each of you carry it with you personally, and you can save your life at the critical moment." Chu Qianye said.

Everyone looked at the jade slip in front of them, and didn't dare to neglect, and quickly accepted the space jade slip.

This was the most precious treasure made by the Great Master himself. For them, it had great benefits. Chu Qianye didn't hesitate, and immediately accepted the jade slip.

After receiving the space jade slips, everyone wore them with them.

"call out!"

At this moment, two figures pierced the void in the distance, and the expressions of the people changed slightly. They raised their heads quickly, but saw Tyrant and Longjin descending from the void.

"Is everything done?" Chu Qianye asked casually.

The two nodded lightly.

"Okay, Batian, you know the location of the holy bone in this world, and you lead the way." Chu Qianye said, and then gave two more jade slips.

Ba Tian nodded lightly, then took out a map.

"The Holy Bone is here." Ba Tian said, pointing to a black spot.

Chu Qianye stared at it and couldn't help but startled. The little black spot he saw was not in the territory of the four great realms, but outside the territory of the four great realms.

Seeing this, everyone could not help but change their expressions drastically, because that place, but the most dangerous place in the Profound Qi Continent, is not one of them!

Ordinary warriors dare not go to that area at all, and only the powerhouses above the Domination Realm dare to go to this place.

"God Fallen Ruins?"

Chu Qianye frowned when he saw the marked black spot.

This place, let alone the master, even the big master didn't dare to enter easily. He couldn't help but feel that he was taking people in this time, it seemed a bit rash.

Is he too bloated?

When Chu Qianye hesitated for a while, Ba Tian said: "It is indeed dangerous at ordinary times, but this time I don’t know what’s going on. There is nothing dangerous outside. Although the energy is still fierce, as long as I have beast fire, basically None of these things can approach us."

Hearing this, everyone else secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Chu Qianye still feels a little bit inappropriate in his heart. This kind of thing, because he is too familiar, always feels that something is vaguely wrong, usually extremely dangerous, why at this time, even the periphery is so calm. Up?

If there is an abnormality, there must be a demon!

This kind of thing, it seems better to be more cautious, so as not to capsize in the gutter.

"It’s better for everyone to be cautious. This time we will let you follow. As long as you improve your martial arts cultivation through experience, I don’t want casualties. I hope you will always be prepared for space stamps and use them immediately when in danger. Hide in the space." Chu Qianye said seriously.

Everyone nodded gently.

Now that they are here, they will naturally not go back home. On the one hand, it is easy to make them negative. On the other hand, this time is indeed a good opportunity. If they can make good use of it, it may be a great opportunity for them. A huge improvement.

After thinking about it, Chu Qianye waved his hand.


The space wormhole formed, and Chu Qianye immediately stepped into the space wormhole, and the people behind him followed suit. When they appeared again, they had completely left the scope of the four realms.

Right in front, there was a dead silence, silent, the mountains were bare, looking more like a desert, mixed with the breath of death...

The low sound of the wind blew past their ears like a scream, and the creepy breath made people feel a little embarrassed.

"Here is the sorrowful mountain range?" Wenren Muyue asked curiously.

"Well, the space in front of the area is unstable. For the sake of safety, you can't use the space wormhole to get in. It's best to walk from the sky and shuttle through the Screaming Mountain Range. The area in front of you is the God's Falling Ruins. It’s very dangerous. Don’t listen to those winds. They have hallucinations. Maybe they can still awaken the demons in your body. Once you get caught up in them, it’s quite dangerous.” Chu Qianye explained.

Everyone couldn't help but looked startled, and at this moment Liu Baqing's eyes suddenly flashed a red light, and then he grinned with a grin, his appearance was extremely scary.

The other people's eyes also flashed strange red light, and they also grinned with grinning teeth.

When Chu Qianye looked at it, she couldn't help but frowned.

Except for Zi Yan, Zhou Ruolan, and Mo Xuan, the three of them had relatively firm willpower and were not hallucinated by the wind. Almost all the others had this situation without exception.

"wake up!"

Chu Qianye said softly.

With a soft drink, everyone woke up like a dream, looking around blankly, and then recalling what Chu Qianye had said before, his face changed slightly.

Thinking of the previous situation, his back could not help but chill.

It was terrifying. If they hadn't awakened yet, the hallucinogenic effect would continue, and their inner demons would also be awakened. At that time, it is estimated that he would be mad.

Thinking about it, I feel terrible, there is a kind of fear after walking through the ghost gate.

"This is Demon Suppression Pill. You can swallow it within half an hour," Chu Qianye said lightly.

The crowd quickly took the pills and swallowed them one after another. A refreshing feeling spread immediately, keeping them awake.

Chu Qianye shook his head lightly and brought people out. It was really exhausting, after all, he still needed to be distracted.

However, if you want to improve your strength, you obviously have to pay some price.

"Let's go." After seeing the people taking the pill, Chu Qianye stopped talking, and then let Ba Tian continue to lead the way, while he followed behind and separated a clone of the palace to prevent accidents.

After everyone experienced the previous things, they all became serious and serious. If it weren't for Chu Qianye's previous light drink and time, they would have to go crazy. This God's Falling Ruins is really terrifying, no wonder the master dare not come easily. Come here.

The mountain breeze alone made them almost mad, and it is estimated that more dangers and crises are waiting for them.

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