Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1953: God Realm Dongtu

"It's okay." Chu Qianye said, "If you have time, you can pay attention to information about this."

Long Aotian nodded gently.

"Then I'm leaving."

Immediately, Long Aotian got up and left.

Chu Qianye didn't keep him, he entered his own world of creation again, and continued to approach the third tree branch. A mysterious light formed, and if there was no dragon roar, he violently turned towards Chu Qianye's peerless divine sword. Gone away, attached to his martial soul.

When this martial spirit was attached to him, an astonishing breath of power immediately swayed wildly around him, and Chu Qianye felt this breath of astonishing strength and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"At the beginning of the dragon!"

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, and then he showed a surprised expression.

This ancient dragon, who knows the sun and the moon, understands the laws of nature, can be described as a very powerful dragon. He has long heard of this dragon and has a very high identity and status in the dragon clan.

Unexpectedly, he also fell completely. His supernatural powers back then shocked the God Realm. Chu Qianye didn't know what happened afterwards, and gradually disappeared from his news. Unexpectedly, when he met again, he was already a dead soul. .

Chu Qianye felt a sigh of sorrow in his heart, it's really impermanent.

But thinking about how he, as a **** emperor, had also fallen to such a situation, Chu Qianye seemed to understand it, and didn't care about it so much anymore.

The cause of all this is actually normal, Chu Qianye shook his head gently.

"Then, your skills and supernatural powers will be inherited by my spirit." Chu Qianye sighed in his heart.


At this moment, that peerless holy sword suddenly gleamed with a strange light, and then under Chu Qianye's nose, there was an extra dragon pattern.

With a stroke of Chu Qianye's palm, the peerless holy sword was suspended in front of him. Chu Qianye carefully stared at the dragon pattern on the holy sword, and couldn't help revealing a light of surprise.

The dragon pattern of this primordial dragon is obviously different from the previous dragon pattern. It is very deep and gleaming with mysterious light. Looking at it from a distance, it reveals a very extraordinary aura fluctuation.

It's a pity that now this peerless holy sword martial arts soul, his abilities and supernatural powers, he has not yet awakened, but it is Ling Xi's supernatural powers and abilities that he has completely learned and learned.

After arriving in the God Realm, with the help of Shen Yuan and Shen Qi, the number of martial arts display should be increased, breaking the limit that the Profound Qi Continent can only be used once a day, but I don’t know how much it can break. And what it is like after breaking these limits.


A cold light flashed in Chu Qianye's eyes.

Long Jin's message to him is simple, Shenwumen is within the realm of Emperor Ming's jurisdiction!

The divine realm under the jurisdiction of Emperor Ming, named Dongtu, the divine realm, is divided into four territories: Cangzhou, Jingzhou, Xizhou and Dongzhou.

The Shenwu Gate is located in Jingzhou, the first of the four territories, the most prosperous continent, where the strong are like clouds, where countless martial artists are fascinated.

It’s really effortless to break through the iron shoes and find no place to find it. He didn’t expect that he had just ascended to the God Realm, so he didn’t have to worry about it. He originally thought that he would still need to find that god, and considering the geographical difference, it might be possible to use it. Different means and strategies.

Now all of these can be omitted. If you are dedicated to improving your strength, you can only reach Jingzhou when you have enough confidence.

The second message: His mother was imprisoned in a huge jail at Shenwumen, all guarded by strong men no less than God King, and even guarded by strong men at the peak of God Emperor.

It seems that with so many people guarding his mother, one can imagine that his mother's talent and strength are enough to threaten the Shenwu Sect, otherwise these people would not be so jealous.

"Mother, Ye'er will be able to rescue you soon. You only need to be patient, and soon our family will be reunited!" Chu Qianye clenched his fists and said firmly.

He immediately closed his eyes and continued to practice.

Three days later, Chu Qianye opened his eyes, exhaled a mouthful of muddy gas, and felt the changes in his body. Chu Qianye shook his head with a wry smile. His martial arts sacred pool is still not enough, and he has not reached the bottleneck level. At least he has to break through the god-human realm and step into the god-king realm in a short time. I am afraid that it is not so easy to do. The subsequent martial arts cultivation level is not so easy to improve, and if there is no divine power infusion, he estimated that it would not be possible Promote two sisters in a row.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye sighed softly.

If you want to improve your martial arts cultivation, the more you get to the back, the less easy it will be. Therefore, at this time, the best way is to improve your combat power transition.

You can increase your combat power by adding inscriptions to give them to the weapon of the gods. Another is to constantly experience life and death. Only at that moment can the potential be unearthed and be able to completely erupt.

Of course, the most important thing is that this is just a transitional means of improvement. If you really need to improve, you still have to rely on a steady and steady approach.

That's why I had the plan for this Nine-Eepee Sword Tower.

After Chu Qianye opened his eyes, his perception spread.

"Ruolan, Mo Xuan."

Hearing Chu Qianye's divine voice, the two of them opened their eyes one after another, and then briefly washed them, and then began to rush towards Chu Qianye's direction.

"My lord!"

The two said quickly.

Chu Qianye didn't need to ask at all. He just glanced at it. After a glance, what was the strength of the two of them and what level they were?

Not bad, the improvement of the two of them is not bad.

"Tianqi, I'm going to leave here for a period of time, maybe three or five days, or maybe ten and a half months. If they ask, just say that I can retreat and make alchemy." Chu Qianye's divine voice gave Zhang Tianqi.

"Okay. Pay attention to your safety." Zhang Tianqi responded.


After finishing speaking, three streams of light swept out of the temple. Those magical soldiers did not stop them, because they had been in contact with Chu Qianye and everyone these days. They all knew that Chu Qianye was a distinguished guest under the command of Yuchi, so naturally they did not dare to stop. So all three of them left the temple unimpeded.

"Ruolan may know a little bit about the Nine-epee Sword Pagoda, but you may need to know about Mo Xuan. It's okay. I will tell you about the situation there." Chu Qianye said.

Ruolan nodded.

Chu Qianye summoned a palm-sized spaceship from Qiankun Ring. This is different from the flying boat of the Profound Qi Continent. This is a divine ship, blessed with many inscriptions and advanced formations, and the speed is extremely fast.

The God Realm is vast. If you use a flying boat, it is estimated that you will not reach the Nine-epee Sword Pagoda in a hundred years. The speed of this divine ship is hundreds of times faster than that of the flying boat.

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