Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1862: Solution

The six powerhouses attacked so frantically and swept across the void fiercely. Everyone felt this terrifying force of destruction, and couldn't help taking a breath.

This kind of tyrannical combat power swept the entire battlefield, and everyone couldn't help taking a breath when they saw it.

"so horrible."

"Has been fighting for a thousand rounds."

"But there is still no winner."


At this time, the eyes of the masters in the distance flickered. They raised their heads, looked at the six people in the void, and couldn't help taking a breath.

Chu Qianye and Fairy Xinyue joined forces to deal with the master of the mountain and sea world.

The master of the star picker and the master of the pill star join forces to fight against the masters of the starfall world.

It's a pity, it seems that no one can take it.

Chu Qianye frowned. The master of the mountain and sea world seemed to be stronger than before. After all, he only fought with him not long ago. Naturally, he is very clear about the strength of this guy, and he feels this power. Roaring and roaring, Chu Qianye's eyes flashed with awe.

The strength of this guy is really weird. Under such circumstances, it is really hard for him to imagine that this is the master of the mountain and sea world.

He stared at the area directly in front, with a slight strangeness on his face.

He always felt that those inscriptions were at fault. Without those inscriptions, the realm master of the mountain and sea world would certainly not have such a strong combat power.

Fairy Xinyue seems to have keenly discovered the existence of these inscriptions.

"It's weird, this guy, who has obviously retreated, but at the most critical moment, he can always explode with great power." She said suspiciously.

Chu Qianye's heart trembled.

It seemed that he was not alone in feeling this way, and now that Fairy Xinyue had said it, it showed that this kind of situation did exist for the master of the mountain and sea world.

In the course of the battle, can he recover?

This must have something to do with the inscription.

Chu Qianye looked at the location of the altar and frowned.

He always felt a pair of eyes looking at him, this feeling was very strange, he had a very strange feeling, as if he was being spied on.

He didn't care at first, but as time went by, he had more and more battles with the world masters of the mountain and sea world, and this feeling became more and more intense.

Chu Qianye was puzzled, but he was awakened in his heart.

"Master Chu, don't you feel that way?" Fairy Xinyue looked at Chu Qianye and asked.

Chu Qianye smiled bitterly in his heart, he naturally felt it a long time ago.

Then he did not hide it, and nodded gently.

"I think his current strength is stronger than before." Chu Qianye said lightly: "It may be related to those inscriptions."

The two talked and fought against the master of the mountain and sea world.

Fairy Xinyue knows that Chu Qianye's battle with the realm master of the mountain and sea not long ago caused the blood shield of the realm master of the mountain and sea to be defeated, and even his own subordinates and sons were no longer needed, but his nine sons were all five people. , The remaining four people do not know whether they live or die.

Hearing these words, the realm master of the mountain and sea realm suddenly flashed a trace of blood anger, as if he was thinking of something, but because of being controlled, his blood anger quickly struggled violently.

Chu Qianye's expression was startled. This world master of the mountain and sea realm seemed to hear familiar things, which seemed to arouse some of his reason?

Chu Qianye has gone through various battles, and he is naturally better than ordinary people in adapting to situations, so he quickly recovered, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"You have cultivated for thousands of years, just this strength?" Chu Qianye said, "Five of your nine sons died in my hands, and all of your men were killed by me. And you are just a coward. , The blood shield escapes for life at the most critical moment, it's really useless."

Chu Qianye was sarcastic, with a disdainful expression on his face.

At this time, the realm master of the mountain and sea realm suddenly stiffened, and his eyes showed pain, struggle, regret, anger,... all kinds of emotional fluctuations, all of which flashed from his eyes at this moment. Over.

At this time, Fairy Xinyue also showed a hint of surprise when she saw this, she seemed to have guessed something.

Seeing that it seemed to have some effect, Chu Qianye couldn't help showing a look of surprise. This guy seemed to be a little sensible. At least when he evoked familiar memories, he seemed to be able to remember it vaguely, and some memories emerged.

At this moment, Chu Qianye saw that the world master of the mountain and sea realm was trapped by this memory, and then his figure flew out. With his palm, a flame war sword appeared in his palm.

The sword suddenly slashed towards the master of the mountain and sea world.

At this moment, the realm master of the mountain and sea realm, the emotional fluctuations in his eyes suddenly shook, and all disappeared.

He raised his head, and the fierce light and madness returned to his eyes.

The lord of the mountain and sea world, squeezed his palm, took out his weapon, a huge heavy ruler appeared in his palm, and immediately slapped it out fiercely, sweeping by a foot, mighty and square, like thunder, billowing In the world, Chu Qianye's flame war sword collided fiercely.

In an instant, the world broke out fiercely at this moment, and a huge force immediately collided with each other fiercely.


In an instant, the two forces collided fiercely, and then the sky broke and the ground broke, and the void collapsed and shattered at the collision position!

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them, their pupils suddenly shrank, they couldn't help but they couldn't understand, they had fought for so long, suddenly no one could do anything, and it was still in the case of joining hands. This situation is really too frustrating. People were surprised.

The combat power of this great master has actually been so tyrannical? It is not so easy to be able to kill the opponent, this kind of strength gap, it really feels incredible.

Chu Qianye frowned. This guy is recovering very quickly. He thought he could take the opportunity to make a move. From the looks of it, it seems unlikely. The strength of this guy is really weird. The inscription is related.

The inscription is not broken, and the situation in front of you still cannot be reversed.

"Everyone, you have to break the inscriptions. If I guess right, and the inscriptions are not broken, these two guys will not be so easy to solve." Chu Qianye said lightly.

At this time, the three of them also seemed to understand something, the star picker raised his head, looked at the inscriptions, and frowned.

After fighting for so long, he naturally understood the strength of these two individuals. They have been in a state of exhaustion, but these two individuals are not so easy to solve. Instead, there is an illusion that the more they fight.

Therefore, it has to be solved as soon as possible, otherwise it will not make much sense to continue fighting, but it will be detrimental to them.

"So, what solution do you have?" Dan Star Master asked.

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