Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1898: God Creation Project

Seeing Chu Qianye's Binghan gaze, everyone did not dare to speak.

The atmosphere became somewhat depressing.

"Enter the secret space."

Chu Qianye said.

Everyone made seals one after another and entered the secret space.

When Chu Qianye entered the Secret Scripture Space, his expression became more gloomy.

In the secret space, all kinds of screams are endless.

Longmen, dead death, wounded wound.

The most important thing was that Tongbaohang was also destroyed by Shenwumen, and the medicine was not enough.


When several main members of the Longmen saw Chu Qianye's figure, they suddenly saw the mainstay.

Liu Baqing broke his arm, Ruan Kui's chest was shattered, and all his ribs were broken!

An eyeball of Yu Ting was dug out!

Almost all the main members of the Longmen are fighting in prison blood. They have experienced a life-and-death battle, and everyone's body is colored.

"Aotian, you help them recover." Chu Qianye turned her head and looked at Long Aotian and said.

"Okay." Long Aotian didn't object, and nodded gently.

"Everyone, follow me." Chu Qianye looked at the main members of Longmen again.

Suddenly seeing a familiar figure in the crowd, he couldn't help but stunned.

"Thanks to Miss Hao's help, if it weren't for her to take action, I'm afraid we would lose even more," Qin Hu said.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

He walked over, the figure seemed to feel something, and quickly raised his head, looking at each other, everything was silent.

"long time no see."

It was Hao Juan who left without saying goodbye twice.

But at this time, Hao Juan was already able to act on her own and had stepped into the dominance state.

Chu Qianye nodded lightly and said, "Thank you for taking action at this critical moment."

Hao Juan shook her head gently.

"I shouldn't leave without saying goodbye this time," Chu Qianye said.

Hao Juan looked startled, and nodded gently.

Chu Qianye talked to the other party for a while, and then left.

Chu Qianye summoned all the main members of Longmen.

"I came back late for this time because the place I went was isolated from the Profound Qi Continent. When I came out, the tragedy had already happened." Chu Qianye looked around everyone and said, "This time it was a mistake in my decision. I should have let you enter this secret space long ago."

Chu Qianye looked around and seemed to be able to see the lingering expressions on everyone's faces, showing how terrible the incident this time caused them.

The **** of the Shenwu Sect were really fierce.

"Don't worry, we can recover. You don't have to be afraid that they will come back." Chu Qianye took a deep breath, and then glanced at everyone.

Qin Hu, Liu Baqing, Zhao Sange, Wang Yiling, Ruan Kui, Ye Yue,...

All the main members of the Longmen who fought with him.

"If you are tired, you can leave." Chu Qianye said.

But no one moved for a long time.

"I will give a rich treasure, whether I stay or leave." Chu Qianye said again.

However, no one moved for a long time.

Chu Qianye looked at everyone's eyes and couldn't help showing a touch of appreciation.

"I, Chu Qianye, being able to meet you in this life is the blessing of the autumn of my last life. Following me, I will never treat you badly." Chu Qianye said: "Today, I will make each of you be able to become The strongest in the Profound Qi Continent, even ascended to the God Realm!"

Everyone's expressions were startled, and their emotions were a bit low, but when Chu Qianye mentioned these words, they all raised their heads and looked towards Chu Qianye.

Because they knew that Chu Qianye was never a person who gave oral checks.

Chu Qianye never made any promises that could not be fulfilled.

In this way, can all of what he said can be realized?

Their eyes revealed their doubts, and they looked towards Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye smiled lightly, and then flicked his fingers, and a godhead was swept out, suspended in the void, forming a terrifying spirit of movement and fierce spirit of power.

The majestic and moving breath caused many people's complexions to change slightly, and some even couldn't bear the pressure from the godhead. They couldn't help kneeling on the ground, breathing violently, and their complexion flushed. It was caused by desperate resistance.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly, and then waved his palm to form a barrier, blocking the energetic breath from the Godhead.

Everyone raised their heads again, and when they looked at the godhead, their eyes were filled with deep fear and horror.

"this is……"

Everyone was surprised.

"God!!" Wang Yiling said.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically.

They naturally know the Godhead. After having been with Chu Qianye for so long, they have seen much more than ordinary people. They know what others know, and others may not know what they know.

For example, they naturally know the godhead at the moment, but they have not seen it.

Seeing the godhead in front of them, everyone was shocked.

None of the people here are idlers who follow Chu Qianye to fight in all directions and have accumulated a lot of experience. They are also very flexible. Everyone seems to know something. They can’t help but raise their heads and look towards Chu Qianye. In the past, there was a deep shock on his face.

Chu Qianye said earlier that it can make all of them the strongest in the Profound Qi Continent, and it can also enable them to ascend to the God Realm. In other words, Chu Qianye has the godhead in his hands, I dare not say how many. But enough for the people they are here to merge!

"Yes, this is the Godhead." Chu Qianye said: "However, it may be very difficult to integrate. It requires everyone to have sufficient will and endurance. Once the integration is successful, you can step into the realm of gods and humans. The **** realm, enter the **** realm."

Everyone looked at the godhead one after another, the godhead at this time was shining with bursts of light, and everyone showed a touch of desire.

endurance? Who hasn't.

Willpower? Who hasn't.

They all have these, and they have suffered much more than ordinary people in recent years, and they have gone through untold hardships and life and death, and now they reach this state, all relying on their blood and tears to fight.

Chu Qianye seemed to see everyone's desire.

His plan to create a **** has been half successful.

But he also put the ugly words at the forefront, reminding everyone that because this is not his own Godhead, his later achievements may not be too high, and it may be difficult to improve after reaching the Divine King Realm.

Everyone didn’t care about this. As long as they could break through and ascend to the God Realm, they didn’t mind these. After all, on the Profound Qi Continent, with their current talent and cultivation base, they wanted to be promoted to the Domination Realm, the Great Domination Realm, and it was costly. The time may be longer, it's better to merge and refine these godheads to become your own godhead.

And having the Godhead means that you can ascend to the God Realm and practice in a higher dimension.

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