Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1963: Third Epee Tower

The man looked at Chu Qianye, his face stunned.

He looked at Chu Qianye stupidly, and he didn't get over it for a long time.

"What an exquisite sword clock!" He exclaimed.

"You have two more tricks." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

Hearing the sound, the man nodded lightly without being annoyed. He shook his palm abruptly, and the war sword in his palm trembled violently. Numerous breaths could not help but pour out, madly rushing towards Chu Qianye. Away.


Those auras, Chu Qianye knew, they were just blindfolds, the real big killer was actually still to come.

"Jianmao?" Chu Qianye said in surprise.

The man marveled again.

"It seems that you are more difficult to deal with than I thought. I didn't expect you to know Jianni. At your level, it is logically impossible to know so much." The man said.

Chu Qianye didn't reply either.

When he held his palm, a war sword appeared in his palm. It was indeed a war sword condensed by willpower. Although this warlord was only formed by willpower, it was full of violent power. The power aura contained in this sword can be felt from a long distance.

"It's interesting." The man looked at Chu Qianye with a look of surprise.

"Take my second move!"

After the words were over, the soles of his feet slammed out, and the war sword in his palm chopped out again. This time, this war sword suddenly exploded with countless sword energy.

Like a violent storm, he hurriedly fell towards Chu Qianye, forming an astonishing aura of strength, and that astonishing aura of strength swept away wildly.

Feeling this breath of power, Chu Qianye raised her eyebrows suddenly.

Such a sword is very powerful, even beyond the range he can bear, but when he thinks about it, Chu Qianye is relieved. After all, this is the main soul of this sword tower, and possessing such power to destroy it is not at all. terrible.

Looking at the horrible and rapid Jian Yu, Chu Qianye did not choose to defend this time.

He chose to take the initiative!

The soles of his feet also followed the steps. Although it was only a step, the pupils of the man on the opposite side suddenly shrank, because when Chu Qianye stepped out, all those swords stopped trembling, and he chopped out. Those storm-like sword rain also suddenly stagnated at this moment.

The war sword in Chu Qianye's palm burst out with dazzling light.

In the same way, countless sword rains formed, rushing forward fiercely, wherever they were headed, the void collapsed and shattered at this moment, generating a twisting force.


Those sword rains shattered suddenly and disappeared without a trace.

It was accurately resolved, how much sword rain the man had, and how much sword rain Chu Qianye had, and no more, no less, just right!

The man looked at Chu Qianye with a look of surprise.

"How did you do it?" The man was puzzled.

"It's very simple. Because my soul perception is strong enough, I can use as much sword rain as you have here." Chu Qianye said lightly.

The man looked at Chu Qianye with complicated eyes, and sighed helplessly after a long time.

"It seems that I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to have such amazing soul perception. You are an alchemist?" The man looked at Chu Qianye and asked in confusion.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"Well, I don't think there is any need to perform the third move." The man said, "You can enter the third epee tower."

With a wave of the man's palm, Chu Qianye returned to that space again. The soles of his feet stepped out again. The scene before him changed once again, and he entered the third epee tower.

In the third epee tower, there are very few figures. It seems that there are only eight people less than, five people are rushing through the barrier, three people are watching, and they have not left.

Everyone felt Chu Qianye's arrival, and then looked at him one after another.

At this time, Qin Zhanxuan had already broken through, and he was on the fifteenth ladder.

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile. Although he had no intention of competing with the opponent to see who was quicker, but this guy has only now entered the position of these fifteen steps. It is conceivable that this third epee tower is indeed difficult. Yes, who can come here, who is not capable?

Qin Zhanxuan still has some abilities after all.

Chu Qianye didn't hesitate either. His expectation was to break into the fifth epee tower. Only there would he have the possibility of breaking through.

He didn't hesitate, and immediately stepped forward. At this moment, Chu Qianye clearly felt that there did not seem to be any pressure on the first ten steps, and he walked up so easily.

The main sword soul of the second epee tower seems to have fulfilled his promise.

The crowd watched as Chu Qianye stepped onto the tenth step position in succession, and suddenly showed a shocked look. They haven't been relieved for a long time. Even people like Qin Zhanxuan seemed to have heard the movement. They turned their heads, but saw Chu Qianye went up to the tenth order in a row.

Their pupils shrank suddenly at this moment.

"Here comes another cruel man."

"I was thinking, we are in the same sword tower?"

"Don't say it, people are more popular than people. Sometimes you really have to admit that there is a gap between people and people."

"I've never met this person, he's a newcomer."

Everyone was on the bottom, all talking.

Chu Qianye didn't look back, because he knew very well in his heart that this was because the main soul had won for him, and it was not so easy after the eleventh step.

Chu Qianye stepped away on the soles of his feet. Sure enough, when he was on the eleventh step, he immediately entered a space. The lights around the space flickered, and there was an astonishing power aura fluctuation.

Chu Qianye raised his head, and immediately saw the new sword soul.

This guy has a stronger aura than the main soul of the third epee tower!

"Go ahead."

He spoke.

Chu Qianye didn't take action immediately, but observed the other party.

"Is your main soul strong?" Chu Qianye asked curiously, "How strong is it compared to you?"

The man looked startled and shook his head slightly.

"In short, it is very difficult for you to want to go up. You may not be able to get through the first 30 levels. Don't think about things so far away, just take action." He said blankly.

"So, if I defeat you, can I know the answer?" Chu Qianye asked without giving up.

"You are talking about defeating me first." The man said coldly.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly, and then slammed his palm toward the void, and a war sword appeared in his hand, shining with a strange light.

Immediately, the soles of his feet slammed, and his figure rushed towards the direction of the man, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

The moment he stepped out, the war sword in his hand burst out with brilliant light, and went straight to the man to plunder.

A flash of splendor flashed in the man's eyes.

"Good move!"

Said Bi also swept out, drew up the war sword standing in front of him, and then roared, the war sword burst into bright light, and also slashed out a sword.

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