Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 215: Longwu Xuanbing

"Now, the draw begins!"

After the national division announced the rules, he immediately spoke.

Everyone's eyes shrank suddenly.

"It's finally starting!"

Among the top twenty martial artists, some of them had already started to sweat their palms, while some of the martial artists showed a nervous light in their eyes.

"The king." The national teacher turned his head to look at the king, and the king nodded slightly.

The national teacher grabbed the palm of his hand forward, and grabbed the two soul jade-shaped bamboo sticks into his palms.

Get things from the air!

When everyone saw this scene, their pupils flashed with a sharp light.

This kind of supernatural power is quite good. When the martial artist stepped into the Xuanji realm, he could slowly learn the supernatural power of taking things out of space.

"Ou Chen, the battle is like a thousand."

An aura of murder exploded from every corner immediately.

The national teacher continued to grab his palm forward, and two soul jade appeared in his palm again.

"The Eighth Prince, against Liulihe."

Liu Lihe's face suddenly paled when he heard the words of the national teacher. He knew the strength of the eighth prince best. Last year, he almost won the first prize. There was nothing in the way that he met this perverted guy in the first round. Odds.

The national division was caught again, and the list of the third group was also produced.

The third group: Luo Dong, against the night;

The fourth group: Liu Yunqing, against the day;

The fifth group: Luo Xu, against Jiang Xiu;

The sixth group: Seven princes, against the saints;

The seventh group: Chu Chen, against Yu Mingzong;

The eighth group: Ruan Kui, against Zhuge Yunting;

The ninth group: Crazy Life, against Li Ling;

Everyone looked startled. They didn't see Li Ling participating in the fight. How could she have her name?

Not to mention other people, Chu Qianye was startled, showing a look of surprise, he didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

Seeing the doubts in everyone's hearts, the national teacher said calmly: "Li Ling was appointed by the Lord to participate in the top 20 competition."

Look! ¤Genuine=chapter on k2#y

The Lord, the strongest of the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty, actually named Li Ling?

Everyone showed a dazed expression.

However, the Lord is also very strong, without any competition.

"Girls, these people have big prejudices against you." Father Li said lightly.

"Hey, who asked you to put them in the Li Mansion? Everyone thought I was really a lady of the Li Mansion." Li Lingjiao smiled, "Father, I won't let you down. My daughter will definitely be in the top ten. Just wait and see."

Father Li nodded softly with a touch of pampering in his eyes.

The Lord of the Chiyun Dynasty?

Hehe, he doesn't even have the qualifications to lift shoes with him. If it weren't for convenience, he wouldn't bother to bother about it.

"My daughter, Li Yunzhan, will not be so bad." Father Li smiled lightly.

Li Ling laughed, then looked at the battle platform.

The national teacher said again: "The tenth group, show off your name, fight against Chu Qianye."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and the guy who dazzled his name seemed to be the top 20 with the most wins. Now he encountered Chu Qianye in the first round, the rising rookie on the ninth platform, but he was quite uncomfortable.

Li Ling was slightly surprised, "This guy..."

"Haha, awesome."

"The warrior with the most victories meets the rookies on the ninth stage. I really look forward to it."

"Hehe, the warriors of other groups are also quite interesting."

"The seventh prince and the eighth prince should have no suspense. They will advance directly. The other two warriors will be miserable, and they will be defeated in the first round."

"So, everyone has the strength in the top 20 competition, but it depends on the order of your appearance and the corresponding players. If it is the seventh prince and the eighth prince, then there is almost no chance of winning."


Chu Qianye was secretly surprised. He didn't expect that he would encounter the warrior who won the most games in the first round. This dazzling name, look at his information.

In Chu Qianye's mind, his record immediately emerged.

When he observed this, he suddenly took a breath.

This dazzling name has challenged the mysterious list countless times. Although he has not been able to enter the list, such a warrior has experienced the bloodbath of the battlefield himself, and his strength will not be much worse.

The two figures flashed quickly onto the battle platform.

First battle: Ouchen VS Ruoqian!

The two of them exuded a terrifying fighting spirit.

After being eliminated from the ring, the strength of these people is quite terrifying.

Ruoqian is a beautiful woman, no matter her face, figure, eyebrows and skin, she is so beautiful that she can slam her heart. It's just that the look is cold and frosty, but it has a unique charm.

"You give up, I won't beat women." Ou Chen said when they met.

Ruoqian is holding a war sword, and his body is extremely mysterious, standing still in front of him, with a faint expression on his face.

"Look down on our women?" Ruoqian asked lightly, "Shoo!"

The soles of the feet suddenly stomped, and the figure immediately swept forward, and in a few blinks of an eye, they swept in front of Ou Chen.

"Liu Shui Jian Shang!"

The war sword in her hand suddenly burst out with a dazzling light, like the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky, the sword glow like frost, erupting in terror.

"Chiff chick."

The sword was like thunder, exploding in terror.

"Xuan-level middle-rank martial arts!"

When everyone saw this terrifying explosion of sword energy, their pupils suddenly shrank, and said in surprise.

Chu Qianye was also a little surprised. It is very rare for a woman to burst out such a terrifying sword skill.

Obviously, Ou Chen was also unexpected.

Ruoqian's sword was stabbed fiercely and swiftly, and its explosive power was terrifying, and it didn't look like a female class at all.

"So strong, perfect sword intent!" Someone exclaimed, his face showing shock.

"Is this really a woman?"

"Ochento is big."

At this time, Ou Chen could only retreat quickly, blasting a punch in his palm, blocking the sword energy of Ruo Qian's chopping with his fist strength.


Ou Chen stepped back a few feet away, and looked at Ruo Qian with a surprised look, with a solemn expression on his face.

"Sure enough," Ou Chen said, taking out his Profound Soldier from the Universe Ring. It turned out to be a halberd, surrounded by black lacquer light and a frightening atmosphere.

Although separated by a long distance, everyone can still feel an oppression from this halberd.

"What a terrible breath."

Chu Qianye also showed a surprised expression on her face.

"Longwu Xuanbing!"

One of the instructors said in surprise.

Longwu Xuanbing?

The eyes of everyone suddenly became hot.

Xuanbing has Jingwu, Powu, Longwu, Shawu and Hongwu. The Xuanbing of Longwu level is already quite expensive, and its explosive power is almost twice that of Powu level.

Therefore, when this war halberd appeared in Ou Chen's hands, a violent breath was used, an astonishing breath of oppression, and it was difficult to breathe across the void.

It deserves to be Long Wu Xuan Bing, as soon as it appeared in the sight of everyone, it was so unique, especially this invisible oppression, which caused a lot of psychological pressure on the warrior.

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