Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1855: Insecticidal Alliance

Seeing this, everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

These two worms swallowed human souls suddenly?

At this time, everyone could not help but take a breath. It was too weird, and the methods of killing were extremely terrifying. Many people didn't see what was going on. When they got over, those people were already in a pool of blood. in.

Everyone raised their heads and moved towards the light clusters that were constantly emerging, and then they were quickly swallowed by two insects. Such a scene was too weird.

And as these two worms swallowed human souls, their bodies quickly appeared green light, and the breath was very strange.

When everyone saw the green light, there was also a surprised expression on their faces.

The light from these two insects is too weird, and it feels throbbing no matter how you look at it.

Chu Qianye's face became serious. If he guessed right, these two insects were actually blood ancestor **** insects with pure blood. They were one of the rarest guardian beasts in God's Domain, but they generally guarded the tombs of the dead. .

Strange, how could these two bugs appear here? Who is in this coffin?

In Chu Qianye's mind, a thought flashed quickly, but he didn't figure out how the breath of this sacred bone could be in contact with this coffin.

In this case, wouldn't the things in the coffin be the holy bones?

Thinking about it, he felt extremely shocking. He didn't expect that this kind of insect would appear in such a place, and the most striking thing was that it was not a coincidence that these two divine insects appeared on this coffin.

Perhaps this may really be the ancient coffin of the gods.

Chu Qianye thought to himself.

After all, these two divine worms are the corpse worms of the gods. It is no accident or coincidence that they can appear here. Someone must have brought them to the realm of the Profound Qi Continent. Only in this way can it be explained. .

However, who is this?

Chu Qianye had no way of knowing, because he couldn't get close to the coffin at all now, let alone open the coffin, and he didn't know the identity of the other party.

Moreover, even if he can really get close to the coffin, the two divine worms would disagree. Even if the interference and obstacles are removed, he may not be able to see the identity of the other party. After all, the God Realm is vast and mighty. He recognizes everyone, except for those who have the ability to reach the sky, perhaps he may know his identity.

Moreover, it is not clear whether it is a human or a beast. The sacred beast has some magical powers, and it is not surprising to catch two insects to protect itself.

Chu Qianye stared at the divine beast in front of him, his eyes flickered, his eyes kept turning, he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, the two flying insects had absorbed all the souls of the dead, and then flew towards the colorful coffin.

At this time, all the talents were sober from the shock.

Although they were very surprised and shocked by these two flying insects, they are now more interested in the coffin. After all, such a powerful war beast is guarding them. The contents of the coffin are really curious to them.

Perhaps it is really the Holy Bone.

Only the holy bones might be able to protect these two beasts.

For a while, when everyone looked at the coffin, they gradually turned from fear to **** and greed, and their eyes became blood-red, which was extremely possessive.

The strength of these two insects made them full of curiosity about the treasure in the coffin, and it also increased their desire to obtain the treasure of the coffin.

According to the common sense of spiritual treasure and **** treasure, the more precious the treasure, the more strict it is to prevent someone from stealing it, and it can be regarded as a test for the latecomers.

After the death of some powerful people, they obviously don't want people to get it so easily for their own collections. Only the truly powerful can get them after the test.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the position of the coffin. The light in their eyes flickered, and various thoughts flashed past in their hearts.

However, they have already seen how powerful the two insects are just now. If they make a move at this time, it is obviously very irrational, leaving the opponent a chance to attack. This kind of thing is simply a huge trauma to them...

Even if the opponent does not sneak attack, it is not safe to do it alone. What if you are not the opponent of these two insects? And one person can deal with two insects, which is obviously too much.

But it's different when someone joins forces. On the one hand, they shared the pressure, on the other hand, they won't give the opponent a chance to take advantage, or else they would fight hard and eventually kill the two insects and be seriously injured. In the end, making a wedding dress for others is definitely a blood loss.

After thinking about it, everyone couldn't help showing an ecstatic expression in their hearts. This kind of thing is of great benefit to them...

Everyone raised their heads and looked towards the area directly in front, with different thoughts in their hearts...

"You should have seen it too. At this time, only by working together can we kill these two war insects. Their strength is really weird. Obviously it is not something that any one of us can handle. Of course, if Someone is willing to kill these two bugs, so I agree with both hands. However, I think no one is willing to do this." The star picker looked around and said lightly:

"It just so happens that I don't want to take advantage of others. In this way, we will only be able to approach the coffin if we join hands to deal with these two insects, and after they are beheaded, we can only stare at us. I think you should not want to Wait like this."

The light in everyone's eyes flickered, and they looked at the area and looked at the two green insects, not knowing what they were thinking.

Obviously, everyone is weighing the pros and cons to see if it's worth it.

"But I also said the ugly thing ahead. If we join forces, I hope that the past holidays will be put away first, and the bugs will be solved. If you want to fish in troubled waters, then I am sorry, then the fall will be settled." The star catcher said.

Everyone is weighing in their hearts.

"Okay, this method is good." Great Master Xingyun smiled.

"Yes." The Great Ruler of Pill Star also immediately agreed to join forces.

The owner of the mountain and sea world hesitated for a while, and finally agreed.

"I'll help too." Fairy Xinyue said.

For a time, almost the key leaders expressed their views.

Everyone looked at Chu Qianye one after another.

"Hehe, everyone gathers firewood and the flames are high. Okay." Chu Qianye said.

Soon, this temporary alliance was formed, all to solve the two bugs.

Some of the masters on the side don't need to express their opinions at this time, because someone has already expressed their opinions for them.

In the crowd, in fact, except for Chu Qianye's slightly weaker formation, the others are relatively strong, at least dominating.

"Wait, you don't have to follow." Chu Qianye confessed.

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