Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 234: Leader fight

Since then, the top three seats in the Four University Palace Tournament have been determined, the seventh prince, the eighth prince, and Chu Qianye, the specific rankings still need to be the ultimate match.

On the spectator stage, everyone's eyes showed strong expectations.

The last battle!

This battle will determine the top three seats in this four-university competition.

This battle involves personal honor and the reputation of the institution to which you belong. It is very important!

For Yu Chu Qianye, this battle was the future of the Chu family, his own honor, and the strongest counterattack against the Seventh Prince.

Starting from Huangji Dou Palace, the Seventh Prince attacked himself, the Ning Mansion invaded the Chu Family, the Throne of Fury, Xu Feng's attack,...all of this was related to the Seventh Prince!

This person, more venomous than Liu Yunqing, played with others in the applause.

In his eyes, the fate of the Chu family was nothing but a dust, which could be sacrificed at any time.

In this battle, you should call for life with a sword, kill the enemy with blood with a halberd!

Chu Qianye's eyes shot a sharp light.

The odds of Xuefufang were announced again.

Chu Qianye still had the lowest odds among the three.

This time, no one is questioning it, because the strength lies there. The Seventh Prince and the Eighth Prince, these two people competed for the first place last year, but this year, it was just more Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye's cultivation talent is indeed very good, at least compared with many college students, it is very different.

Moreover, he is considered a rising rookie, using his strength to justify himself, he did it!

However, on this battlefield, compared with the Seventh Prince and the Eighth Prince, he still seems to be at a great disadvantage. Taking the martial arts cultivation base as an example, there is not much comparison at all.

The seventh prince and the eighth prince were both martial arts cultivation bases of the fourth-order Xuanji realm, and Chu Qianye only had the eighth-order Huangji realm, and it was impossible for Baganzi to defeat these two.

Therefore, many people think that Chu Qianye's final position should be the third place.

And this, from the odds given by Xuefufang, it seems to be confirmed.

"Chu Qianye's combat power is still good. It's a pity that compared with the Seventh Prince and the Eighth Prince, it's still too weak."

"Yes, if the opponent he meets is not the Seventh Prince or the Eighth Prince, then I will bet on him."

"Betting on him for third place. The odds are pretty good. As for the leader and runner-up, it's almost impossible."


After Xuefufang’s odds were announced, many people placed their bets one after another, and there was only one theme around: Who is the leader this year?

Sixty percent of the people bet on the seventh prince, 30% bet on the eighth prince, and only 10% have hesitated for a long time to choose Chu Qianye.

"Fine, at my age, I'm still young anyway, let's go crazy once, 100,000 gold coins, all in Chu Qianye!"

"Brother, don't be impulsive. One hundred thousand gold coins are too many, just bet fifty thousand."

"I think it's still too much, just bet 20,000 gold coins."

A young man bet one hundred thousand, but was stopped by the two brothers next to him. They felt that one hundred thousand gold coins were too much. After all, Chu Qianye's strength was the weakest among the three they thought.

Seeing the two brothers split their gold coins and bet on the Seventh Prince and the Eighth Prince, the man smiled bitterly.

He has been observing Chu Qianye for a long time. From start to finish, the boy in black is so unhurried, no matter what kind of opponent he encounters, what kind of confrontation, he never talks nonsense, and he is invincible.

Newest %=i1¤ on Chapter I

Because of this, he finally gritted his teeth and decided to bet on Chu Qianye.

Unfortunately, my two brothers still don't believe in themselves.

"You believe me once!" The man said with a crazy look in his eyes.

The two brothers shook their heads and vetoed him.

"Xiaobao." Chu Qianye's voice to Xiaobao.

"Boss, I have already bet, 800 million, all in you, three times the odds." Xiaobao smiled, "The treasury of the county, I don't know if it can come up with more than 2 billion gold coins. ."

Chu Qianye: "..."

Talent, oh no, animal talent!

Your uncle, dare not to be so shameless?

However, it seems to be pretty good. If he wins, Xuefufang will pay him 2.4 billion gold coins. This may make the county government heavily in debt, more than one billion yuan, which is probably the county’s annual income. Won so much in one go.

Thinking about it, it feels terrible.

"Boss, it's already done here. I put the betting signaling in Bai Qiuye's place. I'll go to work first, and the bookstore will probably make a lot of money."

After Xiaobao finished speaking, he left violently, walking without wind, like a passerby.

But who knows that this is such a crazy-looking guy who is flexible enough to learn a lot of good ideas from Takeshi, and then make more than one billion in this operation, which is unprecedented in history.

Anyway, I have to leave. When the time comes, I will allocate a portion of the money to the Chu Family to supplement the cultivation resources. It can be regarded as a gift to the Chu Family before leaving to make up for the shortcomings of the old man.

Give the remaining part to Jianhou Mansion. After all, it is the place where his martial arts rises. People still have to learn to be grateful. Although he wants to take away all these gold coins, in martial arts, so much wealth is actually not It doesn't mean anything. At most, you can solve some of the problems in your martial arts, and ultimately rely on your own talent and strength.

The other part, give it to Little Treasure. This guy works so hard and should need gold coins. Although it didn’t speak up and didn’t ask for it, he knew that Little Treasure needed gold coins. This was instinct. After all, the master and servant contract There, what is in Xiaobao's belly, can he not know?

If the eighth prince becomes the crown prince, then he will also have to give him a big gift. As for what kind of gift, Chu Qianye has some clues now, but he doesn't know how much work it takes to achieve it.

"Now, let's seize the last time to practice."

Chu Qianye retracted his mind, and seized the time to restore the profound energy in his body.

After Xuefufang announced the odds, it took a while to bet before the national division took the battle.

Seeing the appearance of the national teacher, everyone slowly stopped talking.

The next battle will be the college competition, the fiercest and most anticipated competition.

"After two days of competition, the four-university competition has finally reached the most critical and exciting moment." The national teacher's voice clearly came into everyone's ears.

Hearing these words, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank.

"The sect guide of the Chiyun Dynasty, after the arena, you can send invitations to the warriors on the battlefield."

The big sects guide the way, with a touch of expectation in their eyes.

The strongest three have impeccable talents, and their combat power is also very elite. If this battle again shines, they will send out invitations.

Of course, they are choosing, and the three of Chu Qianye are also choosing, to see who gives more attractive conditions.

There is a saying that is well said, it is called to suit one's preference. If they can know what the three people are thinking, the invitation will also have a purpose and pertinence.

"In the seventh round, the top three fight on the same stage. The loser is the first, positioned third, second and second, and the final winner is this year's leader!" said the national teacher.

"Is it finally going to start."

Everyone stared at the battle platform, and at this time three figures swept towards the battle platform.

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