Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1889: Land of gods

Looking at the figure of the old man leaving the **** escape, Long Aotian couldn't help but curl his lips, revealing an expression of disdain.

Long Aotian looked back at Chu Qianye.

"This is not a place to talk," he said.

Chu Qianye looked startled and nodded gently.

The two immediately entered the secret space.

"I can already clearly feel that there are already three powerful auras on this Profound Qi Continent. In addition to the old man's, there are two other auras lurking. When you were fighting just now, these two people have been watching, although they did not Shot, but with strong hostility." Long Aotian said: "The aura of one of them is at least far above me."

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, and a solemn expression suddenly appeared.

Thinking about the previous events, my back suddenly felt cold.

There were two strong men who watched the battle, but he didn't realize it. If the opponent had just made a move, I was afraid that he was going to die completely. He didn't expect that he would walk in the ghost gate again without knowing it. .

"Qianye, if your Godhead is not condensed, you are in great danger at any time." Long Aotian said: "Actually, they have some scruples now, but you have to understand that for the powerful, they dare to spy on the secrets of heaven. If they want to get rid of you, it's actually not difficult."

Chu Qianye deeply agreed, and he also understood his current situation, but now on this profound energy continent, there are too few divine essences, so how easy is it to condense divine status?

The things that the old man mentioned, Chu Qianye felt emotionally fluctuating even after thinking about it, and even wished that he would have enough strength to kill the God Realm now!

But he understands that now he must not be impulsive. On the one hand, his martial arts cultivation is not enough. On the other hand, after his follow-up matters have not been arranged, if he breaks through and enters the realm of gods and humans, he wants to take them. It is better for them to stay in the Profound Qi Continent to enter the God Realm.

After all, the power of the gods is like a cloud, even a small fierce beast, has a terrifying martial arts cultivation base, which is enough to kill and destroy a strong in Longmen.

This is too risky, unless they have been practicing in the secret space, but he knew very well in his heart that this was not a good strategy.

However, staying in the Dragon Gate in the Profound Qi Continent, if those people came to the God Realm, it would be much more dangerous.

Therefore, it seems that there is only one way before him: to become strong, and only with enough strength can he sweep the powerhouses and settle down the dragon gate...

In this world where the strong is respected, strength is always the kingly way, just like this time the old man came to the door, also because his strength is not enough, he wants the other party to be in awe, only strength becomes stronger!

During this period of time, his strength increased so quickly that he didn't feel much sense of crisis.

First enter the Dao Sage, break through and step into the Domination Realm, then the Great Domination, and then the current Semi-God Realm.

However, the martial arts practitioners from the God Realm plane are extremely powerful. If it weren't for some taboos, I'm afraid they had already taken action and killed themselves in the cradle.

However, despite this, after they suppress their strength, it is easy to kill themselves!

If it weren't for Long Aotian's arrival in time, I'm afraid he has already died in the hands of the old man, even if he can't die, it is estimated that Longmen will be destroyed.

Thinking of this kind of thing, Chu Qianye suddenly felt his scalp numb.

He really couldn't let the Longmen disband. There was a suspicion of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge. After all, he was the one who created the Longmen, and these people have been following him since the Chiyun Dynasty, following the current four realms all the way.

Therefore, he can't do this kind of thing.

Then there was only one road before him, and it was the only one he could walk now.

Becoming stronger, only when the strength becomes stronger, can you protect the people around you and protect yourself!


The light in Chu Qianye's eyes was piercing.

Thinking of what the old man said, Chu Qianye's eyes flashed coldly.

"Aotian, what is your current cultivation base?" Chu Qianye asked.

Long Aotian didn't speak, but instead released his martial arts cultivation.

Late Divine King Realm!

Chu Qianye felt the other party's martial arts cultivation, and he felt clear.

Long Aotian had a foundation, but he didn't have a physical body. Later, Zulong gave him a new dragon body. After five years, he was able to reach this level. In fact, he was not surprised at all.

Except for the quasi-sage, the six-sages and the immortal realm, the rest of the god-human realm, the divine king realm, the divine emperor realm, and the divine emperor realm all have the first, middle and late stages.

It is estimated that no one has stepped into the six sages in the gods, and there should be quasi-sages. After all, so many years have passed.

After stepping into the God Realm, it is not easy to improve the martial arts cultivation level. If it is not for the talent and enchanting opportunity, let alone one year, even ten or decades, or even hundreds of years, may not be able to break through a small level.

Chu Qianye had become accustomed to such things.

Now, the most important thing is to improve the martial arts cultivation level, but where can I practice and improve the martial arts cultivation level now?

In the Profound Qi Continent, he knew everything about the ruins of the Profound Qi Continent, except for the Shenyue Ruins. There were no fluctuations in the soul, so how could he improve his martial arts cultivation?


At this moment, Chu Qianye's father Shenyindao.

Chu Qianye's expression was startled. At this moment, his father is so anxious to find him?

Despite the doubt in his heart, he exchanged glances with Long Aotian.

Long Aotian's expression was startled, and he seemed to feel the aura of Chu Qianye's father, and then nodded.

Chu Qianye walked out of the space barrier.

"Father." Chu Qianye said.

Uncle Chu Jianghai was also present.

Chu Jianghe looked at Chu Qianye and said, "Ye'er, my father remembered something. Although it is a bit vague, I can be sure that I have indeed been there."

Chu Qianye looked startled, wondering what his father was going to say.

"Father, what are you talking about?" Chu Qianye asked.

"God's Fallen Ruins." Chu Jianghe said: "That place is the place where many powerful people in the God Realm have fallen, but their godheads have not completely disappeared. If you can obtain those godheads, you may be able to quickly break through and step into the god-man state. ."

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, is there such a place? And it's still in the Godfall Ruins?

Chu Qianye suddenly remembered the energetic aura he felt when he ran away earlier, could it be there?

"But that place is extremely dangerous, and the great master did not dare to go in. It can be said that it was ten deaths. Back then, I was young and vigorous, risking my life to go in, and finally got a godhead there, and I also ascended to the gods. I met your mother," Chu Jianghe said.

Chu Qianye couldn't help but startled, and immediately showed a happy expression.

"Father, can you remember it?"

However, Chu Jianghe shook his head.

"It's just fragments of memory, but..."

When talking about this, Chu Jianghe hesitated slightly.

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