Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1926: Fusion Fire Lotus

Xu Wanhong's pupils suddenly shrank. He raised his head and looked in the direction where Chu Qianye was.

At this moment, Chu Qianye's clone and Long Aotian's clone both landed, and Chu Qianye's clone drew out a cloud of flames.

It is the Emperor Sheng Yan, but the Emperor Sheng Yan whose spirit has been destroyed.

As the No. 1 Profound Fire of Profound Fire, its power can be imagined to be terrifying. It spreads wildly, and the world becomes extremely hot at this moment. The billowing heat wave sweeps away the sky and the earth. , Forming a breath of amazing strength.

Everyone looked at Chu Qianye, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

This flame, under the surging, brought up a strong temperature, which burned into the void for a burst of distortion and illusion.

Xu Wanhong looked at Chu Qianye in surprise.

He knew how powerful this flame was.

"Hehe, what about this group of profound fire? You still can't merge it." Xu Wanhong sneered.

Chu Qianye didn't reply, he shook his palm abruptly, and the flame was immediately held in his palm, and then Chu Qianye swallowed it in full view.


Seeing this scene, the expressions of Xu Qing and others changed drastically, and they said in surprise.

At this time, Chu Qianye was a veritable lunatic in their eyes. This kind of profound fire, with the strength of their Divine King Realm, would not dare to swallow it so rashly, unless there is a perfect solution, after all, this is bred between heaven and earth. The mysterious fire is extremely powerful.

However, Chu Qianye didn't care at all, just swallowing it raw, it was really bold for a master of art.

Xu Wanhong didn't expect that Chu Qianye was so courageous that he dared to swallow this Emperor Sage Yan alive. Such courage and strength are really impressive.

And this is just the beginning.

Under Chu Qianye's swift operation of the emperor rank technique, those flames were forcibly refined by Chu Qianye, and the endless flames and the energy they produced were all swallowed by him.

The Spirit of the Sacred Artifact was also extremely surprised at this time, which means that Chu Qianye's strength has increased again, how can he win the great purple energy in that body?

The spirit of the sacred instrument, anger does not hit a place.

He felt that Xu Wanhong was the one who caused this situation. Xu Wanhong forced it out. If it weren't for Xu Wanhong, would Chu Qianye swallow this profound fire?

Give him a hundred courage, he wouldn't dare to swallow it directly, after all, this is a mysterious fire, a strange fire bred by heaven and earth, and the power of destruction is still terrifying.

Thinking of this, he looked at Chu Qianye and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

This fellow Chu Qianye is simply a lunatic, and if he swallows profound fire in this way, he is simply seeking his own death.

But what shocked him was that after Chu Qianyesheng swallowed the profound fire, there was no fluctuation at all, and what made him feel most incredible was that the energy swept out by the profound fire was pinched out in an instant. , It’s like being watered.

In Chu Qianye's body, the wave of fire that gushed out instantly disappeared.

Chu Qianye was still using his exercises to the extreme, absorbing those profound fires frantically.

Emperor Sheng Yan was in his body, roaring frantically, but for Chu Qianye, how could he ever beat him?

Chu Qianye is a veritable fighter. He has absorbed the profound fire of refining and is already familiar with the road. He doesn't need to think about it at all. As long as the exercises in the body are running, the world will be overshadowed at this moment. He wants to fight back against Chu Qianye. Can't do it.

In less than ten minutes, Chu Qianye successfully swallowed and refined the Emperor Sage Yan by 40%.

Xu Wanhong's face suddenly became ugly. At this time, he knew that if he didn't make a move, then with Chu Qianye's progress in devouring and refining, he would soon be able to swallow this Emperor Sage Yan completely. , And then refined into his own profound fire.

In this way, once he has this increase in the profound fire, it is not very good news for him.

Xu Wanhong desperately needed to solve Chu Qianye, so his figure slammed out, rushing towards Chu Qianye, the battle knife in his palm slashed out.

However, Long Aotian and Ling Xuanqing are not good stubborn things either, the two of them rushed out with a touch of the soles of their feet, and immediately intercepted them.

And Chu Qianye swiftly ran the techniques in his body, swallowing the profound fire madly, and the profound fire was madly swallowed by Chu Qianye to the extreme.

Another ten weeks passed.

And Chu Qianye has refined 80%!

Xu Wanhong's face changed slightly. How could this be? It won’t be long before Chu Qianye thoroughly refines the profound fire. Then at that time, he will not only have to face the two powerhouses of the late Divine King realm, but also face him. To the reincarnated Chu Qianye of the God Emperor.

In this way, his situation is quite delicate.

A coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Get out of here!" Xu Wanhong shouted loudly. The sword in his palm burst out with a dazzling light in vain and slashed towards Ling Xuanqing.


In an instant, Ling Xuanqing was flew out by Xu Wanhong, his entire palm was shattered, and his sleeves were stained with blood.

Xu Qing's face changed slightly.

Long Aotian frowned.

There is no way, at this time, he can only bite the bullet and continue to help Chu Qianye resist, hoping that Chu Qianye will refine and integrate that Emperor Sage Yan as soon as possible.

At this time, Chu Qianye's exercises in his body were madly running to the extreme. That kind of rapid rotation quickly completely refined and integrated the Emperor Sage Yan!

At this moment, Long Aotian also seemed to be unable to hold on.

Can delay until now, Long Aotian and Ling Xuanqing have done very well, after all, they are only in the late stage of the Divine King Realm, and it is not so easy to kill the powerhouse of the Divine King Realm.

Chu Qianye raised his head and looked at Long Aotian.

"Aotian, go back." Chu Qianye said lightly.

Xu Wanhong raised his head and looked at Chu Qianye.

But at this moment, in the palm of Chu Qianye's hand, the flames flew out, a total of twelve colors, extremely gorgeous, and gleaming with dazzling light.

The most shocking thing for everyone is that the power of this flame is really terrifying. Thinking about it, I feel that my scalp is numb.

Chu Qianye is desperate.

At this moment, Xu Wanhong's eyes jumped wildly, and he was secretly surprised. If Chu Qianye fully utilized this flame to its extreme, even he would not dare to block the blow.

No, you can't let him succeed!

Countless thoughts flashed through Xu Wanhong's heart.

Chu Qianye sneered in his heart. He raised his head and stared at Xu Wanhong. With a pinch of his palm, the flames vibrated violently, forming a golden fire lotus with terrifying energy, frantically spreading out!

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