Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1860: controlled

These people really have routines.

He had thought it was weird before. It seemed that the master of the star-catcher and the master of the Starfall Realm were embarrassed. These two people were really not fuel-efficient lamps.

The lord of the mountain and sea world is also really unlucky. How could he want to know that the people around him would actually take action against him. There is no logic at all.


The lord of the mountain and sea realm was immediately thrown into the air by the master of the star picker. The whole person fell out of the void ten thousand meters away, the whole person's face was pale, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

The sudden change in front of him made everyone's face pale for a while, everyone raised their heads and looked towards the area where the master of the star picker was located, with drastic changes on their faces.

Where would they not know what happened at this time?

"Get the stars, what do you mean?!" Dan Xing's expression changed for an instant, and he suddenly asked in a deep voice.

Fairy Xinyue's expression also changed slightly, and she also didn't expect that this time the Star-Raising Master would actually make a move.

At this time, the realm master of the Starfall Realm, he swept towards the shrine, Chu Qianye didn't make a move, he always felt a little bit wrong, and a keen intuition told him that this shrine might not be so simple!

Suddenly, his eyes turned to the location of the shrine, and the light in his eyes flickered. He felt that there might be a great crisis, and it might come at any time...

Seeing Chu Qianye didn't make a move, the master of the star catcher suddenly looked startled.

Now Fairy Xinyue and Great Pill Star Master both hovered, their eyes gleaming with cold light, they looked at the Great Master of Star Picker, their eyes full of questioning.

There was a sneer on the face of the star catcher.

"Birds die for food, and people die for money. Isn't it normal?" The star picker vomited softly: "You are obstacles. Naturally, you have to clear them."

The complexions of Fairy Xinyue and Great Ruler Dan Xing suddenly changed, and their complexions became very ugly.

The Great Ruler of Pill Star looked towards Chu Qianye, and it seemed to be asking: Does God Wasteland plan to make a move?

Chu Qianye turned a blind eye.

Just when the star-catcher master thought his wishful thinking had succeeded, the star-catcher master directly in front hadn't seen any movement for a long time.

Chu Qianye had discovered this abnormal situation long ago, and he looked at that area.

At this time, others seemed to have noticed the anomaly.

Everyone looked towards the area one after another, the Great Starfall ruler, standing in front of the coffin at this time, with a look of dementia, a painful expression on his face, and his face even became extremely hideous.

At this time, everyone realized that something was wrong.

The lord of the mountain and sea realm, his face was pale, his figure flickered, and he soon appeared in front of the coffin. When he was about to fight for the shrine, he suddenly glanced inadvertently and saw the strangeness of the Great Lord Xingyun. He couldn't help but feel his heart. There was a thump.

At this time, the Great Master Xingyi showed a hideous expression on his face, and there seemed to be a bit of fear in his eyes, but the more he struggled, the more fear he became, as if sinking into a sand dune, the deeper he sinked...

The lord of the mountain and sea world shuddered in his heart and quickly wanted to retreat, but his pupils shrank suddenly, and then a look of fear appeared. He wanted to retreat, but his body trembled violently, unable to step forward and unable to escape. That area...

When everyone saw this, they saw the difference between them.

At this time, the master of star picking also woke up, and he was secretly surprised.

Hurriedly shouted: "Xingmete, what are you doing in a daze?!"

However, the Great Master Xingyun turned a deaf ear, as if possessed by a demon.

This kind of thing made many people look surprised. They didn't know what happened. Someone was standing and watching in the distance. He planned to see if he had another chance to take action. But as time went on, he I feel the fear in my heart more and more, the breath of amazing power is really terrifying, and I feel a deep sense of fear when I think about it.

What happened to this?

There was no movement from the Great Lord, and the realm Lord of the Mountain and Sea Realm who shot at the back also looked like this, which made them feel weird.

Regarding the colorful coffin and the colorful altar, they now feel more and more weird in their hearts. This place now feels that there is an invisible power, which makes the scalp feel numb, and it seems that it is possible to be controlled at any time.

The star picker looked towards the location of the coffin, his face sinking, he finally realized that something was wrong at this time, if it was just the master of the Starfall Realm, it would be fine. The master of the mountain and sea realm who shot behind , It is also this ghost.

With his IQ, he would naturally not think this is a good thing.

He quickly glanced at that area, and couldn't help but frown.

At this moment, whether it was the master of the Starfall Realm, or the master of the Mountain Sea Realm, both of them had a hideous expression on their faces, but there was a strong sense of fear in their eyes.

"what happened?"

At this time, all people's minds flashed through such thoughts.

At this time, Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, and he felt that this matter was not that simple.

Although he didn't know what the two people had gone through, he knew that there was something wrong with this shrine. Since those people looted one after another and then put their hearts in bloodletting, he already felt that the shrine was different.

Unexpectedly, it still happened.

He was just a guess, but now it has been fulfilled.


At this time, the realm master of the Starfall Realm, he roared abruptly, and the fear in his eyes gradually disappeared.

At this time, many people feel bad.

The Great Master of Reaching Stars, Fairy Xinyue, Great Master of Pill Star, and Chu Qianye in mid-air, he could clearly see the changes below.

The Lord of the Starfall Realm has been controlled! !

They don't know what control is, and how to control it, they don't know.

However, as the world master of the Starfall Realm gradually disappeared from the color of fear in his eyes, he was gradually completely controlled.

It won't be long before the master of the Starfall Realm will no longer be him!

When everyone thinks of this, my scalp feels numb.

Fortunately, they didn't make a move!

At this moment, the realm master of the mountain and sea world, the same color of fear in his eyes was disappearing.

"No, kill these two guys!!" The star catcher's face changed slightly, and he said quickly.

Everyone couldn't help but curl their lips.

Before they were conspired, but now want them to take action?

Fairy Xinyue and Danxing Master were unmoved.

The star-catcher master's face changed slightly.

At this time, Chu Qianye spoke.

"What he said really makes sense. These two people are under control. We want to get close to the shrine and take away the holy bones. It's probably impossible, or we don't have much chance at all. Killing these two people, Maybe we can get them out of control, and we will have fewer competitors." Chu Qianye said.

Hearing the sound, everyone couldn't help but stared, and their faces were obviously struggling.

What Chu Qianye did was not unreasonable, but they didn't want to be stabbed in the back by the overlord of the stars, so they were reluctant.

"In this way, I will take the first shot at the same time as the star picking. If he wants to count me, then you can join forces to sneak attack behind him?" Chu Qianye said lightly.

The corner of the star catcher's mouth twitched slightly, but he did not object.

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