Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1858: Living sacrifice shrine

The moment the coffin was opened, everyone was stunned. A huge force slammed the Pill Master into the air. The whole person flew more than a thousand meters away, and finally stopped. Body, and his face was pale for a while, and he vomited a mouthful of red blood.

Everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The scene that happened before my eyes was really terrifying. What was there in the coffin?

Everyone looked at that area, and couldn't help taking a breath.

The coffin has been opened at this time, and above it, there are endless inscriptions floating continuously, and each inscription is full of terrifying power fluctuations, and the Great Lord Pill Star is attacked by these inscriptions.

Everyone looked at the inscription and couldn't help showing a look of uncertainty, but Chu Qianye recognized these inscriptions, and such inscriptions are generally only engraved on divine instruments.

This kind of inscription, because it can continuously absorb the energy of the sun, it is generally not so easy to dissolve, and basically belongs to the kind that will not fade in ten thousand years.

At this moment, the Great Lord Pill Star clutched his chest, raised his head and looked at the location of the coffin, with a look of uncertainty on his face.

This has made many people more interested in the contents of the coffin. Now that the coffin has been opened, you can see what is in the coffin as long as you volley.

Needless to say, everyone has moved their minds in this regard.

Ever since, the avatar or the body stood in the air and looked towards the position of the coffin.

But when they saw the contents of the coffin clearly, they couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

In that coffin, there is only one shrine!

This shrine was extremely crystal clear, it was made of a special material, surrounded by mysterious lines, and it was emitting golden light. These were the inscriptions they saw.

Chu Qianye frowned. He didn't expect that there was only a shrine in such a large coffin, which made him not believe it.

There is only one shrine in such a big coffin?

This is indeed unreasonable.

I don't know why, the light from this shrine made him feel a little bad.

"Hurry up, all return to the space!"

Chu Qianye quickly counted the voices of the gods to Longmen.

Standing in the distance, Ba Tian and the others naturally did not hesitate. The strange handprints suddenly formed, and then formed a burst of suction, and everyone in Longmen disappeared into this space.

Everyone didn't know what had happened, and the master and the great master were surprised and inexplicable.

However, before they wanted to figure out the situation, a long-distance flute sound suddenly spread from Nine Heavens, and after hearing the flute sound, everyone's eyes suddenly became a little blurred. Everyone Surprising changes have taken place in his pupils.

How to put it, it is even more stupid, and gradually loses consciousness. This feeling is very bad. When many people hear the flute sound, they are involuntarily attracted to it, including Chu Qianye, they are also a little confused .

However, after all, the great master has its own different abilities, especially in terms of willpower. He is obviously more determined than others. So after the initial confusion, he quickly became vigilant and quickly displayed his magical powers. The flute sound resisted.

In the blink of an eye, the sound of the flute in the ear didn't seem to have much effect on them.

It's just that the sound of the flute still hasn't disappeared, and it continues to echo in everyone's ears.

People with low strength are all walking corpses, just like the puppets and puppets that are controlled, and they keep walking towards the coffin, with no expression on their faces and no emotional fluctuations.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised. He had known that this shrine was a bit weird. Now that he saw the scene before him, he finally understood that his intuition was correct.

Fortunately, he let Ba Tian and the others leave in time, otherwise it is estimated that Ba Tian and others will be like these people, walking towards the coffin, and they have not stayed at all.

Soon several people rushed to that area, and immediately under Chu Qianye's dumbfounded expression, those people took out their weapons one after another and began to slam their hearts towards their heart.


When the sharp weapon penetrated the heart, Chu Qianye and others couldn't help but change their expressions drastically.

They only understood the seriousness of the matter at this time. The strength of these people is also Dao Sage, in other words, there are even some powerful people who dominate the realm, but they are all controlled by the sound of this flute. What flute sound is this? Who is it? from where?

Suddenly, such doubts and thoughts quickly surfaced in everyone's minds, and then they looked at that area with a surprised expression on their faces.

"Chiff chick."

When their hearts were penetrated, blood dripped on the coffin. The multicolored coffin exuded a faint light. As the blood flowed, a stone trough suddenly appeared on it. The blood was all there. Flowing, and then forming an ancient and strange pattern, falling into the interior of the altar.

The altar was also very strange, exuding a breathtaking breath and light.

This altar is perfect.

If you look carefully, the lines on it are very exquisite, which can be called extraordinary craftsmanship, and the shapes of countless small pavilions and palaces are faintly visible under the influence of blood.

If magnified thousands of times, it is definitely a towering immortal palace!

At this moment, the two divine insects suddenly stopped attacking people, but returned in a hurry. Then, under the dumbfounded expressions of everyone, they broke apart with a loud sound, and the liquid, including their body, plunged into the coffin.

The two divine worms coiled around, all glowing, as domineering as a real dragon, their bodies are vigorous and powerful, making people awe.

Chu Qianye looked at the divine worm. Although they died at this time, their essence was completely absorbed, and the divine shrine exuded wisps of coercion...

These two divine insects are so powerful that they also blew themselves up?

And their essence is absorbed by the shrine, why is this?

Was it attracted by the sound of the flute?

Everyone looked at this scene, and there was a huge wave in their hearts.

Everyone's blood, including the two dead worms, their essence, blood, and blood were flowing to the shrine, and then quickly absorbed.

What the **** is this?

When everyone saw this, they were suddenly puzzled.

Above that shrine, there seemed to be astonishing vitality, constantly growing.

this is? ! !

When everyone looked at the shrine, their scalp numb.

This is a living sacrifice! ! !

At this time, everyone was relieved.

If this is the case, this is an ancient coffin of gods with something against the sky?

Looking at the shrine, there are ancient inscriptions and patterns on it, quite a kind of vicissitudes!

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