Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1965: Shen Yun Jianyi

After Chu Qianye entered the fifth epee tower, he finally understood the limit that the main soul said. Here, they can all be interpreted perfectly. The divine power that is permeating gives him a very strange feeling. It is a mighty power.

Feeling this power, Chu Qianye suddenly took a deep breath.

It's time to push that limit. Whether you can break through to the Shen Yun Realm, everything is in one fell swoop!

Chu Qianye hit the sole of his foot and flew towards the first step abruptly.


The horrible oppression swept across the sky, and Chu Qianye entered a peculiar space.

It didn't take long for Chu Qianye to emerge from that strange space.

The first step: small limit.

The second ladder: small limit.

The third step: small limit.


Chu Qianye stepped upwards continuously. Every time he took a step, the pressure from the sky swept toward him frantically. The powerful feeling of oppression made the blood in Chu Qianye's body begin to become. Slow down.

Eleventh ladder: small limit.

Twelfth ladder: small limit.


Twentieth ladder: middle limit.

Chu Qianye looked upwards, as expected to be the fifth epee tower. With such a sense of oppression, the strength of these sword souls is indeed quite terrifying. His speed through the barrier has become slower and slower, but his eyes But inside was shining with a strange light, because he understood that his limit was coming soon!

At this moment, Qin Zhanxuan had entered the fifth epee tower.

At this moment, in the Fifth Epee Tower, there were two people who hadn't moved. They stared at Chu Qianye, trying to see how Chu Qianye broke through, so as to absorb and learn from.

However, after watching for a long time, they didn't realize that there was anything else in Chu Qianye's body. Except for his dual-purpose martial arts talent, they couldn't see the difference.

Qin Zhanxuan, who came in at this moment, watched Chu Qianye rush up the twentieth ladder, his face changed slightly, Chu Qianye's speed was slightly faster than he thought.

He originally planned to catch up with Chu Qianye, but now it seems that he should not have this need. Chu Qianye has now stepped onto the twentieth ladder. This fifth epee tower is not the fourth epee tower. It's only the twentieth ladder, but the power is quite terrifying, and it is not so easy to rush up.

With this in mind, he did not rush up.

Chu Qianye continued to step forward, and soon he reached the thirtieth step. When Chu Qianye stepped onto the thirtieth step, he knew in his heart that the limit he wanted had finally come!

The limit of breakthrough came in an instant, which was beyond his expectation.


Chu Qianye entered a strange space. There was nothing strange here. It was a very different person, a thatched hut, and a man standing under the tree. He did not turn his head, but Chu Qianye knew very clearly that before his eyes Although this man did not have the slightest aura fluctuation, he was more dangerous than the previous sword souls.

This man, with long hair and a shawl, looked like a woman, but Chu Qianye could tell from his shoulder that this was a man.

The figure suddenly turned around, and the long hair flicked.


The hair, which was originally very soft, turned into countless indestructible sword auras, and rushed towards Chu Qianye. This sudden change did not make Chu Qianye panic, because he was prepared.

He took a step back, holding his palm toward the void, and a war sword appeared in his hand. The body suddenly produced supreme killing power, swept wildly and roared, fiercely in the world. between,

Those sword auras, the same amount, went straight to those sword auras.

"Huh, it's interesting."

Seeing that his attack was resolved by Chu Qianye, the man couldn't help showing a surprised look. He looked at Chu Qianye curiously, with a look of surprise on his face.

"I have seen a lot of geniuses, but 80% of the people are unable to dissolve my hair sword like you can calmly. Have you already seen something abnormal in my hair?" The man looked at Chu curiously. Qianye asked.

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

"No, no matter what you use, your hair, or a real sword, I was very wary of you the moment I came in, because my sixth sense of heart told me, You are very different and dangerous. Although you deliberately create a prosperous and even peaceful scene, you can never hide its essence on the surface." Chu Qianye said lightly.

When the man looked at Chu Qianye, he couldn't help passing a touch of appreciation.

"Sixth sense of the heart, you are really unique. It doesn't matter if you have a dual purpose, you still have a sense of mind. Not everyone has such magical powers. After all, you can predict danger and know the existence of geniuses. These strengths are indeed very different." The long-haired man looked at Chu Qianye with a faint smile.

"Very well, you passed my initial test." The long-haired man vomited lightly: "Next is the time to get real skills. It's not like waiting for you to come here, but you have to know that many people It’s not a person who is waiting for a moment. When you come to me, you will almost never go up again. If you can go up, it means that you do have real abilities."

Chu Qianye stared at the other person, with a solemn expression on his face.

The long-haired man held the palm of his hand and the long hair came alive. Then, under Chu Qianye's startled gaze, the hair condensed and finally formed a war sword with long hair like snow.

Looking at the war sword in front of him, Chu Qianye felt an invisible throbbing in his heart.

It should be understood that this is just the will of the sword, but it produces such astonishing fluctuations,

Chu Qianye held the war sword in his hand, and immediately his willpower surged wildly, and he turned away toward the endless roar around him.

The two moved almost at the same time.

The two swords slashed out at the same time, but Chu Qianye felt an invisible throbbing, and Chu Qianye was surprised and inexplicable. Oops, this sword was not that simple!

Chu Qianye didn't even think about it, and immediately condensed into a huge sword clock with will.


A loud noise appeared, and Chu Qianye's scalp was numb and saw that the moment that war sword collided with his war sword, countless sword auras were like sword rain, rushing toward him fiercely.

Chu Qianye's figure was immediately knocked out. He raised his head and looked at the man, shocked inexplicably.

The man looked at Chu Qianye in surprise.

"What an amazing prediction."

Chu Qianye's back was chilly. If he hadn't had time before, he might have been put through a sieve by those sword auras. After all, the sword rain overwhelming the sky was indeed terrifying.

"Come again!"

He laughed and rushed in again.

The two men fought harder and harder, and faster and faster. The extreme kendo made Chu Qianye feel the profound meaning of Shen Yun.


Chu Qianye stepped out of the body with a terrifying sword intent, and swayed away frantically.

The man retreated violently, and he raised his head in surprise, staring at Chu Qianye.

"Shen Yun Jianyi!"

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