Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1886: Death comes

He swallowed his own sky fire, yet so arrogant and domineering.

Seeing this, the old man was furious.

"Death to the old man!" The old man was furious, his voice resounding like thunder, resounding between the heavens and the earth, the fierce gods rushed out of his body frantically, the amazing gods' power, abnormal Furious, surging constantly in the world.

Everyone felt this amazing breath of power, and took a deep breath, then raised their heads and looked at Chu Qianye.

I saw that old man flashed to the front of Chu Qianye, raised his fist, and immediately slammed a punch. A terrifying force immediately roared out fiercely.

The fluctuations generated by this divine essence, the abnormal rage, fiercely swept the mighty surroundings, wherever it reached, the void collapsed and shattered at this instant.

This supernatural aura made people unable to help but take a breath, and then raised their heads one after another, looking towards the area where Chu Qianye was, and his expression suddenly changed wildly.


I saw that old man flashed in front of Chu Qianye, raised his fist, and then burst out with a fist. The place where the fist hit hard, the void instantly collapsed and shattered, with the breath of amazing power, crazy Swept away.

Everyone raised their heads in shock.

Fist into the flesh, suppressed frantically.

Although Chu Qianye had swallowed and absorbed the sky fire, it was clear that there was still a power gap between Chu Qianye and the old man, which made Longmen countless people stunned.

This old man deserves to be from the gods.

And the most surprising thing is that this is not the body of the old man, but just occupying the flesh of other people. These methods are really too powerful.

Is this the God-Man Realm?

The people raised their heads, looked at the two people between the void, and couldn't help but take a breath. Although there is no victory yet, but if you fight with this level of strength, you will definitely be able to distinguish the victory and defeat. , And soon the winner will be determined.

This time, the old man completely crushed Chu Qianye, and he didn't seem to give Chu Qianye a chance to react. He completely pressed and hit, close to Chu Qianye, his skinny palm kept hitting Chu Qianye, Even if it didn't directly hit Chu Qianye's body, the pressure of the martial arts breath still made people feel tight in the chest.

The tyrannical martial arts aura was frantically suppressed, and he slapped Chu Qianye's chest fiercely with a fist and a palm. The amazing combat power made one breathless.

Chu Qianye kept frowning, because the old man's fighting power was quite terrifying. Even though he had resisted desperately, the old man didn't give him a chance at all. The power of the gods roared and surged wildly. Out.

Chu Qianye was also a little bit angry. Although you have a lot of spiritual essence, the clay figure has a three-point temper. If you don't give him a chance to breathe, can Chu Qianye know the old man's plan?

Isn’t it just to kill him? Under such a high-intensity attack, sooner or later he will not be able to hold it, and if he cannot hold it, he will definitely be under such a high-intensity attack, and gradually Unable to support it, the old man really wanted to beat him to death.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, the blood in his body began to boil, and a faint light gleamed in his pupils.

At this time, the pupil of the Pluto had already been displayed. Although the old man’s fist slowed down, Chu Qianye was very amazed. The attack speed of the old man’s fist was too fast, faster than ordinary people don’t know. How many times, even though the opponent’s speed has been significantly reduced under the influence of the pupil of the Pluto, he understands that if he does not find a solution as soon as possible, then the current state will soon be disintegrated by the opponent. open.

Thinking of the strength of this old man, Chu Qianye couldn't help taking a deep breath.

This old man just occupies someone else's body, and even possesses this kind of power. Wouldn't it be even more terrifying if it came from his body?

This old man is not only in the realm of gods and humans, but may be in the realm of gods, or even the realm of gods!

Thinking of the other party's martial arts cultivation skills, Chu Qianye couldn't help taking a deep breath.

This martial arts cultivation base is really too powerful, it is a completely crushed existence, with the opponent's divine power attack, he is not an opponent at all.

So, what about that Shenwumen? Isn't his mother's family members more terrifying? It is very likely to be the Divine Emperor Realm!

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye couldn't help but frown.

He is not very clear about the situation of the God Realm now, and it is not practical to guess only. After all, the God Realm is also complicated now. He has that leisurely mind, so it is better to sink his mind and practice well to improve his martial arts cultivation.

Seeing the light twinkling in Chu Qianye's eyes, the old man couldn't help showing a sneer of disdain.

"If you can't escape, don't do that fearless struggle."

Chu Qianye couldn't help but cast a blank look.

Could it be that I have to stop and let you kill?

Chu Qianye sneered secretly in his heart, but his heart also moved quickly, thinking about how to solve the current predicament. After all, with his current martial arts training, it was still a bit difficult to kill this old man. The longer the delay, It is also extremely unfavorable to him, after all, with this guy's martial arts cultivation, he is still in a state of suppressing him.

Therefore, in an instant, Chu Qianye's heart flashed several thoughts quickly.

"It seems that I can only use that power." Just as Chu Qianye was thinking about it, the old man suddenly said.

I don’t know why, when Chu Qianye heard these words, she suddenly felt a little bad.

He retreated quickly, widening the gap between him and the old man.

However, the old man showed a look of disdain, obviously not intending to let He Chu Qianye out of his attack range.


A horrible breath of power immediately emerged from the room.

Taking a closer look, the old man's hand held a machete tightly, like a crescent, very sharp, shining with bursts of cold light.

The most surprising thing is the breathtaking aura, which is clearly a divine tool, and its rank is not low.

Chu Qianye raised his head, looked at the old man, his face suddenly sank, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind quickly.

The oppressive power that this scimitar exudes is very terrifying, just like the **** hanging above his head, the oppressive aura is very terrifying.

The old man sneered: "You can't escape."

When the words finished, the scimitar in his palm immediately slashed towards Chu Qianye, like a sickle harvesting wheat. The terrifying power made Chu Qianye's back chill.

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