Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1955: Empty glove white wolf

The white-clothed man's expression was startled. He didn't expect Chu Qianye to be serious. For a while, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

This guy is really serious.

"Okay, let's gamble on the **** stone." The white-clothed man said: "I have a thousand high-grade **** stones here. Let's gamble on them all."

Chu Qianye raised his eyebrows, and the sacred stones were divided into upper, middle and lower grades, and the value of each grade was not equal. One thousand high-grade sacred stones were equivalent to 10,000 middle-grade sacred stones and 100,000 lower-grade sacred stones.

The ratio is one hundred to one.

Such a bet is a bit too big, the man in white in front of him really dares to bet.

Mo Xuan and Zhou Ruolan also showed a look of surprise. There are thousands of high-grade sacred stones. For them now, such sacred stones are extremely large. After all, they are high-grade sacred stones, not middle-grade or low-grade.

For the improvement of martial arts cultivation level, they all have a lot of effect and help. If there are so many sacred stones, it does not need too much, and the absorption of dozens of pieces should be able to reach the bottleneck. After all, they are only in the early stage of the gods , The difficulty of entering the mid-term is not too great.

If each person can raise a small realm with dozens of dollars, then, a thousand high-grade divine stones should be able to help most people in Longmen improve their strength and step into the middle stage of that divine human realm.

Thousands of high-grade sacred stones. For many people, this is a huge amount of sacred stones. Basically ordinary martial artists, they are not big sects, even if they are big sects. The salary they got was only a few dozen high-grade sacred stones, which was almost the number of sacred stones they could get in one or even two years.

"Yes." Chu Qianye vomited lightly: "If anyone wants to bet, then you can also bet now. If I make a mistake, I will accompany you. Pay as much as you want."

Everyone looked startled, and heard that Chu Qianye was so determined and confident, everyone was suspicious.

Thirty people, five people went to the other side?

Hundreds of people may not have such a probability.

For a while, everyone felt that this could be earned.

However, there are still a small number of people who have doubts. After all, what identity is Chu Qianye? They don't know, he can get so many sacred stones? They also expressed doubts.

"Can you get so many sacred stones?" The white-clothed man sneered.

"Of course you can get it." Chu Qianye said: "This token is worth a little bit. If I lose, you can ask Yuchi leader to get the sacred stone."

Speaking of Chu Qianye, he raised the token in his hand. Everyone stared at him. When they saw the token in Chu Qianye's hand, everyone's face showed a touch of shock. None of them expected, Chu Qian Ye unexpectedly met Yuchi leader.

Commander Yuchi, who is that? He still has a lot of prestige in this East Earth God Realm. After all, he has been fighting for a long time and is a general by Ming Emperor.

The black-clothed youth in front of him, although he did not know how he got this token, but the token led by Yuchi is not so easy to get, and the token is divided into four types: copper, silver, gold and black. These tokens all symbolize authority and status. The token that Chu Qianye holds in her hand is a black card, which belongs to the supreme token that sees people like people.

Therefore, it is not easy for this person to get the black card under the leadership of Yuchi!

When the man in white saw the black card that Chu Qianye had taken out, his pupils shrank slightly. He didn't expect Chu Qianye to know the leader of Yuchi.

Now that they have seen the token, other people naturally dare not question it.

In fact, all the divine stones on Chu Qianye's body were less than a hundred pieces. The other divine stones were given to Longmen to increase their martial arts cultivation and strength. These hundred divine stones were still required by Zhang Tianqi to stay on him, otherwise He is poor and penniless.

I'm a little bit empty glove white wolf.

However, the reason why Chu Qianye dared to make such a bet was naturally not because he had no self-confidence. His soul perception was so powerful, and he knew at a glance who could cross the Shenhe River.

"Come on, hurry up if you want to bet, buy to leave, there is only one minute, everyone hurry up and bet." Chu Qianye said lightly.

As soon as those people saw that there was security, they all started to take out their own sacred stone, betting on dozens of dollars, hundreds of dollars.

These sacred stones seem to be small in number, but in fact there are still many. After all, the people on the banks of the sacred river do not seem to have tens of thousands of people, but there are thousands of people.

When all these numbers are added up, the number is still huge.

Everyone quickly finished placing their bets, and the way to place their bets was very simple. Chu Qianye's paper spirit pen dropped quickly, and then a contract was made. At that time, winners and losers rely on this contract to receive bets. There is nothing wrong with this. , The bets placed in the God Realm are all like this.

Soon those people began to cross the Shenhe River, countless sword waves, suddenly roaring, frantically yelling at the thirty martial artists who were ready to review, and in the blink of an eye, those people walked out of the two. In the ten-meter area, the sword wave became more and more terrifying.


A sword wave went straight to the crowd and roared and swept away. One of them was knocked out fiercely. The person immediately turned red, and his face suddenly became pale, and he didn't dare to stay anymore. His figure quickly retreated and evacuated the area. .

But the sword waves suddenly became denser. Some people had not had time to react. They were overwhelmed by those sword waves in an instant. When they woke up, only a cold corpse was left.

Looking at the divine river that was dyed red in an instant, everyone couldn't help but feel a tingling scalp.

This Shenhe is really terrible.

Thirty people, half of them were eliminated in an instant!

"Hehe, five people have arrived? Do you think it is still possible now?" The man in white could not help but sneer as he looked at the situation before him, and said lightly.

Chu Qianye smiled non-committal.

All of this is under his control, because there is absolutely nothing wrong with his soul perception. The sword intent of six people is very terrifying. If he guesses right, with their methods and strength, he wants to break through the gods. The test is actually not difficult.

Seeing Chu Qianye's indifferent expression, the man in white couldn't help showing a sneer.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

Time is still passing.

Fifteen people, ten minutes later, only eight people are left!

"Prepare to pay for the stone." The white-clothed man sneered.

When the people around saw such a situation, they secretly sneered.

There are still thirty meters away from the bank of the God River!

Eight people, at least seven people will be eliminated, or even eliminated all!

According to the difficulty of the assessment, it should be so.

What they didn't expect was that each of the eight people behind them had extremely high kendo attainments, and they quickly resolved those sword waves.

Ten meters, there are seven people left!

Five meters, six people left!

Going ashore, there are five people left!

No more, no less, exactly five people!

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