Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1878: End of sub-system

Is this a person?

No, it's a devil! ! !

It's impossible for such a person to stop him.

Thinking about it, I feel terrible. Where Chu Qianye has stepped on, all the people who blocked him turned into blood fog, and they couldn't die again.

Upon seeing this, no one dared to continue blocking.

Chu Qianye entered the area unimpeded.

Those formations, every time Chu Qianye took steps, those formations would automatically fall apart and completely disintegrate.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Those formations were all formed by the master of the Starfall Realm himself. How could it be possible to destroy its tyrannical defenses? As for the place where Chu Qianye stepped on, those formations couldn't be stopped, all of them collapsed and cracked. These spectacular scenes were probably the most terrifying scene they had ever seen in their lives.

This kind of strength and means, in exchange, they may not be able to do it!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Fortunately, they didn't stop it, otherwise it would be too terrifying with Chu Qianye's strength and means.

Chu Qianye swept straight ahead.

After he left, a person whispered in surprise: "The person who just walked by seems to be the realm master of the gods and wilderness?"

When everyone heard these words, they couldn't help taking a breath.

Before they knew it, they had already gone through the ghost gate, but fortunately they didn't make a move.

"Go, if you want to survive, leave here as soon as possible, and the two masters will fight each other. I can't wait to compete."

Everyone looked at the direction where Chu Qianye disappeared and didn't dare to stay, and then they were shocked, and they retreated quickly towards the rear area.



At this moment, Chu Qianye stepped forward, and his perception spread rapidly.

With a flick of his finger, the Promise Divine Sword immediately swept out and hovered above his head, and with a wave of his palm, countless spiritual stones swept out, covered with mysterious **** patterns and countless spiritual stones. All of them were covered by a gas mask, suddenly turned into a streamer, and rushed toward the void directly in front.

Wherever it went, the void collapsed and shattered. After being twisted, an astonishing force immediately smashed the void.

Then he sank into the ground fiercely, forming the spirit stone of the formation.


A ray of light gleamed, and on Chu Qianye's Qiankun ring, countless profound soldiers swept out immediately, swept toward the void directly in front, and slammed into the ground fiercely, making waves of trembling sound.

These profound soldiers are the collections of those who died in Chu Qianye's hands.

Saint Realm, Dao Saint, Domination, all add up, densely packed thousands of mysterious shadows, submerged in those formations.

The entire formation covers a radius of thousands of miles, and the spirit stones are shining with a strange light. On these spirit stones, there are increased **** patterns, which are all **** patterns added by Chu Qianye later.

These **** patterns are all nine-level **** patterns.

Force God Pattern, Thunder God Pattern, Blood God Pattern, Agility God Pattern, Amplification God Pattern, Killing God Pattern,...

The dense lines of gods, all engraved on the spiritual stones, and covering the profound soldiers, exudes a faint light.

Such fluctuations in aura shocked the heart.

Everyone looked at the areas of the gods and couldn't help taking a breath.

At this time, they suddenly realized that Chu Qianye didn't intend to let them go, but was too lazy to solve them one by one. These spirit stones and profound soldiers were not stupid.

"Run away!"

When everyone saw this, their expressions changed drastically and suddenly spoke.

When Chu Qianye looked at those figures with trepidation, and when he wanted to escape from this area in a hurry, Chu Qianye smiled faintly. Only then did he remember to escape?

Can you escape?

Chu Qianye knotted the seal, and the entire formation immediately began to circulate. Above the spirit stones, a dazzling light burst out for a short while, and the Heaven Slaughter Immortal Array suddenly burst out dazzling light, and then formed a weird stream. Breath, and violent murderous aura.

These murderous auras swept out all over the world, and wherever they went, they could form a whining wind, constantly surging and resounding in the world...

This kind of feeling is quite terrifying, the kind of feeling that eclipses the heavens and the earth, it is like the end of the world! !

The people raised their heads and looked at the formation, a flash of despair and expression flashed in their eyes.

This kind of massacre formation, they can't escape even if they want to.

"It's time to sacrifice you." With a move from Chu Qianye's palm, the Promise Divine Sword suddenly burst out with dazzling light, and it trembled violently, emitting a strange light.

Everyone raised their heads in surprise and looked in the direction where Chu Qianye was.

For an instant, everyone took a deep breath.

Around Chu Qianye's body, a war sword continued to happily revolve.

"It's time to kill the advanced ten thousand people." Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.


The Promise Divine Sword burst out with dazzling light, and immediately trembled violently.

All the light, almost at this moment, burst out.

"Go, you already have your own intelligence, know what to do, carry ten thousand weapons, cut ten thousand people, and complete the transformation..." Chu Qianye said lightly.


The Promise Divine Sword burst out with bright light, and immediately rushed towards the area directly in front.

Wherever the Promise Divine Sword reaches, all the profound soldiers in the void are making a buzzing sound at this time, and its aura is extremely terrifying and mighty, like a king in another world, that violent aura swept away fiercely. Wherever he lived, the void collapsed and shattered at this moment.

Those mysterious soldiers retreated one after another, like stars holding the moon, surrounded by it.

But it is in the midst of the sky, like a king in another world, with countless courtiers, fighting in all directions.


The Promise Divine Sword quickly swept out, killing all those figures. Every time it swept out, there would be blood and screams...

The killing is still going on.

In each killing, the Promise Divine Sword can absorb the blood, and the martial arts aura is also frantically improved. Chu Qianye can clearly feel that the Promise Divine Sword is undergoing a transformation, and this transformation is believed to have been experienced. With so many blood baptisms, it is bound to be improved and advanced!

He had a strong hunch that after this time, the Empress Zhenyao would inevitably send people down to the realm of the Profound Qi Continent.

In addition to improving his own strength, having a well-known profound weapon is actually quite important.

Therefore, if the Promise Divine Sword can be transformed this time, it is also an improvement in his overall strength.

"The Profound Qi Continent, it's time to end the era of division." Chu Qianye's hair lightly danced, and his eyes turned towards one of the halls. His figure was shaken, and he disappeared in place. The next moment, his figure Appears in another area.

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