Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1929: Long Aotian's strength

Seeing the blood flowing across Chu Qianye's hands, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

This kind of ultimate move, the price paid is too much, right, this terrifying powerful ultimate move, no one dare to try it easily.

Chu Qianye forcibly endured the severe pain from his palm, his black eyes flashed with crazy colors at this moment, and flames entwined in his palms. At this time, nine different colors of light were constantly alternating. Looks very strange and eerie.

Chu Qianye gritted his teeth, no longer paying attention to the terrifying energy generated by the collision of the flames and the distorted space. His palms pressed the flames tightly, and his spirit power surged out frantically, closing and fusing. …

It was less than half a centimeter, but at a distance of less than half a centimeter, Chu Qianye felt that every cell in his body was circling frantically. It was an amazing power.

Feeling the terrifying energy, still roaring wildly.

Being able to fuse the profound fire under the impact of this profound fire, this kind of ability, replaced by anyone, can't help but become a little bit envious and hated, this kind of strength is really enviable.

In this vast world, there are many people who want to fuse Profound Fire and Sky Fire, but few people can do it. Those arrogant guys are almost burnt to the bones by their own fusion so that the energy is burnt!

It is extremely rare to be able to do something like Chu Qianye!

At this time, Xu Wanhong stared at Chu Qianye, and he was very envious of Chu Qianye. After all, it was indeed quite rare to be able to do like him.

The people raised their heads, looked in the direction where Chu Qianye was, and couldn't help taking a breath.

Chu Qianye quickly integrated this ninth kind of profound fire!

Blood overflowed from his palms, and the colorful flames slammed into nothingness.

It's really scary, thinking about the ability to integrate these nine types of profound fire with each other, it is really terrifying, and they may not be able to do it if they are replaced.

Xu Wanhong raised his head and stared at Long Aotian.

Chu Qianye was already frantically fusing the profound fire, and this Long Aotian was still blocking him, making him feel guilty. He had to get rid of Chu Qianye as soon as possible, and there was no time to go with Long Aotian again.

Therefore, immediately the gods in Xu Wanhong's body whizzed out of his body frantically, and the blood in his body seemed to be burning up, a force, whizzing frantically, attracted the holy demon war knife in his palm, She trembled frantically.


The saint demon sword, the devilish energy is vast.

Long Aotian's face also showed dignity.

In his eyes, a cyan flame was burning.


A dragon chant resounded violently from the boundless void, and behind Long Aotian, a totem of a giant dragon suddenly appeared, that huge long eye, sweeping the surroundings, an breath of amazing strength, frantically Surging out.

"Dragons?" Xu Wanhong looked startled, staring at Long Aotian, showing a sneer noncommittal.

The dragon clan has long been destroyed, and the reason why he was a little surprised, as long as it was because Long Aotian could cultivate to this level, and he already had a dragon soul, this made him quite a little surprised.

However, it was just a surprise. The Dragon Race back then was indeed quite brilliant. The entire God Realm and the other nine God Emperors were equally qualified to discuss major issues.

It's a pity that the dragon clan is now annihilated, and the dragon clan that was once incomparable has long since vanished.

Everyone looked at the totem behind Long Aotian, and they also showed a look of surprise. Obviously they did not expect that Long Aotian turned out to be a dragon.

The appearance of this dragon soul should not have been fully awakened, but it already possessed 40% of the dragon power. Such an increase made Long Aotian's strength actually equivalent to that of the Divine Emperor.

However, everyone understood that this was only theoretical, and it was still too difficult to compete with Xu Wanhong. With Xu Wanhong's supernatural power, it was too powerful to match.

Unless Long Aotian obtains the dragon body, he may still have the power to fight.

However, Long Aotian does have a dragon body, but he doesn't want to show others. After all, this is a signal and a threatening signal to many people!

Once he was shown to others, then the gods would spread that the Dragon Clan had not been destroyed, and those who caused the Dragon Clan to be destroyed will definitely come to the door again. At that time, he may not have the strength to compete with each other.

Therefore, he only uses Dragon Soul now, and the other party thinks that he is just a spirit beast in the market realm, and he has cultivated Dao.

However, it turns out that many people think so, including Xu Wanhong. Only Chu Qianye understands that Long Aotian actually has his true strength. He has not fully demonstrated it because it involves the destruction of the dragon clan. key.

Therefore, now he does not intend to show others, but continue to hide his strength. Only when he gains real strength and possesses the ability to protect himself, he may be able to show others.

But before that, he had to be a man with his tail clipped.

Xu Wanhong held the war sword in his hand, and slammed out the palm of his foot, rushing to the front of Long Aotian, and Long Aotian was not empty. The same stepping out of the palm of his foot, the magic weapon in his palm burst out in vain with dazzling light.

Long Aotian's weapon was a spear.

Chu Qianye didn't know where Long Aotian got this long spear, but he had already merged with him. It seemed that he had completely merged this spear.


The battle spear held by Long Aotian slammed out at the moment when the soles of his feet stepped out, and violently collided with Xu Wanhong's battle knife.


With a fierce explosion, the two profound pens collided fiercely, the breath of amazing power fiercely and mightily in the world, and everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

The strength of the two is quite tyrannical, but there is still a gap between martial arts cultivation skills, and Xu Wanhong clearly has the upper hand.

After he slashed out, Long Aotian's body became severely cut and flew out. He held the spear in his hand and raised his head, his eyes full of surprise.

Sure enough, the gap in martial arts cultivation seems to be only one step away, but in fact the gap in combat power is still too big.

No way, he can only help Chu Qianye delay as much as possible now. After all, the longer the delay, the more beneficial it will be for Chu Qianye and the greater the threat to Xu Wanhong. The other party is now trying to get rid of him because I am afraid that I will delay too long and want to get rid of myself as soon as possible.

"Your strength is just that?" Long Aotian held a spear, raised his head, and looked at Xu Wanhong, with a sneer on his face.

Xu Wanhong's face was completely gloomy.

Originally, he wanted to solve Long Aotian as soon as possible, but he was delayed by him. Now he is ridiculed by Long Aotian. Even the experienced Xu Wanhong could not tolerate such things.

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