Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1951: Brother Aotian

"Don't, my lord, let me go, the previous things are offensive." Long Ying said with some fear.

"So, are you a soul or a dragon soul?" Chu Qianye asked.

"Soul." It said in horror and anxiety.

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, even though he had probably guessed a little bit, when he heard these words, he was still quite surprised.

If this product is a soul body, then it should always know Long Aotian.

Forget it, this matter can be asked later, first ask about the situation of this goods, since it can know that this is the sacred tree, it must have participated in the holy war to protect this sacred tree, and it is also the battle for the destruction of the dragon clan.

"Let me ask you, did you participate in the original holy war of the Dragon Race? Why are you still alive?" Chu Qianye asked loudly.

Looking at Chu Qianye's serious expression, Long Ying couldn't help being even more surprised.

"How did you know the existence of jihad?!"

After saying that it found something wrong, Chu Qianye asked it to answer, but didn't let it ask.

So it quickly said: "In fact, I participated in that holy war. My clan was completely destroyed. No one could escape. All the branches died. Even the nine ancestor dragons died. The Shenlong died countless. "

It seems that this guy also participated in that holy war.

"So, do you know this sacred tree?" Chu Qianye asked.

"This is not a sacred tree, this is a sacred tree, the sacred tree that our clan protects to the death!" it said seriously.

Chu Qianye shook his head lightly, and didn't intend to make too much care about this matter, because he knew that there was no need to do too much care about this matter, after all, it was just a different title.

"Then do you know why you swear to protect it?" Chu Qianye asked.

"Zulong once said that this sacred tree is the root of my dragon clan. Once it falls, all my dragon clan will be destroyed, and it is the kind that will never be restored. There is no chance of a comeback, even the chance to enter the six reincarnations Not at all," it said.

Chu Qianye looked stunned. Whether these nine great ancestor dragons are true or false, it doesn't matter to him anymore, but he doesn't understand why such a sacred tree is like this. Defending to the death? Is it really the root of the dragon family, nothing more?

So, why did the people behind the scenes come to the door just to fight for this sacred tree?

Another question is, why does this sacred tree appear in his body? What is the reason for this? Does his mother know about this? Moreover, the dragon blood given by his mother killed the dragon clan? She also participated in the holy war?

Many doubts continued to surface in his mind, and all that was left to him were unsolvable mysteries, which made the bronze sacred tree more and more mysterious in his eyes. Previously, he just thought of this bronze sacred tree. Very mysterious, first is tall, and the other is Hongmeng Ziqi seems to be a little tied to this bronze sacred tree?

The logic of this, he really doesn't understand the more he thinks about it now. At least with his current knowledge and strength, he can't solve the mystery at all, and he can't understand what is different.

It is impossible to have no reason at all. This bronze sacred tree is not so simple. It is not unreasonable to have so many dragon souls.

"Do you remember the people who were in the holy war?" Chu Qianye added, "The people who fought against your dragon clan."

"Naturally remember that they were all wearing cloaks at the time and couldn't see their lineup. The nine ancestor dragons of our clan, instead of starting a life and death battle, guarded the sacred tree, but all fell." It said.

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, no wonder this guy had such a deep hostility towards him. It turned out that he was regarded as those people. The reason why Long Aotian didn't regard him as those people was mainly because of him at that time, martial arts. The cultivation base is too weak, and he has the strength of the Huang Ji realm, and even he can't bear to take a shot at himself. At that time, Long Aotian, if he took a shot with him, he would suffer severe damage if he did not die.

But Long Aotian was obviously not that stupid. He also knew that he was not one of those people, but he should also be very puzzled as to why there was this sacred tree in his body.

And the Zulong who shot, he also knew that he was not those people.

It's just that what he didn't understand was why this sacred tree, which the dragons thought, appeared in his body?

And what puzzled him most was that the Dragon Clan didn't make a move, especially the Ancestral Dragon, it seemed that there was something that might be safe to put here, at least temporarily.

Chu Qianye's mind was running fast, and as he thought about it, this matter became more mysterious, and various mysteries became more and more profound. Chu Qianye seemed to have seen it. Layers of clouds.

I hope my mother did not participate in that holy war.

Chu Qianye thought to himself.

"So, do you ever recognize Long Aotian?" Chu Qianye asked.

That Long Ying looked incredible.

"What did you just say?" It asked, shaking its huge head.

"I said Long Aotian, do you know?" Chu Qianye asked again.

It asked excitedly: "Brother Aotian is not dead?!"

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, he didn't expect to ask casually, this Long Ying is so excited, and this fellow in love still knows Long Aotian?


"What is your relationship with him?" Chu Qianye asked.

"He is my brother. The ancestors of Longwei escorted us both to escape. Later, I was enveloped by a group of dark shadows. After that, I entered a chaotic and boundless world of darkness. I was kept in confinement forever. See Brother Aotian." It shook its head and asked excitedly:

"My lord, do you know my Aotian brother? Do you know him? Where is he now?"

Chu Qianye didn't have time to answer various questions.

"He's still alive." Chu Qianye nodded lightly and said, "In this way, you are actually a soul body, and you can naturally show up. You will come with me now, and I will take you to see him."

"I can't live without it, there seems to be a restriction here," it said.

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, and then he glanced at the mysterious lines, showing an expression that seemed to be enlightened.

"It's not a restriction, but your energy is not enough. This is an inscription that can suppress your breath. On the one hand, it protects you, and on the other hand, it is a test for you." Chu Qianye said: "If If you are strong enough, this inscription will be self-defeating."

Long Ying shook for a moment, and then turned into a figure.

But it was a fourteen-year-old boy with a childish face that made Chu Qianye stunned.

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