Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1920: Different

"So, what kind of chaotic thing do you have?" the holy artifact asked.

When Chu Qianye heard it, he knew there was a play.

Despite this, he restrained himself and did not make his mood swings appear too great.

He said lightly: "Hongmeng purple air."

The congenital sacred vessel gleamed fiercely, and its mood swings could obviously be seen.

Chu Qianye had expected this for a long time. Although this innate sacred artifact was very cold, when he heard the grand purple energy, he still made a huge wave in his heart. The presence.

"Impossible, there is not a trace of grand purple qi fluctuation in your body at all!" said the innate holy artifact.

Upon hearing the sound, Chu Qianye couldn't help showing a look of disdain.

Can you feel it?

How can you feel it at will? If you can feel it, am I in danger? Now that you don't make a contract with me and attack me from the inside, wouldn't it be more dangerous?

"Huh, I will lie to you?" Chu Qianye sneered:

"I swear by martial arts, if there is any falsehood, then I will never enter into reincarnation!"

This martial arts vow was quite ruthless. It had been broken and then stood up. If Chu Qianye died, he would not be able to enter Samsara.

For martial artists, if they can't enter Samsara, then one can imagine how serious the consequences are, and there is almost no possibility of rebirth in Samsara.

Chu Qianye's words, to the bigger picture, would mean that he would still be alive in the future.

Despite this, the innate sacred artifacts are still half-believing. After all, the existence of the magnum and purple qi, which is close to the way of heaven, is Chu Qianye's oath useful?

It is actually very skeptical.

Chu Qianye moved in his heart and entered the space of good fortune, standing under the sacred tree in the form of a spirit body, communicating the grand and purple energy.

Although under normal circumstances, this magnificent purple energy never appeared easily, Chu Qianye didn't have the grassroots assurance, but he couldn't help it if it didn't appear.


Suddenly, Hongmeng Purple Qi appeared, surrounding Chu Qianye's spirit body.

But at this moment, the innate sacred artifact was trembling, and it was about to rush towards Chu Qianye's good fortune space. How could Chu Qianye let it get what he wanted?


The gate of good fortune trembled violently, forming a force on it, blocking it from the periphery.

"If you borrow my power, then in the future, when my martial arts cultivation level is improved, when I can participate in the good fortune, I can enlighten you, let you enter the humanity, and become my doorman. This is your only chance to return to the chaotic world. You can think about it clearly. It doesn’t matter if you don’t use my power, I will shed you in the endless void, let you fend for yourself, if someone picks you up, it’s okay to say, otherwise you may really want to be here without change The emptiness of yours is exiled, and the years will destroy you." Chu Qianye said lightly.

Hearing what Chu Qianye threatened, the Innate Sacred Artifact also knew that it was not alarmist, but true. Chu Qianye's current strength does have this ability. If he exiles himself in the endless void, then It's quite dangerous.

"You only have ten seconds to think about it." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

Hearing the sound, the innate sacred weapon suddenly became agitated. It wanted to obtain the magnificent purple aura, but after thinking about it, it still understands the degree of danger. With its current strength, it really may not be able to get in. Chu Qianye's good fortune space produced too much rebound force, and it was too difficult to rush in. After all, Chu Qianye still had the existence of those profound fires and the power of belief.

Chu Qianye wasn't a fool either. Since he could enter the martial arts heart palace, he would definitely have a hand. It is impossible to have no precautions.

Thinking of this, the innate sacred weapon began to work and finally gave up the idea of ​​capturing Chu Qianye's Hongmeng Purple Qi.

If you want to seize Hongmeng Ziqi, you can only wait for the future, and see if there is any chance in the future, Chu Qianye will definitely be negligent when it comes to taking precautions.

As for now, I can do my best to deceive Chu Qianye's trust on the one hand, and on the other hand it is a slow-down strategy.

Thinking of this, the innate sacred artifact has an idea.

"Yes, I borrow your strength."

The sound of the innate sacred artifact resounded, and Chu Qianye couldn't help but reveal a radian.

He knew that this innate sacred artifact would promise, after all, he was a great purple qi, and this kind of temptation power was not so big, unless the innate sacred artifact didn't know the existence of this great purple qi.

But it’s impossible. The reason why the innate sacred artifacts were sacred artifacts was transformed by the chaotic world. In the chaotic world, the sacred qi is not a mortal thing, but the most mysterious holy thing in the chaotic world. Those saints get a sacred purple. Qi can possess the ability to reach the sky, and naturally it cannot be stupid to that degree.

The reason why Chu Qianye was so affirmed was that he thought of borrowing his power.

However, there are pros and cons, and he also understands the risks involved. If he uses this innate sacred artifact, the innate sacred artifact will definitely know the existence of this sacred purple energy. The covetous heart is bound to exist, and it will be shot at any time. Possible.

Therefore, the existence of such conditions is not without it. Therefore, one must be strong, only in this way can he have enough strength to suppress this innate sacred weapon.

In fact, Chu Qianye also had calculations in mind. If he took advantage of the power of this innate sacred artifact, it would definitely consume a wave, and it would surely be a countermeasure.

Both sides actually have such thoughts.

"Okay, I'm going out now."


After the words were over, the innate sacred artifact appeared in Chu Qianye's hands, and a powerful force immediately diffused out of it, surging frantically in the world.

At this moment, Chu Qianye's eyes flashed with a strange light, monstrous divine power, frantically gushing out of his body, and then the battle knife of the innate sacred weapon immediately formed a surging power into his palm. Among.

The innate sacred artifact has given him strength!

Chu Qianye raised his head and looked at Gu Chen.

At this time, Gu Chen also looked up at Chu Qianye, seemingly enlightened.

Chu Qianye's figure disappeared and appeared in front of Gu Chen. The sword suddenly burst out with dazzling blood, and the place where it was chopped, time seemed to freeze and stop.

Gu Chen's pupils suddenly enlarged, his face full of incredible.


He raised the divine tool in his hand, trying to block Chu Qianye’s attack, but Chu Qianye’s sword was not an ordinary power, and there was the power of the innate sacred artifact. How could he enter Chu Qianye’s body with this power? Can you stand it?

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