Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1982: Select Dantu

"Okay." Chu Qianye nodded, and then the two exchanged.

After sending away the people from the Yang family, Chu Qianye's eyes flickered coldly, and a sneer arc appeared at the corner of his mouth. The people of the Qin family seemed to want to die, so he couldn't stand still so quickly. Did you let the hunter take action?

Chu Qianye's eyes flashed coldly.

When Dantu's affairs are over, he will have to take action to solve the Qin family's disaster. Not to mention it has something to do with Gu Chen, even if it has direct contact with Shenwu Sect, he doesn't care.

The next night, the dinner held by Yuchi came as scheduled. There were many people who came, and there were many people whom Yuchi introduced to him. They can be roughly divided into three categories:

The first category was those who worked for Emperor Ming with Yuchi. These were all deputy commanders, or commanders, and some gods and soldiers.

The second category is people who have a direct interest in Yuchi. These people usually have a good power in the **** realm. For example, the hunter guild, alchemy guild, various sects, and all kinds of things can be fully utilized. , At least in Chu Qianye's opinion.

The third category is people who are not directly related to Yuchi. These are usually very low-key, but after carefully distinguishing their words and deeds, you can find that these people are very unusual and very calm.

The one that impressed him most was Ye Ruolan. This woman seemed to have a charming speech style, but she was very astute in distinguishing her eyes. She was the most powerful person in business. It was the same when Chu Qianye met Qiu Yu before. So powerful, witty and sociable.

There is another person, Jin Hongwen. This person's martial arts cultivation is unfathomable, and even he can't perceive it thoroughly. This person is absolutely extraordinary. Even if his martial arts cultivation is not strong enough for him to perceive clearly, he is bound to be successful. Above the law is also very extraordinary.

Throughout the dinner, these two people impressed him the most. Perhaps these two people will be able to use them in the future. After all, these two people feel that they also need their own help, but they are not blunt.

After the dinner, Yuchi asked Chu Qianye who made him more impressive. Chu Qianye didn't tell the truth. He first spoke to two people, and then asked them lightly.

Yuchi didn't seem to know the identity, background and strength of these two individuals either.

"Actually, I don't know how these two people are. At first, they only had a fate. When I sent out the invitation letter, I didn't expect them to come. Didn't you talk to them?" Yuchi asked.

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

"I talked to them, but they just avoided talking." Chu Qianye gently shook his head and said.

This sentence, Chu Qianye was telling the truth, the two of them were smart, and could always find some other words to resolve them lightly, while the other one simply shut up.

"Maybe it is difficult for them to let go in public. If you have the opportunity, you can ask him to have a cup of tea or something in private. Generally, people will not be so vigilant when they are alone." Yu Chi said.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"By the way, those who want to become your alchemists have already come out first, and they are all assembled in the temple. Are you past now?" Wei Chi said suddenly.

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, he didn't expect to be so fast.

He originally thought it might take three to five days to recruit Dantu, but now it seems that two days are enough, and Yuchi's efficiency is indeed very fast.

It's a pity that he is a person next to Mingdi, and he can't use such a person anyway. After all, his position is there, unless he and Mingdi cooperate in the future, maybe he can still consider it.

"Okay, now it's over." Chu Qianye said.

Yu Chi nodded lightly, then let his subordinates lead Chu Qianye over.

When Chu Qianye passed by, he was immediately stunned. There was a mess in the temple. Looking at it from a distance, there were at least a hundred people.

Ashamed, there are so many Dantu?

But when Chu Qianye asked Yuchi's subordinates casually, he couldn't laugh or cry. In fact, many of these so-called alchemists came for the profession of alchemists. After all, the honor and great benefits brought by alchemists are naturally It was very attractive, especially on the day that Chu Qianye made public alchemy, whether it was pill thunder or the temptation brought by pill medicine, it was the impulse that made them want to become alchemists.

If this is the case, you have to select yourself. The workload is not small. Fire attributes, control, and soul realm are the most important factors that test whether a person can become an alchemist. If you don’t have these, it’s basically Not being able to become an alchemist, at least in Chu Qianye's eyes.

Even so, you still have to arch your body. This is really a very troublesome thing. Maybe it will take a long time.

"In this way, I am very grateful to everyone for your support, but for everyone to be responsible, I hope that everyone will prepare their own medicinal materials and hand in the refined pill for free. Of course, I will not treat you badly. It's free. If you want to, you can stay. If you don't want to hand in the medicine for free, you can leave now." Chu Qianye said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar. Some people felt that Chu Qianye was not kind in doing this, so this group of people left soon.

Hundreds of people, forty people walked away in a blink of an eye.

But the remaining more than 60 people seem to be willing to hand in the pill. This is another question. How can I quickly distinguish a little fish in troubled water?

Soul power, if the soul power is too low, it is absolutely impossible to refine the pill.

"In this way, there are ten medicinal materials here. If you can control ten medicinal materials with the power of your soul at the same time, you can stay, otherwise you can leave by yourself. Come one by one," Chu Qianye said.

In fact, this is still a huge amount of work. If you want to improve efficiency, it is actually impossible. The elimination of more than forty people was a very good coup. Now it can only be tested properly.

However, some people know that it is not good, and there are also people who just slipped away.

There were more than 60 people, and more than 20 people were wiped out, leaving only 41 people.

In this way, there is actually a lot less, but it is still necessary to test the control of these people. If the control is not enough, it is still difficult to become an elixir, let alone an alchemist.

"In this way, now each of you comes up and refines three medicinal materials at the same time, and tries to fuse them into a pill. It is not necessary to condense into a pill. I need to see your control." Chu Qianye said lightly.

Immediately with a stroke of his palm, densely packed medicinal materials appeared in front of him.

"Now, come up one by one."

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